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SSB InterviewPersonality DevelopmentLiving In The Present with Honor, Integrity and Passion

Living In The Present with Honor, Integrity and Passion

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, the Warriors of the Future and Present. I, Sajal Roy, take this pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to write another article for you all. I was Recommended from the Indian Army (22 SSB Board, Bhopal) Short Service Commission Technical Entry -43rd course on June 2014 with merit but medical out. This article is focused and centered to a very important observation and conclusion that I drew and wanted to share.


Living in the present is an importantly hidden officer like quality.

So some points that I would mention in regards to this officer like quality

For the people who are in the job sector like in any corporate or any other private sector or government sector and are aspiring to join the Armed Forces etc do refer to this fact of living in the present. It also includes the student group who are currently into some or the other academic curriculum and perhaps everyone.

At times we get a feeling that this job is not for us, there is no point working extra hard in this role, we keep focusing that if we wish we were there in that sector of the job (here Armed forces)  life would have been so great.  With this we stop working the extra hard which we are well capable of, we don’t work to our potential, we take things for granted not understanding the gravity, our performance remains average, we don’t strive towards taking the extra mile, due to average performance our promotions and other stuff get delayed and hence it affects the morale .This kind of attitude and routine will adversely affect the mindset and thought patterns. One will continue to live in the future and in the expectation of the future but will miss out on the present.

Sajal Roy
Sajal Roy

Similarly taking relevance to the TAT and other tests, we will continue to drift and imagine things completely in the future tense but will miss out on the present details of the picture. I am giving this example as this is the most relevant in terms of SSB topic. These little habits might unknowingly reflect in many other areas and if those areas include the points where a candidate is tested in the SSB then it might hinder the chances of the candidate.  A small step towards something can make a habit in no time. At times we observe challenges where are we going wrong. Hence I would like to contribute to one such challenge i. e living in the present.

The corrective habits that we can inform include:

  • Living in the present minute than expecting or thinking about the future minute.
  • For the people who are working- Have a goal and target in regards to your selection to the Armed forces but don’t undermine the present where you are standing
  • Exceed the expectations of your employers by performing the best on a day to day basis, if they demand performance you go ahead and set a benchmark. Take proactive measures of initiating interaction with the seniors and their seniors by requesting appointments and try to observe their insights on leadership. The leaders there understand the hardships and importance of sharing knowledge and insight. They will sportingly do it. That’s why they are leaders in their field.
  • Those are promoted to the next level who are above average: Here in this case, if we neglect the present and take our job casually not giving the best, some other individual who might be average will be persistent with efforts and he may get promoted. This, in turn, might create a feeling of resentment and low morale in ourselves that how can we be not promoted and will keep inhibiting us to perform unless we take the situation sportingly. Further, these may develop seeds of jealousy, narrow-mindedness, and pessimism. (For sure howsoever little negative the trait may be, it is detrimental when it comes to SSB recommendation). To perform the best each day and take every element of the present with gravity.
  • After the office hours, we tend to hang out at dinner or any other place. Make a point to not to discuss office matters at your personal leisure. IF the group is not agreeing to take a stand and just suggest proactively some sort of planning for a particular outing or divert the topic or something sort. (Who knows this progressive habit can help you maneuvering group discussions and group planning exercises and handling aggressive group discussions.) For those who think that the group will be thinking of them differently it might be in the immediate time, they may even pass comments but later on, they would be thankful to you. Being an armed forces aspirant one should take all the stand whenever and wherever possible.
  • Be Action and leader oriented: This is something that can be related to any day to day life. Inaction is not an option, so when there is a call for a situation take the action. If we take the action there is a room for it to be right or wrong, if we do not there is no room for the same. This attitude brings in courage. Let’s say you face something wrong in the office, make sure to speak up. Don’t hesitate that things won’t be taken care and with that expectancy give up on the thing. I was personally reading one article and I am sharing it with you here. Try a read- http://www.indiandefencereview.com/spotlights/sam-manekshaw-on-leadership-and-discipline/
  • Dialogue: Resolving any nature of conflict through Dialogue is one of the best ways to avoid conflict. Be it any level at any vertical like a student, professional etc. The problem lies when we don’t talk about something that bothered us by someone we internally develop a feeling of grudge and the loop goes on. The proceedings of the day go with the grudge on the mind and hence we are not able to move forward. So even if we are asked to speak something good about the person then we are not able to as our mind is filled with the element of a grudge. In areas involving matters related to senior management (for working professionals ) etc there can be a high amount of friction, but when handled with dialogue (polite) there is room for high-level improvement along permanent in nature. This needs to be coupled with being action oriented and taking the first step to initiate.
    Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)
  • Try to invest in three important areas: With personal relevance to my life, I would suggest the three definite areas where I invest my time and effort i.e. Growth, Grooming, and Lifestyle.
    • Growth: Going ahead and attending conferences and seminars keeps us in the company of think tank and we tend to get more confident after coming to know some more matter. This indirectly has a huge impact. Like I in this year attended the India Electronics Week Summit held in Bangalore. The knowledge and exposure to the innovative technologies from all the best companies in the world left me awestruck. Similarly lookout for these activities. Also, people can pursue different corporate certifications etc. For students, they can attend courses, paper presentation seminars, industry lecture etc. These areas are those which would tangibly or intangibly help you in your growth. Go about doing different types of free courses online.
    • Grooming: This includes all the areas related to the way you present yourself from behavior, personality, dressing sense etc. This does not mean going for the expensive materials as such or so. This includes maintaining proper habits like being active, being clean with hygiene, making your own bed, winding up the bed after you wake, keeping your room or house clean and organized etc. Another area includes professional development like practicing public speaking, watching things of learning value, making a habit of using no unparliamentarily words even during casual conversations, inculcating mannerly habits like when someone is coming to greet you stand up and greet the person back. This makes the person feel good and shows your etiquette Reading more on proper Chivalry habits, Gentleman Habits etc.
    • Lifestyle: This includes each and every element of life. Like what we do in daily basis as such. Personally, for me, I make sure that this element of my life is well sorted. This includes simple participation in multiple areas. Participate in a different format of sports. Participate in Society meeting, in other social gatherings as well as in self-love. This helps to obtain a diverse personality and interactive personality. Setting goals and achieving them both in personal and professional life, taking time for exercise, learning a different sport, learning something different like music as such, going for an outing both solo as well as in group during weekends, making time for family and getting in touch with relatives, going out for social purpose like NGO, volunteering as a mentor, carrying yourself in a proper way etc. This element is intangibly in nature but does count. Lifestyle is indeed a blend of both personal and professional life. 

