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Indian NavyBhartiIndian Navy Sailor Recruitment Musician 2018

Indian Navy Sailor Recruitment Musician 2018

INDIAN NAVY INVITES ONLINE APPLICATIONS FROM UNMARRIED MALE CANDIDATES FOR ENROLMENT AS SAILORS FOR MATRIC RECRUIT (MUSICIAN) – 02/2018 BATCH. Online applications are invited from unmarried male candidates who fulfill the conditions regarding the nationality as laid down by the Government of India. A widower or
a person who has divorced his wife shall not be treated as an unmarried male for the purpose of this regulation.


Educational Qualification: Candidate must have passed Matriculation Examination from the Boards of School Education recognised by MHRD, Govt. of India.

Age: Candidates should be born between 01 Oct 1993 to 30 Sep 2001 (Both dates inclusive). No age relaxation is permissible.

Musical Ability: Selection on Merit basis only. Should have proficiency in Aural Aptitude for music with accuracy in Tempo, Pitch and singing one complete song. Should also have actual practical skill on any instrument of Indian or foreign origin with proficiency in the tuning of the instrument, matching unknown notes with an instrument, prepared piece, sight reading of Indian Classical/ Tabulature/ Staff Notation, performance of Scale/ Raaga/ Taala and basic theory of Indian or International music.

Type of Instruments on which Proficiency Required: The candidates would be required to perform with expertise on one or more instruments such as Wind Instrument, Keyboard, Guitar, Tabla, Mridangam, Pakhwaj, Dholak or any other instrument of Indian or Foreign origin. Candidates performing on Indefinite Pitch Instruments such as Jazz Drums set, Brass Drum, Snare Drums, Side Drums, Cymbals, Non-Chromatic instruments such as Bugle & monotone instruments used to produce drone such as Ektara will not be eligible for recruitment.

Musical Experience Certificate. Candidates performing Hindustani or Carnatic Classical music on Wind Instruments will require a musical experience certificate from any musical Institute or organization of repute. A certificate of minimum Initial Grade from International Boards such as Trinity College of Music, London or Royal School of Music, London will be mandatory for candidates performing western notation or western music on  Wind Instruments.


  • Pay & Allowances. During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed
    in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 21,700- ₹69,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable).
  • Promotion. Promotion prospects exist up to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer-I, i.e. Level 8 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 47,600- ₹ 1, 51,100) plus MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable). Opportunities for promotion to commissioned officer also exist for those who perform well and qualify the prescribed examinations.


  • During the entire period of training and thereafter, sailors are given books, reading material, uniforms, food and accommodation etc. free of cost.
  • Sailors are entitled to medical treatment, Leave Travel Concessions for self and dependents, Group Housing Benefits and other privileges. Sailors are also entitled to Annual and Casual Leave, Children Education and House Rent Allowances. Post retirement benefits include pension, gratuity and Leave encashment. All perquisites are extended as per service conditions and their eligibility/admissibility is regulated as per government orders in force and amended from time to time.
  • Insurance Cover. Insurance cover (on contribution) of Rs 37.50 lakhs for all sailors is applicable.


  • Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit on their performance in Preliminary Screening Board and Final Screening Board.
  • Preliminary Screening Board will be conducted in two phases. In the first phase, verification of age, education qualification, music certificates and musical ability of the candidate will be assessed. The candidates who are suitable to undertake final test will be subjected to the second phase of PSB. In the second phase, physical fitness test and initial recruitment medical examination will be conducted.
  • The Preliminary Screening Board is tentatively to be held from 09 to 13 July 2018.
  • Those who qualify the Preliminary Screening Board will be required to undergo a Final Screening Board. All qualified candidates will be called to INS Kunjali, Colaba, Mumbai for final screening test, final medical examination and selection on All India Basis tentatively scheduled from 20 to 24 August 2018.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

  • Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory for selection.
  • PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 20 squat ups (Uthak Baithak) and 10 Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk.

Medical Standards

  • Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry.
  • Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. Details regarding minimum height standards for entry into
    the Indian Navy as Sailors, including applicable relaxations, can be accessed from the official recruitment website.
  • The candidates must be in good physical and medical health free, from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties both ashore and afloat under peace as well as war conditions in any part of the world as per Navy Order (Spl) 01/2008.
  • Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and back (dorsal) part of hand/reverse side of palm. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be banned from recruitment.
  • Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination.Indian Navy Band

Training:  The training for the course will commence in October 2018, with 15 weeks. Basic Training at INS Chilka in Odisha. Thereafter the trainees are sent to Mumbai for 26 weeks specialised training.

Discharge as Unsuitable: Sailors are liable to be discharged as UNSUITABLE due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training.

Initial Engagement: The initial engagement is subjected to successful completion of training. The initial engagement is for 15 years.


  • The applications are to be filled online on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. Application received through speed post/ registered post or couriers will be rejected. The selection procedure is as follows:-
  • The „Online‟ applications along with the required certificates will be sorted out State-wise. The qualifying cut off percentage of a particular state may be increased if more number of applications with higher percentage are received. Short-listing criteria will be based on percentage of marks scored in class 10th.
  • Call up Letters cum Admit Card for eligible short listed candidates indicating date, time and place for Preliminary Screening Test, would be required to be downloaded from the official website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in. The Call up Letters cum Admit Card will be uploaded on website tentatively by End Jun 2018. No Call up Letter cum Admit Card will be sent by post.
  • All original certificates, mark sheets and Domicile certificate are to be produced at the time of Preliminary Screening Test. If the details provided in „online application‟ are not matching with original documents, the candidature will be canceled.
  • Preliminary selection, PFT and Initial Recruitment Medical Examination, may take 2-3 days.
  • Candidates declared Permanent/ Temporary Medically Unfit in the initial recruitment medical could avail specialist review from the specified Military Hospital within a maximum period of 21 days. Permanent Medically unfit in the recruitment medical can appeal for specialist opinion in a Military Hospital on payment of Rs 40/- by Military Receivable Order (MRO) on Government Treasury within 21 days. Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in a Military Hospital will not be considered. No further review/ appeal is permissible if declared unfit in the specialist review.
  • A merit list will be prepared from all the candidates who qualify in Final Screening Board in all respects depending upon vacancies. The Merit list will be available on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in tentatively by mid Sep 2018. All candidates, whose names appear in the Merit list would be required to download Call up Letter and other associated Forms.
  • All select list candidates will have to undergo a Final Enrolment Medical Examination at INS Kunjali. Candidates declared Temporary/ Permanent unfit candidates at Final Medical Examination will be given an option for Appeal Medical Examination at INHS Asvini only within a maximum period of 21 days. This Appeal Medical Examination shall be treated as final.
  • All selected candidates will be required to get their Police Verification endorsed by the Superintendent of Police and submit the same at INS Kunjali prior to their enrolment. Only those candidates, who submit the verification certificate duly verified by the concerned authorities, will be enrolled. Candidates without the verified police verification reports will not be eligible for enrolment.
  • The candidate‟s selection pertaining to a particular batch is valid for that batch only. Qualified candidates whose names do not appear in the final select list cannot claim admission in the next batch. These candidates will have to undergo the selection procedure afresh provided that they meet the eligibility criteria for the fresh batch.
  • No enquiry will be entertained regarding recruitment / enrolment after a period of six months

HOW TO APPLY: For this entry, the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in from 14 May 18 to 27 May 18.

The application may be uploaded from Common Service Centres (CSC) across the country, against a fixed fees of Rs 60 + GST. This facility is entirely optional. In case of any difficulty faced by potential candidates, they may contact IHQ MoD (Navy) through website: www.joinindiannavy.gov.in

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