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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCracked NDA SSB Interview For 2 Times - AIR 225

Cracked NDA SSB Interview For 2 Times – AIR 225

Hello friends! I am Abhishek Soora from Rajasthan. Today I am going to share the most difficult as well as the most fruitful journey of my life i.e. clearing SSB for NDA (Navy) for the 2nd consecutive time. To understand as to why it was difficult to let me take you a little back in my life. When I was studying in my 12th class I was recommended for NDA(Navy) from  33 SSB Bhopal, but unfortunately, I was declared medically unfit due to a cyst in my abdomen which was detected in an ultrasound . Although it caused no problem whatsoever in my body now but according to doctors a tumor or cancer might get developed in it in future, and as we all know our forces never compromise on medical standards  hence the tag ‘’UNFIT”. This experience was a sabotage of my dreams. I felt as if all my hard work, dedication and passion were lynched with impunity. But in those tuff times my friends and family practiced their alchemy on me and gave me the most important thing in life –‘HOPE’.


With that hope, I started my same old journey once again from zero and promised myself and my recommended friends that I will meet them for sure at NDA one day (but as their junior …shit ). I cleared my written once again and then underwent a surgery as soon as possible to get that crap out of my body. Those 2 weeks at the hospital were the most difficult; all of a sudden a sporty man like me was lying on a bed like a corpse with a slit on my stomach. But I knew that all this pain would be worth it someday. During healing process of my surgery I also started preparing for my SSB and soon the date came. My SSB was scheduled at 12 SSB Bangalore on 3 October.

Reached Bangalore railway station on time and made some good friends there itself. A total of 57 candidates reported (as it was an absentee batch) and soon all of us reached Selection Centre South. After all the paperwork was done we were given our stage 1 chest number, mobiles were deposited, had our dinner and headed towards our barracks. It was the 1st day and I had just met these people but still we all talked and told stories till 2 at night.


Next day I was ready for mass genocide i.e. screening after just 2 hours of sleep. OIR-1 was easy but struggled because of lapse of time and couldn’t complete all 45 questions. In OIR-2 started accelerating from the word go and completed all 45. In PPDT the pic shown was of a person looking out of the house window and outside it was foggy and a lake like structure was there. I weaved a story around a boy who calls all his friends to do ice skating together outside his house. Moving on to narration, I gave a crisp narration without any stammering followed by a very good and peaceful discussion despite being a repeater batch (no fish market!! hard to believe but true XD). Soon results were out and 21 out of 57 were screened in .We got  our new stage 2 chest numbers instantly (mine chest no 4) and thereafter we got our PIQ forms which I filled neatly and we all left the hall.

For screening, I would say –

  • Don’t take OIR lightly and do well in it.
  • Make a positive story in which your character does some productive and possible work and describe how he did it.
  • During narration be crisp and confident

If above all things are done perfectly then I don’t think discussion matters much but still don’t just sit back and relax keep trying to contribute.

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Next day was psychology test. Did all 12 stories in time comfortably, completed 60 words in WAT, 45 SRTs and SD was also finished on time. In psych tests don’t mask yourself by mugging up stories and words of others, just reveal your true self. Also prepare your SD in advance to save time.

Just after my psychology tests my interview was scheduled with the deputy president of the board. IO sir made me very warm and comfortable in beginning and later he covered each and every aspect of my PIQ through his questions. He asked many questions related to Navy because of my father still being an active naval personnel .How does ship float? Why ships are painted grey? Latest developments in Indian Navy? Are some of the many questions. In current affairs and gk he touc

nda ssb interview

hed rohingya issue and CPEC. In interview the IO will dig further in every answer you give, so in such situation just maintain your composure and answer the questions honestly. Also be well prepared with each and every thing you write in your PIQ.


My group consisted of 7 people and all of them were very cooperative and understanding  ,not even once was there some sort of fish market and all the people expressed their views easily. So because of my immensely cooperative group GTO went great. In GD I gave sensible points, in GPE the group plan was quite similar to mine and in PGT we completed all the 4 tasks easily as everyone was able to give ideas at some stage or the other including me. Same was the case with HGT as well as snake race where all the group members gave their best and group did well. In individual obstacles did all 10 and lecturette also went good, I spoke on the topic ‘role of media’.


Day started with command task. I was called by 3 members of my group, during my turn GTO sir helped me out once and later


 I completed my task easier. Next came  FGT, there also our group finished the task in 5 mins. In GTO tasks just try  to make good bonding with your group, enjoy doing the tasks with them. Just forget that you are giving any interview ,go with the flow and this way you will be able to bring out the best in you. Remember your group mates are not your competition but you are your own competition.


Next day was the culmination of all our performance i.e. conference. After the closing address by the board president our conference started. My conference lasted for about 5 mins in which I was asked to compare my performance with my last one and also about my medical reason.

Finally the time for results came. My heart was throbbing faster than MIG-29k at that moment and there was a surreal silence in the room which was broken by our psychologist sir when he came with the results.  1st name to be called out was ABHISHEK SOORA and just then all the thoughts which were conjuring me till then vanished and it was like I went to oblivion, but soon I came out of it, went to the dice and spelled my name. Out of 21 only 2 got recommended, the other my friend Aakash Yadav who was also a previously recommended candidate.

I am glad that I could live up to the promise I made to my friends and now finally after all hardships I have achieved my dream. This time medically fit and AIR 225.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life-think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone” This is the way to success!!

How To Prepare for SSB Interview:

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