Hello Friends! My name is BHANU PRATAP from YAMUNANAGAR, HARYANA. It all started on 17 May 2013 when I gave my first attempt at Indian Army TGC 117 entry in Allahabad where I got Conference out and realised that real journey and struggle of my life has just started. Then I gave TGC, SSC(T), SSC-GS(X) Navy SSBs and my passion to be an Indian Army Officer with 12 attempts kept me going via introspecting each time about myself and improvising little things which went missing in those earlier attempts. I gave a total of 13 attempts out of which 7 Screen outs, 5 Conference outs and 1 Recommended.
Someone once told me “You will not get anything you deserve before time”. And, my time came after a long wait of 4 years 3 months 7 days on 24 August 2017 when I got to wear that “+(plus)” Chest number in my 13th Attempt of TGC-126. It was worth waiting for this period of time. I got my TGC-126 call letter for Allahabad and selected the date 19 August 2017 for reporting. It was a different feel this time to touch the Allahabad Railway station for 8th time.
- OIR & PPDT (Screening Test) (Day-1) :
206 people reported on 20th August 2017 morning at SSB, out of which 39 people got screened in and the “Chest number 1” was me getting screened in this time after being getting screened out in previous two attempts.
Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)
- Current Affairs June 2017 eBook [1100+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs July 2017 eBook [1200+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs Aug 2017 eBook [1000+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs Sep 2017 eBook [1100+ Questions Included]
- Psychology Test (Day-2) :
On Day-2, Psychology tests got started with TAT where I was able to write all the 12 stories within given time. I put up very basic ideas in the stories from day-to-day life and real scenarios rather than putting up any rocket science perceptions.
After that, the test which puts the nerves out of every aspirant came, called WAT. In WAT, I kept the basic approach going with the flow of ideas coming to my mind. I did not try to put up a great sentence rather I just put the thoughts coming straight to my mind on the paper. I completed all 60 words in time.
Then came the SRT test, which is my favorite test among all, where we have to read 60 situations and write appropriate solution accordingly on the paper within 30 minutes. I was able to complete 46 SRTs within given time which was enough according to my writing speed. I gave the answer to each of them by just putting myself into that particular situation and getting the result out my way. So, just be basic and realistic in giving the SRT answers.
The last but not the least, SELF DESCRIPTION test, which every individual has its own way of writing about what your parents, boss, colleagues/friends, you think about yourself and what you want to become in future. I completed the test within 15 minutes provided.
Friends! Just trust the system as the overall approach to perform this test is to just give out the first thought of imagination/idea coming to your mind positively as it shows your real nature/behavior to the Psychologist which is further being seen by the IO & GTO in different ways and the most important thing to be noted down here is that all the three tests (Psychology tests, Interview and GTO tasks) must match to your personality in one way.
- Interview (IO):
After my Psych test got over, I was called immediately by the President of the board for my interview as I was Chest no. 1 and I was told to sit and wait in the waiting room until my chest number blinks on the LED screen which is the indication to go to the interviewer room. I didn’t even wait for a minute and I was called for the interview. 6th time I was sitting in front of the interviewer and this time the change in me was zero nervousness. The interviewer grilled me with 4 rapid fire rounds of questions, each of it consisting 20 questions plus counter questions. And in every rapid fire round, he asked me one common question “Do you have any regrets in life?” for which I answered every time that “I do not have any regrets in my life for anything”.
Then, he asked me some neighboring countries news which I answered him according to my knowledge. He also asked me some GK questions which I answered “I do not know” and some technical questions also which I was not able to answer to the point. So, the interviewer tried to put me in some stress saying “Come on Bhanu! You should know these basic things as you are a techie guy” for which I said “Sir! I will get back to you on this next time”. And he was continuously watching my expressions, hand movements and feet movements.
