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Written ExamsCDS Exam20 Sentence Arrangement (PQRS) Questions CDS / NDA Exam

20 Sentence Arrangement (PQRS) Questions CDS / NDA Exam

What is Sentence arrangement? Arranging given sentences in a paragraph – Sentence arrangement questions are easy and you will face such questions in CDS and NDA exams, both NDA and CDS will have similar type of sentence arrangement (PQRS) questions, for a fact that NDA and CDS question papers had same PQRS sentence arrangement questions.

You can face 15 -20 such questions in CDS exam and around 10-15 questions in NDA exam, such questions are very easy if you have a basic understanding of grammer and sentence formation.

Tips for Sentence Arrangement

  1. Understand the passage first, once you know the meaning of the passage, it is easier to make the correct sentence.
  2. Make a pair of two sentences, for example, if 6 sentences are given, make 3 pairs each having 2 sentences. 
  3. To make the pair, find the connecting words that form a link between two sentences. 
  4. Once you make the pairs, just reorder them to form a correct and meaningful passage. 
  5. The pair that looks independent introduction should come first and the pair which looks like a conculsion will be last. 
  6. Once done, read the complete passage to cross check and match with the given options.

Sentence Arrangement Questions

1.  A. The two neighbours never fought each other.
B. Fights involving three male fiddler crabs have been recorded, but the status of the participants was unknown.
C. They pushed or grappled only with the intruder.
D. We recorded 17 cases in which a resident that was fighting an intruder was joined by an immediate neighbour, an ally.
E. We, therefore, tracked 268 intruder males until we saw them fighting a resident male.
Answer: (a) BEDAC

2. A. He felt justified in bypassing Congress altogether on a variety of moves.
B. At times he was fighting the entire Congress.
C. Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency.
D. Bush was not fighting just the democrats.
E. Representative democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the White House does not like a legislature of second guessers and time wasters.
Answer: (b) DBAEC

3. A. In the west, Allied Forces had fought their way through southern Italy as far as Rome.
B. In June 1944 Germany’s military position in World War Two appeared hopeless.
C. In Britain, the task of amassing the men and materials for the liberation of northern Europe had been completed.
D. The Red Army was poised to drive the Nazis back through Poland.
E. The situation on the eastern front was catastrophic.
Answer: (b) BEDAC

4. A. Experts such as Larry Burns, head of research at GM, reckon that only such a full hearted leap will allow the world to cope with the mass motorisation that will one day come to China or India.
B. But once hydrogen is being produced from biomass or extracted from underground coal or made from water, using nuclear or renewable electricity, the way will be open for a huge reduction in carbon emissions from the whole system.
C. In theory, once all the bugs have been sorted out, fuel cells should deliver better total fuel economy than any existing engines.
D. That is twice as good as the internal combustion engine, but only five percentage points better than a diesel hybrid.
E. Allowing for the resources needed to extract hydrogen from hydrocarbon, oil, coal or gas, the fuel cell has an efficiency of 30 %.
Answer: (a) CEDBA

5. A. But this does not mean that death was the Egyptians’ only preoccupation.
B. Even papyri come mainly from pyramid temples.
C. Most of our traditional sources of information about the Old Kingdom are monuments of the rich like pyramids and tombs.
D. Houses in which ordinary Egyptians lived have not been preserved, and when most people died they were buried in simple graves.
E. We know infinitely more about the wealthy people of Egypt than we do about the ordinary people, as most monuments were made for the rich.
Answer: (c) EDCBA

6. A. Too much of the Labour movement, it symbolises the brutality of the upper classes.
B. And to everybody watching, the current mess over foxhunting symbolises the government’s weakness.
C. To foxhunting’s supporters, Labour’s 1991 manifesto commitment to ban it symbolises the party’s metropolitan roots and hostility to the countryside.
D. Small issues sometimes have large symbolic power.
E. To those who enjoy thundering across the countryside in red coats after foxes, foxhunting symbolises the ancient roots of rural lives.
Answer: (a) DEACB

7. A. In the case of King Merolchazzar’s courtship of the Princess of the Outer Isles, there occurs a regrettable hitch.
B. She acknowledges the gifts, but no word of a meeting date follows.
C. The monarch, hearing good reports of a neighbouring princess, dispatches messengers with gifts to her court, beseeching an interview.
D. The princess names a date, and a formal meeting takes place; after that everything buzzes along pretty smoothly.
E. Royal love affairs in olden days were conducted on the correspondence method.
Answer: (c) ECDAB

8. A. Who can trace to its first beginnings the love of Damon for Pythias, of David for Jonathan, of Swan for Edgar?
B. Similarly with men.
C. There is about great friendships between man and man a certain inevitability that can only be compared with the age old association of ham and eggs.
D. One simply feels that it is one of the things that must be so.
E. No one can say what was the mutual magnetism that brought the deathless partnership of these wholesome and palatable foodstuffs about.
Answer: (b) CEDBA

9. A. Events intervened, and in the late 1930s and 1940s, Germany suffered from “over-branding”.
B. The British used to be fascinated by the home of Romanticism.
C. But reunification and the federal government’s move to Berlin have prompted Germany to think again about its image.
D. The first foreign package holiday was a tour of Germany organized by Thomas Cook in 1855.
E. Since then, Germany has been understandably nervous about promoting itself abroad.
Answer:(c) BDAEC

