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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCleared SSB Interview To Join Indian Army

Cleared SSB Interview To Join Indian Army

Hello friends, my name is Lakshay and I am from Sonepat currently residing in Panchkula, Haryana. I completed my engineering from Chitkara University in Electronics and Communication in 2016. I am working as faculty in the organization The Art of Living and take courses in Panchkula. It was my dream since childhood to join the forces but there was nobody in my family in armed forces who could guide me. During my engineering, one day me and my friend were playing MEDAL OF HONOR WARFIGHTER on my laptop during OOPS Lab. The ending of the game was something which touched our heart and motivated us to become an officer in armed forces. In same year 2015, Indian Army came to our college for taking interview for U.E.S. Entry. We both went for the interview, I wasn’t able to clear it but my friend did. Went through his SSB and got recommended from Bhopal in January 2016. After few weeks, Indian army released the notification of TGC-124. I applied for it but didn’t get the call up letter due to less marks in my fifth semester. In the same month, Indian Army released notification for SSC TECH-48, without thinking twice, I applied for SSC TECH-48. Though I was placed in two big MNC’s through my college placement but the only thing which was running in my mind was to join the Armed Forces. On September 24, 2016 just a day after my birthday, I received an email from Indian Army regarding my SSB in Kapurthala. I was gratified on receiving the call up letter and without wasting much time in first week of October I joined Olive Greens in Chandigarh to know more about SSB procedure. A day before Diwali I had my screening test and luckily I got screened in my first attempt but on fifth day I was conference out from Kapurthala.


On 3rd November, 2016 I reached home and decided to introspect myself and worked hard to overcome my shortcomings. After few months, my friend invited me to his POP which gave me a clear picture of what it’s like to be an officer in Indian Army. The moto of Chetwode Building, “First, the safety, honour and welfare of your country come first, always and every time second, the honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next. Third, your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time.” gave me goose bumps and a sense of pride. In July 2017, I decided to work on plan B, got job in merchant navy and my joining letter in August. As I didn’t get call for SSC TECH 49 so I wasn’t expecting call up letter of SSC TECH 50 and was packing my bags to join merchant navy on October6, 2017. But just after celebrating my birthday, my friend asked me to check whether I got SSB for SSC tech 50 or not. Luckily, I got call up letter for SSC TECH 50, so I worked hard on my physical and communication skills, went on like a lion and before entering SSB centre, I said these words to myself“Nishchay Kar… Jeet Apni Karu…” Things worked out for me pretty well and I got recommended on October 10, 2017.



·         OIR TEST AND PPDT (DAY 1):
On first day 175 students came, out of which only 18 were screened in.


·         Psychology Test (Day-2) 
I wrote all 12 stories and expressed myself freely whatever came to my mind first.
In second test I was able to attempt 57 words in WAT and lastly I attempted only 47 SRT’s.
Now comes the most interesting part of the test *SELF DESCRIPTION TEST*. As I had already prepared my SD so I wrote it as fast as I could because it was quite lengthy.

·         GTO (DAY-3 and Day-4)

I got ample amount of time to give my points during Group discussion and we all spoke quite well during our GD’s. Now comes the most interesting part of GTO tasks i.e., PGT and HGT. Gave ideas in PGT and at some places was leading the front. In HGT, I took the front and lead my team. But my GTO enjoyed changing colours and was trying to get more ideas from me. In CT also he continuously changed colours and at one point I was totally confused what to do but GTO was friendly enough and gave me a clue and I completed the task. He pressurized me with time limit but I was comfortable in all situations he was putting me and gave ideas.
Now comes GPE, GPE is really fun exercise I must say. I gave good points for making a group plan and overall we had a nice discussion.

Lecturett went quite good because I had the same topic in my card which we got in GD 1. So I decided to go with the topic and summarise 20 minutes of GD into 2 minutes lecture. In individual obstacle race I was able to do only 9 obstacles. I knew it I won’t be able to do 3rd obstacle so made my circuit in such a way so that it comes in the last.
Overall my GTO tasks went quite well and I was satisfied from my performance.


·         Interview:
I was called for interview on day 3 but was sent back due to lunch time. So after completion of day 4, I was the only person left for the interview and I was interviewed by the additional I/O in game dress. He asked me questions regarding Olympics, current affairs and questions related to games I wrote. As I was from technical background, so he asked me technical questions and answered him quite well. Though I didn’t had good marks in my engineering but he was impressed from my research papers and projects which I had made during my engineering. As I am working with The Art of Living from last 14 years, so I had no issues when he asked questions regarding co-curricular activities. I had keen interest in learning new languages and playing musical instruments, so he asked me to introduce myself in languages known to me and few basic questions regarding instruments I can play. He asked me about my strengths and weakness and most commonly asked question that why do you want to join the forces and if recommended where would you find yourself fit in the forces. As I didn’t had any nervousness or fear so I went with full confidence and gave all answers which he asked me.

I think interview is something which we can prepare beforehand because he asks questions according to your PIQ and other than that all the questions which I/O asks are all on the ssbcrack website. So I didn’t face any problem in my interview and was truthful to all the questions being asked related to any sphere of my life.

For Current Affairs Preparation Download

·         Conference Day *THE D Day*:

I dressed up nicely and went for the conference. Before calling my chest number, I had to wait for nearly 8-10 minutes. I wasn’t thinking anything and was watching birds and clouds. He asked me about my stay and food. He asked me about my performance compared to my previous attempt to which I told him that Psychology test was really good because this time I have expressed myself very well and have answered everything truthfully. GTO was good because I did tasks which I didn’t do last time because I had Acrophobia. As he was my interviewing officer so he didn’t ask me about my interview. Then he asked me about who was best according to me in my group? I answered him that everyone had different qualities and gave few qualities of everyone without mentioning name or chest number of my group mates.

After conference we were asked to wait for an hour or so. We were sitting in café, singing songs to motivate each other. Good thing was we were all happy and satisfied with our performance. Finally they called us for announcing result, and after his motivational speech the officer said that only one guy stood up to our expectations and his chest number is “chest number 8, guy with the French beard”.

Trust me friends that feeling was something which I can’t express in words.
All I can say is when you work hard, than there is no power in this world which can stop you from achieving your dreams. I almost cried while speaking out my name but somehow I managed to stop my emotions. Officer smiled at me and congratulated me.

 recommended candidate 2

Friends, we all have it in us, just brush up yourself that’s it. If you want to become an officer my advice is to Act like an officer, think like an officer and before doing any action ask yourself whether an ideal officer would do this or not.

In the end, I would like to thank ssbcrack website, Olive Greens team, my teachers, my parents, my friends, my well-wishers, people who didn’t believed in me and laughed at my failures. You all were my driving force and kept me going.

Special thanks to my best friend Guneet Bir Singh who believed in me and kept my spirit high during my bad times.
PS: Our country’s enemies now won’t have place to hide. Brace yourself, lions are coming to hunt you.

                                                  “ Nishchay Kar… Jeet Apni Karu…
. “

My best wishes to every Aspirant.

See you in forces.


Jai hind.

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Best Book To Crack SSB
Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best NDA Book -> Let’s Crack NDA

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