Hello friends, I am Priyanka Chhikara from Haryana. I got recommended for Indian Navy – NAIC entry from 33 SSB Bhopal in first attempt. Getting a chest number with plus sign, it was a dream comes true.
I am BE (IT) graduate and currently pursuing MBA in HR. I have a work experience of about 2 years with IRIS Business (Mumbai) and IBM India (Bangalore). Being from defence background and having friends in Naval academy, I was constantly getting motivated to be a part of armed forces.
It was my first attempt, so I wanted to give 100%. I started my preparation with the following channels – 1) AFOSOP SSB Guidance 2) SSB ADDA and I was also referring SSBCrack.com. Then I decided to purchase a package of Video lectures, psychological assessment and mock interview by Dr. (Cdr) N K Natrajan from Amazon.in. It was worth one time investment for the preparation. Getting a correct guidance will not only speed up your performance but will also satisfy your mind that you are on a right track and keep pushing yourself on the same path. As Natrajan Sir, rightly said “First attempt is the best attempt.” I gave my 200%, being calm throughout the selection process, didn’t panic and used common sense (:-P) during the tasks.
The story may go long but I assure you, it will be worth reading.
We were 7 Girls, who started journey on 07 Aug from Bangalore to Bhopal and reached on 8 Aug 17, reported next day at MCO. We all became good friends on this SSB journey. At 1300hrs we were picked up for the SSB centre. After reaching, we were allotted accommodation and each room was shared by 6 candidates. In the evening at 1630hrs, we were asked to report to admin block for document verification and allotment of chest number. Total 69 candidates were present. I was allotted with chest no 58. Almost 20-25 were repeaters and rest all were fresher. We were briefed about the do’s and don’ts for comfortable stay and programme for next day procedure.
We were asked to report at 0630hrs and the exam started at 0730hrs.
OIR Test: – Before taking the exam, we were briefed about the pattern of the exam. Practice booklet was given in order to have an idea of both verbal and non verbal reasoning questions. Verbal Reasoning: 75 Ques in 35 mins were to be done. I was able to complete 51 Questions. Non Verbal Reasoning: 60 Ques in 30 mins. I was able to complete around 53 questions.
PP&DT: – We were shown a hazy picture of a person standing at the window. I had written a story from my life, so it was easy for me to remember and narrate it confidently during the discussion. I had spoken only twice in the discussion, but the timing was perfect. I gave contribution with logic points, supported the group story and we were able to conclude a story.
Result: The screening result was declared after lunch. 24 out of 69 made it to next stage. I was allotted new chest number 12 for next stage.
We were given instructions for our next stage. After keeping our luggage to the re-allotted room and after lunch, we reported to the hall, where we filled PIQ forms and cell phones were deposited.
TAT: I made positive stories and all of them were related to my life in one way or the other. Time was the major factor here. Be natural in your stories and give workable ideas, which actually could be of use, if you got stuck in that situation. There is a myth among female candidates that your main characters must be a female only. Not required, out of my 12 stories 5 stories were having male lead character. I didn’t made female as my lead if it was not shown in the image instead just wrote down the story with what was shown. For the blank story, you can prepare and go.
WAT: I was able to complete 58 words out of 60. But was also lucky to complete those 2 words after completing SD. So complete all 60 wordsJ. I Didn’t memorised any sentences against any word instead practiced in such a way that after seeing any word, my brain thinks for a cause and effect relation or a simple positive sentence which I believe and follow.
SRT: I had completed 51 situations with complete action and 52nd was left incomplete as time got over.
SD: I had prepared the paragraphs well in my preparation and wrote almost the same.
GTO: 12 & 13 AUGUST 2017 AT 0615 HRS
Being a sportsperson, I love both outdoor and indoor activities. I was very excited about the GTO tasks. We were divided into 3 groups of 8.
