National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (I) Examination, 2018 Minimum qualifying standard approved at the written stage and marks secured by the last recommended candidate at final stage of the examination Minimum qualifying standard approved at the written stage (Out of 900 marks) : 338 Official (with at least 25% marks in each subject Marks secured by the last finally recommended candidate (Out of 1800 marks) : 705 Official

- First of all, the candidates need to know the exact definition of the cutoff. It is basically termed as the minimum qualifying marks which the candidates will have to obtain so as to join the next level of selection.
- Cut marks will be given out of total marks i.e. 900 marks.
- There will be a sectional cut off, means one needs to secure minimum sectional cut off marks, which will be near 25-30 % each paper.
- Only those students who score more than or up to the NDA Cutoff 2018 are eligible for the SSB interview.
- SSB interview will be of total 900 marks, the final marks would be the combination of written and SSB interview marks ie total 1800 marks.
- Final NDA 1 2018 cut off marks will be published after the SSB interview, candidates will get the joining instructions based on their order in the merit list.

Preparation Books for NDA 141: Shortlisted candidates will face the SSB interview directly, if you are sure about clearing the final cut off marks of TGC 128, you can straight away prepare for the SSB interview.
UPSC NDA 2 Cut Off 2017, Check Cutoff Marks:-
Candidates who attempted the UPSC NDA II examination on Sep 10th, 2017 are intimating that you will able to see the Cut off Marks List on the official website of the UPSC from the in 2018. By the Cut Off list you can will be able to know selection status. Here we are conferring some link and steps by which you can see the Cut off List. We are provided some steps to Download UPSC NDA Cut Off Marks:
- Visit official website @
- Search the Cut off link on home page.
- Fill the required information and hit on submit key.
- Cut off the list will be shown on your system screen.
- Download it and take a hard copy for personal use.

NDA 2 2017 Cut Off Marks [Official]
NDA-1 (Max Marks:900)
NDA-2 (Max Marks:900)
348 | 368 |
306 (With at least 30% marks in each Subject)
Marks secured by the last finally recommended candidate (out of 1800 marks) 674 |
269 (With at least 25% marks in each subject)
Marks secured by the last recommended candidate (Out of 1800 marks) 637 |
288 (With at least 25 % marks in each Subject)
Marks secured by the last finally recommended candidate (Out of 1800 marks) 656 |
229 (With at least 20% marks in each subject) Marks secured by the last candidate in the merit order (out of 1800 marks) 602 |
2017 | 250 – Expected | 280 – Expected |
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