
Indian AirForce AFCAT 2 2018 Result Out Now – afcat.cdac.in

By SSBCrack

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AFCAT 2 2018 result will be published on the official website of AFCAT i.e. afcat.cdac.in. AFCAT 2 2018 will be conducted at multiple online test centers in the country. The exam was conducted by CDAC on behalf of Indian Air Force. The AFCAT 1 2018 online exam was first conducted on 25th Feb 2018 and the supplementary AFCAT exam was conducted on 24th and 25th March 2018 for the candidates who were not able to take up the exam on 25th Feb 2018 due to technical glitches. AFCAT 2 2018 registration started on 16th June 2018 and the written exam will be conducted on 26th August 2018.

Branch And Course Number

  • Flying – (206/19F/SSC/M & W)
  • Ground Duty Technical – 205/19T/PC/ M and 205/19T/ SSC/M & W
  • Ground Duty Non-Technical – 205/19G/ PC/M and 205/19G/ SSC/M & W

AFCAT 1 2018 Branch


AFCAT 1 2018 Cut Off Marks: Like always, we have guessed the cut off marks correctly this time too. AFCAT 1 2018 main paper official cut off is 155 marks out of 300 marks and EKT cut off is 60 marks out of 150 marks. 

AFCAT 1 2018 Cut Off Marks

AFCAT 155/300
EKT 60/150
AFCAT 1 2018 cut off marks official
The result of one of the successful candidates


AFCAT 1 2018 AFSB/SSB Interview Date Selection:

  • Candidates who have cleared the written exam successfully can select their AFSB venue and interview date from 14th April 2018 until 18th April 2018. The selection of date and venue will be based on first come first serve basis, every date will have limited number of slots i.e. fixed number of candidates can select a particular date, the allocation will be based on first come first serve. 
  • Choose your AFSB interview date and venue wisely, once selected, it will be difficult for you to change it. Make sure you also check for traveling arrangements before opting for a particular venue and SSB date.
  • If you are failed to select an AFSB venue and date before the given time, you will alloted the same randomly. 

How to Check AFCAT 1 2018 Result and Marks

  • To check your AFCAT result visit the official website afcat.cdac.in
  • Click on candidate login on the top right-hand menu.
  • Enter your login details, in case you are not able to log in, try to reset your password and check. Contact CDAC and AFCAT cell in a worst case.
  • Once logged in, click on View Result option.
  • You will see your marks and final cut off.

Issues with AFCAT 1 2018 Result

  • Many candidates have reported that they have cleared the cut-off marks but shown as failed, if you are only eligible for the technical branch and failed to clear the cut-off marks of EKT, you will not be eligible for the AFSB interview. 
  • If you are eligible for more than one branch and clear the AFCAT cut off marks, but still shown as failed. You need to contact the CDAC and AFCAT cell for the same. Keep the screenshot of your result with you for future references.
  • Many candidates are not happy with the result and want to see their question paper and answers, rightly so. As the exam was conducted online, there won’t be any problem for CDAC to reveal the question paper and answers marked by each individual so that the result would be transparent*. 

*Note: For you personal satisfaction you can ask CDAC and AFCAT cell to publish your questions and answers. We believe that Indian Air Force has taken care of the exam for a fair selection like always, though the exam was conducted online for the first time, also looking at the glitches in the online examination system on the exam date, there might be a possibility of errors here and there. We expect CDAC and AFCAT cell to take the queries from candidates and also take step towards transparency by revealing the question paper and answers marked by each individual, that is the whole advantage of an online examination system. It has to be fair and transparent. 

Issues with AFCAT Result 1 2018

  • One of the major issues is that candidates are not able to log in to their accounts, even after resetting the password.
  • Another issue shows that the candidate has failed instead of clearing the cut off marks.
  • Few candidates who have attempted the exam but now the result shows “You didn’t appear for the exam.So your exam result is not available.

AFCAT result issues

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AFSB Interview 5 Day Procedure

AFSB is the same thing as SSB is, i.e. service selection board interview. Here in AFSB AF stands for Air Force. There are four centers in our country where this AFSB interview takes place. Mostly the AFCAT entries and NDA and CDSE entries (who have given their preference as flying) go there for the interview. These centers are in Dehradun (1 AFSB), Mysore (2 AFSB), Gandhinagar (3 AFSB), Varanasi (4 AFSB) and Kancharapara (5 AFSB). Let us see in detail what happens at AFSB. The whole procedure is being looked upon from AFCAT interview point of view, the timings might differ in case of NDA and CDSE interviews, however the tests remain the same.

  • Day 1: This is the screening day in AFSB and you are generally asked to report early morning by 6:45 AM – 7 AM at the railway station. You will board in an IAF bus to reach the selection centre. First, you will be welcomed at the AFSB by a senior officer and briefed about the rules and regulations, later you will be asked to fill in some forms followed by a quick breakfast but we suggest to have your breakfast prior to that because the testing will be a long process. Once the paper formalities are done, you will be facing the first test of the SSB interview and that is OIR Test. After which PPDT is conducted. Based on the strength, the results are announced by afternoon and the selected candidates goes to the testing room again for the document verification. The remaining candidates are dropped back to the railway station. The document checks followed for the selected candidates immediately and If you have an issue with documents and you are not eligible for the entry, you will be sent back too or asked to report later in a different batch with complete documents. 
  • Day 1: Once the document verification is done, all the successful candidates will be facing a long long psychological test till night. You will be tired and broken like anything and you will face a long 4-5 hours psychological tests. This will make this test more challenging and really a psychological challenge. To prepare for this test, do not forget to read Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests
  • Day 2, 4 and 5: Your interview and GTO tests might fall on any of these days. Generally, you get one free day in AFSB. Some of you might have your GTO/Interview on the last day also. Some may have GTO/Interview on the same day but the timings won’t clash for the two. You might go directly from GTO for the interview. You are required to carry the folder and all certificates, academics and extra-curricular to the interview, make sure whatever you claim in your PIQ form, you must have proper certificates to verify that, you can not simply say that you left the certificates at home. The interview is generally a 30 minutes-60 minutes procedure. You’ll be informed well in advance through a notice placed on the notice board about the schedule of your tests.
  • Day 5: This is the conference day. Some may have their interview/GTO scheduled before the conference also. The conference is a place where you get to see all the board members in the uniform. You result is discussed there. You are called in the conference hall and the process is of hardly a minute, it may stretch for border line cases. After the conference your results are announced, it’s lunchtime by now. Those who make through are asked to stay back for the remaining formalities and others are taken back to the railways station.
  • Flying: Flying candidates will go for CPSS and PABT tests.
  • Medical: In AFSB the medical may not take place immediately after the selection. You will be given a date for the medical. Ask the board for the procedure when in doubt.

Congratulations if you have successfully cleared the AFCAT 1 2018 exam. Around 15,000+ candidates have cleared the written exam out of 2 Lakhs candidates applied for the same. Out 15,000 candidates, hardly 1000 candidates will clear the AFSB interview and out of which 200-400 candidates will be in the merit list based on the vacancies at the time of joining. So, your journey has just started, there is a long way to go which is not easy at all, the luck factor will not work here as the competitive is very high, you need to perform to get into the merit list. 

Books for AFSB Interview Preparation [ 100% Recommended]





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