GD: I didn’t initiate in both the rounds of GD instead, I listened very carefully for 2-3 candidates. After analysing their level on the topics, I entered the discussion and raised the level of discussion by giving logical points and examples from the news and corporate world (advantage of only working professional in the group) and spoke 4-5 times till the end.
GPE: I gave workable ideas, listened carefully to others, agreed on other points and convinced them on my solutions as well. We were able to conclude the solutions for all the given problems. The group selected me to present the plan to GTO.
PGT, HGT and FGT: I was able to give workable ideas at the correct time and was also able to catch the hint given by GTO. I also helped others in executing their ideas to accomplish their task.
LECTURETTE: I spoke on “Security in Public places” for 2 mins 30 sec. Having general awareness on topic, one can speak for about 3 mins.
GOR: This is the best part of GTO. Our group choose “Har Har Mahadev “as war cry”. I was one among the 3, who cleared the obstacle with the (snake) rope and also helped the whole group to cross the 2 wall obstacle (in which I fell thrice and got sprain in my left foot). The environment was so energetic and enthusiastic that even the sprain couldn’t stop me from completing the tasks on the both GTO days.
IO: I was able to complete only 5 of them (9,1,7,2,5).Because my ankle was swollen up by the next day, I was slow in running between the obstacles due to severe pain in my ankle.
COMMAND TASK: I was called twice as subordinates and gave idea once as a subordinate. Before my command task, GTO had a short interaction about my work, my father profession (IAF), what my brother do, how I prepared myself for SSB, why do I choose Navy over Air Force? During the task, GTO did make my task difficult and also gave hint, wherever I was stuck. I was able to sense those hints (thanks to video lectures by Natrajan Sir). I was satisfied with my performance till now.
After GTO task was completed, my interview started. So I attended in the same uniform. Since I came running from the GTO ground, my interviewing officer asked normal questions regarding the stay, how was the GTO, how will I rate myself, which IO task I didn’t performed. While I was answering these questions, I made myself relaxed and cool. I can divide my interview into 3 portions – PIQ, Technical and GK. It lasted for around 01 Hr and 10 mins.
PIQ: Questions from work life, education, college life, family, friends, hobbies, sports, my responsibilities in office and at home etc. The questions here will depend on what is mentioned in PIQ form and counter questions from what you say.
Technical: Questions based on maths calculation, why mobile are called as cell phones? Why there is 1024 byte in 1KB? Bicycle working principle, Ship working, questions on navy, systems in ships, networking related question. In this portion I was not able to answer some 3 questions.
GK: It was like a KBC game. Some 10 questions like rapid fire. I was able to answer only one word and the officer asked next one by then. Since I had preparation, I was able to answer most of them. Questions were like CEOs of various companies, Malabar exercise, Motto of Air Force and Navy, Chief of Air Staff, issue with China, Maritime neighbours of India, Malacca and homruz, distance of Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar islands from main land, number of islands in Andaman and Nicobar, total coastal line of India, ports from where navy is not operating and some questions on Haryana.
The conference day started with a closing address by one of the testing officers. Thereafter, we were asked to wait for our chest number till the bell rings and then go into the conference hall. I waited for 15 mins before my turn came. I was asked about the stay, how much I will rate myself overall out of 10, what did I learned here, what did I do in spare time in SSB and then I was asked to leave. After this conference, result was announced and 6 of us got recommended. We were congratulated by the board president. Then we came back and our friends were waiting for us to hug and say good bye. We met everyone and they all left.
We were asked to stay back for another 5 days for medical at MH Bhopal. All of us were declared medically fit by the President Medical Board on 19 August 2017. Now I am waiting for the call letter/merit list in the month of Nov/Dec.
At last a few words from my side “Your thoughts impact your action. Clear your thought process, Believe in Yourself and things will happen”.
Best Wishes to all aspirants.
Jai Hind!! Jai Bharat!! Jai Haryana!! Jai Ram Ji Ki.
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