After that, he asked me some questions regarding my work profile in IT and some basic details of my games and sports and in last he said that “Bhanu! Do not get anxious about your results and enjoy the time being here in SSB board till you are here and Enjoy the tasks in GTO tomorrow” which gave me a weird feeling that somewhere he is not happy with my answers or something. He closed my file in front of me with a heavy sound like he is not happy and my interview lasts for only 20 minutes. I thought it didn’t go well as he told me to leave after 20 minutes only where other candidates were accessed for more than 30 minutes to 90 minutes.
- GTO (Day-3 & Day-4):
GTO tasks have always been my favorite since the first attempt as the ground gives a positive feeling to me and somewhat strengthen my mind. The day started with two group discussions where I initiated in the first GD and spoke for a minute and then presented the ideas later within.
In GPE (Group planning exercise), I was not able to complete the solution on the paper due to less time was given but I presented the basic ideas within the discussion. In the PGT & HGT, I was leading from the front with basic ideas and approaches to move ahead and also appreciated other’s ideas as well and implemented them successfully to complete the tasks. And then Snake race and Lecturette went well for me.
On day-4, I was called last in the Command Task and given 15 minutes to solve which I completed in a minute. In Individual Obstacles, I completed 12 obstacles in 3 minutes and in FGT, I also performed well and gave the ideas with the group.
Overall, my GTO tasks gave me a positive feeling that, this might be my chance to get recommended if all goes well in Psych and IO. I was having the gut feeling that my GTO officer has recommended me for sure from his side.
- Conference (Day-5):
At last the D-day came when all of us were waiting what is going to happen next! We were called for the conference and being chest number 1, I was the first to sit in the corridor to be called upon by the panel for final discussion before the result. I was quite nervous and it was obvious as I was facing my 13th attempt. I was regularly keeping my faith up in god and praying that “13” has to be my lucky attempt and somewhere I was positive in my mind. The officers went inside the conference room and I thought they might discuss on my performance or might consider me as a Border Line case but in fact, my chest number was there on the screen within 15 seconds which means they did not discuss much about me. So, it was clear whether directly IN or OUT. I went in the conference room and my IO asked me basic questions regarding stay and food in SSB and then wished me best of luck for future ahead. It was clear in their mind what my result was!
Then the most difficult part was to wait till the last chest number to come out of that room and later we were called to declare the final result. Fingers were crossed, prayers were ON, Hopes were high and positive. The Psychologist came to declare result carrying a file in his hand and he asked “Any guesses! how many got recommended this time?” to which everyone replied “Sir! Five!! “. Then he said, “yes! five of you got recommended this time”. My hope for getting IN went straight up to the bar and I kept on praying to God for getting me through this time. He declared four chest numbers out of five and I was still waiting for mine to come.
And finally!!! He said the last Chest number who got recommended is CHEST NUMBER 1 (ME). I can’t even explain what were my expressions and emotions at that time. My each attempt since 2013 started running like a flash in front of my eyes, the way I reached to those SSB centers, those times before SSB exam I spent on Railway platforms, travelling all the way to Allahabad, Bhopal, Bangalore, Kapurthala for my SSBs, promises made to my mother for fulfilling her last wish which was to see her son getting commissioned in Defense Forces, making my father proud by giving him the biggest gift he deserved, living up to the expectations of my friends and well-wishers. I even forgot to speak up my name after listening to my chest number and thanked GOD for finally giving me what I have been working hard for! It was a dream which I believed and achieved with the efforts I made. I am thankful to GOD and my parents the most.
Also, much thanks to RAJPAL Sir, for always backing me up and keeping my spirits high that “Yes! I have it in me “. He is not only my Teacher or GURU, he is one of those Heroes of my life to whom I can never repay lifetime. Many thanks to the people who believed in me and mostly to those who did not believe in me made me what I am today. You guys kept me going.
Whatever is destined for you, just put down all your efforts to achieve it and you will achieve it one day.
Most importantly! If you want to become an officer, first start living like an officer in your daily life. It brings you up to the qualities required.
My motto since childhood is only “NEVER GIVE UP” and I never really do. So, do not give up on your dreams if you are willing to do anything for it. Just go for it till you get it !
All the best to every Aspirant out there ! Signing Off with best regards, Bhanu Pratap.

Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
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