10. A. The wall does not simply divide Israel from a putative Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 borders.
B. A chilling omission from the road map is the gigantic ‘separation wall’ now being built in the West Bank by Israel.
C. It is surrounded by trenches, electric wire and moats; there are watchtowers at regular intervals.
D. It actually takes in new tracts of Palestinian land, sometimes five or six kilometres at a stretch.
E. Almost a decade after the end of South African apartheid, this ghastly racist wall is going up with scarcely a peep from Israel’s American allies who are going to pay for most of it.
Answer: (b) BADCE

Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)

11. A. Luckily the tide of battle moved elsewhere after the American victory at Midway and an Australian victory over Japan at Milne Bay.
B. It could have been no more than a delaying tactic.
C. The Australian military, knowing the position was hopeless, planned to fall back to the south-east in the hope of defending the main cities.
D. They had captured most of the Solomon Islands and much of New Guinea, and seemed poised for an invasion.
E. Not many people outside Australia realize how close the Japanese got.
Answer: (a) EDCBA

12. A. Call it the third wave sweeping the Indian media.
B. Now, they are starring in a new role, as suave dealmakers who are in a hurry to strike alliances and agreements.
C. Look around and you will find a host of deals that have been inked or are ready to be finalized.
D. Then the media barons wrested back control from their editors, and turned marketing warriors with the brand as their missile.
E. The first came with those magnificent men in their mahogany chambers who took on the world with their mighty fountain pens.
Answer: (d) AEDBC

13. A. The celebrations of economic recovery in Washington may be as premature as that “Mission Accomplished” banner hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln to hail the end of the Iraq war.
B. Meanwhile, in the real world, the struggles of families and communities continue unabated.
C. Washington responded to the favourable turn in economic news with enthusiasm.
D. The celebrations and high-fives up and down Pennsylvania Avenue are not to be found beyond the Beltway.
E. When the third quarter GDP showed growth of 7.2% and the monthly unemployment rate dipped to 6%, euphoria gripped the US capital.
Answer: (d) ECBDA

14. A. Four days later, Oracle announced its own bid for PeopleSoft, and invited the firm’s board to a discussion.
B. Furious that his own plans had been endangered, PeopleSoft’s boss, Craig Conway, called Oracle’s offer “diabolical”, and its boss, Larry Ellison, a “sociopath”.
C. In early June, PeopleSoft said that it would buy J.D. Edwards, a smaller rival.
D. Moreover, said Mr. Conway, “he could imagine neither price nor combination of price and other conditions to recommend accepting the offer.”
E. On June 12th, PeopleSoft turned Oracle down.
Answer: (a) CABDE

15. A. A few months ago I went to Princeton University to see what the young people who are going to be running our country in a few decades are like.
B. I would go to sleep in my hotel room around midnight each night, and when I awoke, my mailbox would be full of replies—sent at 1:15 a.m., 2:59 a.m., 3:23 a.m.
C. One senior told me that she went to bed around two and woke up each morning at seven; she could afford that much rest because she had learned to supplement her full day of work by studying in her sleep.
D. Faculty members gave me the names of a few dozen articulate students, and I sent them e-mails, inviting them out to lunch or dinner in small groups.
E. As she was falling asleep she would recite a math problem or a paper topic to herself; she would then sometimes dream about it, and when she woke up, the problem might be solved.
Answer: (c) ADBCE

16. A. I am much more intolerant of a human being’s shortcomings than I am of an animal’s, but in this respect I have been lucky, for most of the people I have come across have been charming.
B. Then you come across the unpleasant human animal—the District Officer who drawled, “We chaps are here to help you chaps,’ and then proceeded to be as obstructive as possible.
C. In these cases of course, the fact that you are an animal collector helps; people always seem delighted to meet someone with such an unusual occupation and go out of their way to assist you.
D. Fortunately, these types are rare, and the pleasant ones I have met more than compensated for them—but even so, I think I will stick to animals.
E. When you travel round the world collecting animals you also, of necessity, collect human beings.
Answer: (a) EACBD

17. A. Surrendered, or captured, combatants cannot be incarcerated in razor wire cages; this ‘war’ has a dubious legality.
B. How can then one characterize a conflict to be waged against a phenomenon as war?
C. The phrase ‘war against terror’, which has passed into the common lexicon, is a huge misnomer.
D. Besides, war has a juridical meaning in international law, which has codified the laws of war, imbuing them with a humanitarian content.
E. Terror is a phenomenon, not an entity—either State or non-State.
Answer: (d) CEBDA

18. A. To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most likely to be hit in rapid succession on opposite sides. This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that was the idea.
B. A different layout, which had been patented by August Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be much faster.
C. The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873) aimed to solve a mechanical problem of early typewriters.
D. Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted, even though (with electric typewriters and then PCs) the anti-jamming rationale for QWERTY has been defunct for years.
E. When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly, the type bars often jammed.
Answer:(b) CEABD

19. A. Branded disposable diapers are available at many supermarkets and drug stores.
B. If one supermarket sets a higher price for a diaper; customers may buy that brand elsewhere.
C. By contrast, the demand for private-label products may be fewer prices sensitive since it is available only at a corresponding supermarket chain.
D. So, the demand for branded diapers at any particular store may be quite price sensitive.
E. For instance, only SavOn Drugs stores sell SavOn Drugs diapers.
F. Then, stores should set a higher incremental margin percentage for private-label diapers.
Answer: (c) ADBCEF

20. A. Having a strategy is a matter of discipline.
B. It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.
C. It requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to make tough trade-offs in choosing what not to do.
D. Strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.
E. A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending its distinctive positioning.
F. When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a strategy must replicate the whole system?
Answer: (a) ACEDBF

Note: in case of errors, do let us know in the comment section. 

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