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Indian Air ForceRecruitmentIndian Air Force Recruitment Shillong Rally Group’Y’ Non-Technical 2018

Indian Air Force Recruitment Shillong Rally Group’Y’ Non-Technical 2018

Indian Air Force offers opportunities for UNMARRIED MALE INDIAN/NEPALESE CITIZENS from the State of Meghalaya to join as Airmen. The Recruitment Test for Group „Y‟ (Non-Technical) {Indian Air Force (Security) [IAF(S)]} Trade will be held at Advance Landing Ground, Air Force, Upper Shillong (Head Quarter Eastern Air Command), Meghalaya as per the Selection Programme given below.

The Recruitment Test will be conducted from 6 AM onwards as per the details given below. Candidates from State of Meghalaya fulfilling the domicile requirements and eligibility conditions reporting up to 10 AM on 29 April 2018 at Advance Landing Ground, Air Force, Upper Shillong (Head Quarter Eastern Air Command), Meghalaya (Rally venue) will only be permitted to appear in the Recruitment Test.

Date of Birth :  Candidates born between 13 January 1998 and 02 January 2002 (both days inclusive) are eligible to appear in the Recruitment Rally.

Educational Qualification :  Candidate should have passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination in any stream/subjects approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.

Domicile Requirement: To be eligible to appear in the rally at Advance Landing Ground, Air Force, Upper Shillong (Head Quarter Eastern Air Command), the candidates are required to satisfy the following conditions:
(a) The School / College / Institute from where candidates have passed the qualifying examination should be within the geographical / administrative limits of State of Meghalaya. If the name of District is not mentioned with the name of Institution in the certificate / marks sheet of qualifying examination, the candidates are to produce „Domicile Certificate‟ issued by SDM/DM/Executive Magistrate or any official authorised by the State Government of Meghalaya.
(b) Permanent Domicile of State of Meghalaya who have passed the qualifying examination from anywhere in India are to produce the Domicile Certificate prior to commencement of examination from appropriate authority as given in sub-paragraph 5(a) above.
(c) Sons of serving Air Force personnel {Officer/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit/any other Organisation located in the State of Meghalaya irrespective of their domicile status, are permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of latest SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel) Certificate (format available on AFNET CASB website).
(d) Sons of Air Force personnel {Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is Retired/ Discharged/ Deceased and they are residing in the State of Meghalaya are permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of proof of minimum stay of one year along with original and photocopy of Service Book/Discharge Book/Casualty Service Certificate/Service Particular Certificate (issued from DPO-3/ DAV, as applicable) in case of Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and a Certificate duly signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/C Adm O of the last served unit, in case of Civilians.

Indian Air Force Recruitment Shillong Rally Group’Y’ Non Technical 2018

Indian Air Force Recruitment Shillong Notification

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