A few days back when terrorist Sameer Tiger released a viral video challenging Major Rohit Shukla he wasn’t aware that his days are going to end soon by none other than Major Rohit Shukla himself. In the viral video showing an alleged Army informer interrogated by Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Sameer Ahmad Bhat alias Sameer Tiger, who was killed at Drabgam village in Pulwama district along with Aqib Khan, had sent a message Army Major Rohit Shukla that “Tell Shukla, let’s fight it out!” if Shukla has guts then he should come face to face with us.”
Indian Army Major Rohit Shukla on Monday gunned down Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Sameer Ahmed Bhat alias Sameer ‘Tiger’ during an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. The main recruiter of Hizbul Mujahideen, Sameer Tiger, was earlier seen issuing a threat to same Army Major in a viral video.
The video had surfaced on social media some 24 hours before the encounter. Bhat in the video is heard asking an informer to disclose his identity and names of the persons who were working for Army. The Hizbul terrorist is also heard telling the man not to inform the security forces in future about their whereabouts, as per reports. At the end of the video, Bhat is heard saying – “Tell Shukla (Major Rohit Shukla) that just because the lion has stopped hunting, dogs think that the whole jungle belongs to them, if Shukla has guts then he should come face to face with us.”
A few days back the President, Shri Ram Nath Kovind presenting the Shaurya Chakra to Captain (Now Major) Rohit Shukla, at the Defence Investiture Ceremony–I, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on March 27, 2018.
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