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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended for Indian Navy - (10+2) B.Tech. Entry

Recommended for Indian Navy – (10+2) B.Tech. Entry

Hello friends, I am Kunal Yadav. I got recommended for Indian Navy – (10+2) B.Tech. Entry from Naval Selection Board Visakhapatnam in my second attempt. My first attempt was for NDA entry at SSB Bhopal (conference out).


MY INTRO: I belong to a village called Sahad in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. Currently, I am pursuing my bachelor’s in civil engineering from IIT GANDHINAGAR.

In my village there is tradition of serving in the armed forces. So I have been there among the defence personnel since my childhood and decided that I have to join the defence. But my parents want me to pursue engineering so I started preparing for IIT-JEE.

As I was conference out from my first attempt so I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned this time. I was continuously visiting SSBCrack after my JEE exam (as defence is still my first preference). There I came to know about Dr. (Cdr.) N.K. Natrajan sir’s videos. I wasted no time and ordered the video package from Amazon.in. These videos were of great help to me. As Natrajan sir explained each task very nicely and told us how to perform. After watching the videos and preparing according to the directions given by Natrajan sir I was very much satisfied by my preparation.


I started my journey from Ahmedabad airport to Vizag on 15 AUG., stayed there at relative’s house and reported at the MCO on the next day. Total 133 candidates reported, only 6 were repeaters. I was allotted chest no. 131. 

OIR TEST – We were briefed by the assessors and given practice booklets to make ourselves familiar with the tests.

In verbal test I had done all 50 questions in given 17 minutes. Same with the non-verbal test.

PP&DT TEST – We were shown a hazy picture, I wrote a good story and contributed well in the discussion but our group hadn’t reached on a common story.

RESULT – 28 out of 133 candidates got screened in. I was given new chest no. – 21.

After that we filled our PIQ forms and our cellphones were deposited.



  • TAT – I wrote all the 12 stories. Wrote all stories in a very natural way. I had prepared for the 12th story. 
  • WAT – I have done 59 out of 60 words. I wrote the first thought whatever came to my mind. 
  • SRT – I have done only 31 out of 60 SRT’s. But I have written each reaction with enough explanation.
  • SDT – I had prepared my SDT T so this test is a cakewalk.
  • At the end of the day I had mixed feelings (due to my SRT’s).

navy ssb candidates 1

GTO DAY 1: 18 AUG AT 0730 HRS.

  • GD – In both of my GD’s I spoke on no.3.
  • But I put on very logical and good points. I actively participated in the discussion and put about 7-8 solid points. My GTO was very much impressed by my GD which I came to know about in the informal interview with him before my command task.
  • GPE – I wrote a good solution by prioritizing the problems. I gave my ideas and also listened to others during discussion but our group didn’t reach on a common solution.
  • PGT & HGT – I gave workable ideas and helped my group mates in completing the tasks.
  • LECTURETTE – My topic was ‘Water Management’. I spoke fluently for 3 minutes.
  • GOR – Here comes the most exciting part of group tasks. Our war cry was ‘Vande Mataram’. Our whole group is full of josh.
  • My elbow got injured during the task but the enthusiasm is so high that I came to know about that after completion of the race.


GTO DAY 2: 19 AUG 0700 HRS.

IO – Being a state level volleyball player I am physically fit. So I was able to complete all the individual obstacles in given time.

COMMAND TASK – Our group had 10 members. 6 of my group mates called me as subordinate. I was given relatively tougher task (as my subordinates told me & as I have seen 3 tasks before my task) but I gave workable ideas. My GTO kept on making it more difficult and I had the solution for it. It’s after my command task, I got a strong gut feeling that I will make it this time.

FGT – It’s same as PGT and our group completed it easily.


MY interview was completely based on my PIQ form. There were two rapid fire rounds.

 My education from class 8 onwards. About my parents, there good qualities etc. My hobbies, how do I spend my time, about my pocket money etc. Thanks to Natrajan sir, as the questions in my interview were almost same to those in his videos. So the interview went very well and lasted for about 25 minutes.

No GK ques. No Technical questions.


The Deputy President of the board addressed us after that conference started. I waited for 15 minutes before my turn came, I was feeling very nervous during this time. But as I entered in the conference hall everyone was smiling so I got some relief. President Sir asked me some general questions like how’s your stay, any suggestions, which places I went to in my spare time etc. and I was asked to leave.

After the conference, results were announced and 4 of us got recommended. Then we were congratulated by the Board President. After that we met our friends.

Unfortunately, in our medicals only two of us got medically fit. Now I’m waiting for my joining letter in Dec.



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