Honesty, Integrity, and Passion are a must aspect that I think is a necessity for anything and everything. Being true and honest may make u face disappointment but will keep your head high. It is one of the greatest strength if a person can adhere to complete honesty at all times, it is also one of the greatest weakness that appears as a strength when a person fumbles while speaking the lie.  Integrity includes the moral code of conduct i.e doing the right thing at all costs. If something is right, take the stand and dam the consequences. Don’t be afraid to take the stand. Keep the difference. Keep a class in every way. Passion is the fuel which drives. For those who are all passionate to serve, begin with serving yourself, your family, to the people around you and perhaps everything that falls at your place. Last but not the least, Live like a Champion with the grace of a Gentleman.

It has always been a great opportunity to interact with aspirants and I always look forward to continuing as long as I breathe. I owe tons of gratitude to this platform of SSBCRACK for bridging me directly with so many warriors.

Yours faithfully,

Sajal Roy

Mobile: 9755614061 (Same for Whatsapp)

Email: [email protected]

Facebook id : https://www.facebook.com/sajal.roy.5

My previous articles

  1. https://www.ssbcrack.com/2016/07/19-personality-development-tips-from-a-ssb-recommended-candidate.html
  2. https://www.ssbcrack.com/2016/02/living-like-a-champion-with-the-grace-of-a-gentleman.html
  3. https://www.ssbcrack.com/2015/05/recommended-by-the-indian-army-from-ssb-bhopal.html
  4. https://www.ssbcrack.com/2015/05/in-conversation-with-sajal-roy-recommended-for-indian-army.html
  5. https://www.ssbcrack.com/2015/09/reply-from-a-recommended-candidate-to-an-open-letter-to-the-ssb-boards.html

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Sajal Roy
Sajal Roy
Sajal Roy, Recommended from 22 SSB Bhopal (Indian Army) First attempt, with Merit, Medical Out-SSC TECH 43rd Entry-June 2014.

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