Hello friends, this is Kapil Singh Sethi hailing from Uttarakhand and sharing my experience at 11 SSB Allahabad.
About Myself – Currently pursuing my Btech from DIT University, Dehradun from CSE-IOT branch, my village is at Khatima, Udhamsingh Nagar but I live in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand. It was my 2nd attempt and in my first attempt I got conferenced out from NDA-139 course at same 11 SSB from 4th to 9th Sept and fortunately got the chance to improve my setbacks and weaknesses by again coming as a stronger cadet on the very next day only, the TES-38 starting from 10th Sept to 14th sept and this time I got recommended, the best part being: me getting the same 11 SSB and the same officers but for the GTO’s and my interview the officers were made different.
Reporting Day and Screening: after being conference out I went to Railway Station with a sad heart and I decided to stay at Station only and took a dormitory room there. Then in morning at about 5:30 I was ready and this time not really surprised by seeing the #mass quantity. I met some of the people there and made them friends(one of them being recommended with me as well). And at 6:10 we were there at the Selection Centre East, we were told to take breakfast and then verify our documents. After taking breakfast when I went to them I found that we would be told to be on 11 SSB and during documents verification only, almost every assistant accessors identified me and told me to get recommended this time. I felt motivated with this and apart from motivation one thing that was running in my mind was to go to my old SSB line and take full sleep and meet my previously recommended friends from NDA course. The reporting of about 144 candidates out of which about 15 were screenouts and 3 repeaters including me, one of the repeater was sent back because he didn’t get the original documents. And after the OIR and Screening, there were 20 candidates who got screened in. And out of which 2-2 were screenouts and repeaters and others, freshers. So I got new chest no. Initially, I was chest no. 142 and now new chest no. was 1. After that, I met my friends and they all were happy to find me again and told me to give party after being recommended this time.
Psychology Test: after screening, I went to the room where the recommended candidattes were staying and as i was tired i slept and in evening relaxed completely and just introspected my old weak points and without any further practice went to mess, then played table tennis and volleyball and slept and this time being fresh minded. I was able to give better responses and good stories in WAT,, SRT and TAT respectively. I found myself not able to complete the SRT’s and this time also I was able to complete just 48 of them similar to previous time, but this time with good efforts and relaxed mind. After that the psych day was over and i headed to other room where my other friends(my new group) was staying and I told them everything I knew about the GTO’s and after that told them about the procedure and sequence of the day’s task, meanwhile some people were also called for the interviews at the respective day only, after that I just told everyone about the format to write GP and requested all to not dominate in the groups and almost everyone agreed to it.
Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)
- Current Affairs June 2017 eBook [1100+ Questions Included]
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- Current Affairs Aug 2017 eBook [1000+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs Sep 2017 eBook [1100+ Questions Included]
GTO-1: At about 5:45 we were called at the GTO grounds and everyone was ready to give there best, this time also all I did was keeping a relaxed mind and introspection of my previous faults and we found that we were able to do almost all tasks in a good way and my group supported me in most of PGT and HGT since only I was the one who had taken coaching for SSB. So it was a positive point for me and i was able to get my group through most of the tasks easily, meanwhile after ending of GTO-1 day leaving individual obstacles, command Task and FGT for day 2 the other left out candidates were called for interview (except me) the reason being the interviewing officer had already taken my interview before and so they were waiting for some other board’s officer to take my interview and the day came to an end.
GTO-2 and Interview : After GTO-1 I was able to get good attention of my friends and they realized I was good in ground tasks so in command task 5 of 10 persons called me for their assistance and this maybe would have given a positive impact on the GTO’s mind (in my perception ) and I was able to do well good in my command task and did well in individual obstacles and after that FGT was good as well, then I was called at the office for giving me information regarding my interview since I was the only person left who hadn’t had his interview, so initially I was told to come at 5 pm evening but after 20 minutes of resting I was told to come fast to attend my interview, (before a day I was told that the president of 19 SSB board would take my interview so I went to the cadets of 19 SSB board and asked them about officer). Soni fastly got ready and went there and after 10 minutes i was called and i was prepared this time more efficiently for my interview trying to keep a good smile on my face and answering confidently, this time i was able to give much better information about myself to the interviewer and after about 40 minutes interview i was finally happy and waiting for the conference, and after it we played all games and took photos of each other.
Conference Day: during my 4 days stay for my TES-38 entry I was tensed only for this day and me being chest no. 1 was called first, I went confidently and I was asked some questions initially from my new interviewing officer and then other questions from the old interviewing officer who had taken my interview when I was for my NDA entry and after about 5 minutes conference i waited at the shed area where all our lugging were kept and at time of result I kept my fingers crossed and this time was confident and worried about the result at the same time and after the name of chest no. 8 my chest no. was announced and then the booklet was closed by the assessors and i felt that this was the best moment of my life. Only 2 of us being recommended from 20 and after all my documents I was lucky enough to get the same chest no. 1 with plus sign and i was very happy with my result, my parents and all my friends being very happy with my result.
Now I am giving my medicals and maybe on Wednesday our conference for medicals would be announced and I feel confident enough to clear my medicals but at the same time keeping my fingers crossed till the medical conference and the merit list is announced.

Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best NDA Book -> Let’s Crack NDA
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