
11 Items that you must carry in the SSB Interview

By SSBCrack

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After you get the much-awaited SSB interview call letter, it is quite natural to get excited. However, due to this excitement many candidates forget some of the important items that are required while going for the interview. To ease out your work, we have prepared a list of things that you must carry in the SSB interview.

  1. The call letter – You should carry at least three copies of your call letter. One call letter should be there in your hands while you report to the railway station and keep the other two copies safely in your bag.
  2. Copy of the online application you filled – In some of the cases such as TGC and TES, the selection board may ask you for one or two copies of your online filled up form along with your attested photo. So, while filling the application form online you must read all the instructions carefully.
  3. Original copy of your identity proof – You must carry your original ID cards with you. Your school or college identity cards and government issues identity cards such as Voter Card, Pan Card, Aadhar Card, driving license and UPSC admit card are all acceptable but they must have your photograph in it.
  4. Certificates of your Education – Carry atleast 4 copies of original and attested copies of your Class 10th mark sheet and matriculation certificate, class 12th mark sheet and certificate and the mark sheet of each semester you have cleared during graduation and graduation/PG certificate (if applicable).
  5. Certificates of your Extra activities – Also carry your original as well as authenticated copies of the certificates of sports, NCC and other co-curricular activities where you have either participated or won.
  6. Photograph – It is advisable to carry alteast 10 stamp size and 25 passport size copy of your recent photographs with you. Your photos must be in either white or blue background. Those who have spectacles must be wearing it in their photo.

NOTE: Carry the originals of all the above-mentioned papers and documents along with 4 set of their duly attested copies. And if your original certificates are with your college or organization then produce a custodian certificate of that authority where it is stated that your original certificates are with them.

  1. Clothing – Pack atleast three pairs of formal clothes (tie and blazer are optional here) and shoes. Men need to carry atleast two pair of collared T-shirts and white shorts and women must carry two pairs of collared T-shirts and white lower pants. Also, carry a pair of white sports/PT shoes with white socks (3 pairs). Bring winter clothing if it’s required. And don’t forget to take your other clothing such as casuals, night dress, towels, undergarments etc.
  2. Other Essential Items – Carry your slippers, grooming kit, lock and key, bathing kit and other miscellaneous items required for your general use. Also, carry some essential medicines and first aid with you.
  3. Uniform – A uniform set (in season’s accordance) and a combat dress should also be carried by the personnel willing to serve the Army/Air Force/Navy/Coast Guard.
  4. Adequate Writing Material – Carry atleast a set of 4 black and blue ball or gel pens along with a writing pad for your interview. You can also take plain white pages or a rough notebook with you.
  5. Final Check – You must do a final check by tallying all the items you are carrying with the items mentioned in the call letter. You just think of it as a normal outing, so relax and pack things accordingly.

NOTE: Avoid carrying any valuable items with you such as expensive mobiles, laptops, and jewellery. Also, carry minimum cash with you and it will be better if you take an ATM with you instead of too much cash. Lastly, keep your journey tickets with you safely and in case this is the first time you are appearing for the SSB then don’t panic in case you forgot anything. Just inform the authorities, they are always ready to help you.

Olive Squad Mugs


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