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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended From SSB Bangalore For Indian Navy Flying Branch

Recommended From SSB Bangalore For Indian Navy Flying Branch

Hello everyone. I’m Tamasa Das. I got recommended from 12 SSB Bangalore for Indian Navy from the batch of 27th June 2017. This was my second attempt. I got screened out in my first attempt from 12 SSB Bangalore for the entry UES of Indian Navy from the batch of 22nd February 2017. I prepared myself for those three months by remembering the mistakes I had done in my previous attempt. I am a student of Computer Science Engineering and was waiting for my final semester result at the time of my SSB. Well, I do not come from a defense background still the uniform means a lot to me specially the pride and honour.  Well, I have cleared the SSB by myself but I took guidance from one of my friend who was in NDA and also from SSBCRACKOFFICIAL.


I was waiting at the Bangalore station for the selection centre bus. I have talked with few people as I was already a screened out one so I knew that on the first day we would have our documents verification and form fill up procedure. Well on the first day we had our documentation as usual. Later on, the next day we had our PPDT and OIR test. I did more than 90% in the OIR. For PPDT I have written a different story that includes Rifle shooting sports that I do play. While convincing others for the common story that includes the women empowerment as well the equality and female in the sports I cleared the first day. After finishing up all and lunch we were called in Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan Hall where screened in chest nos were called and new chest nos were distributed. At that time we were given our phones back and whoever got screened in had to submit the phone again. I got screened in. my chest no was 56 and after I got screened in I got new chest no that is 24. For the screening test this time I narrated my story well and without being panicked like previous time I was confident. 33 girls were screened in from our batch. We were given PIQ form to fill it up.

Next day we had our TAT, WAT, SRT and we had to write 5 paragraphs that include what our parents think of me, our teachers or boss(for those who are in job), our friends or colleagues(for those who are doing job), what we want to change in ourselves and what we think about us. For TAT all the pictures seemed easy to me to write a compact and positive story. I wrote one of my Rock Climbing experience for a picture. For the blank picture, I wrote my Trekking experience. For WAT I wrote 60 out of 60. In SRT I wrote 45 out of 60. Rest paragraphs were written by very clearly by me. On that day few of the candidates were having their interview. I was one of them. The interview was long more than an hour. I was asked questions on my educations and so on and family. Later on the questions were asked in my sports career that includes my current scores in my match, current position, my upcoming national games, my shooting kit, the timing of my swimming, my daily routine, and parents. Later on the reason of joining armed forces. Later on the current affairs, the post I have applied for, Navy, few current incidents including Gorkhaland issue as I am from West Bengal. Technical questions including RADAR its working procedure. Then my relationship with my teachers, my college, as I was Administrative Secretary of my college, what role I had to play etc. the interviewing officer had also asked me how did overcome from screened out to screened in and much more. Overall it was the longest interview I have ever given.

The next day we had our GTO 1. In this day first, we were divided into groups. Group of 8 or 9 girls. We were given two topics to discuss. Though I didn’t initiate I took part in that very clearly with example showed the points that are valid for the topics. Later on, we were given the map and an incident, where we need to find out a plan to stop the terror attack using the map. Well, this is the thing where one must remember the story very clearly cause that story includes several time for several attacks and position of the team. Once the time is over the story won’t be given. Remembering the story you have to write the plan. After finishing the writing within the time we had to discuss the plan and had to find out the minimum path to travel as well as minimum time to stop those attack. We discussed the plan. From my team, all the team members chose me to demonstrate the plan in front of GTO. Basically, the full plan which I had already written was being considered better by my team members. Then we moved to GTO ground for Progressive Group Task. There a person just needs common sense to solve the issue. Three things are there to be remembered.  The red area is out of use, the blue area is for standing but not for keeping helping materials and white area is for standing and keeping the helping materials. One must listen very carefully to the instructions and just need to use common sense to find out the path with the wooden plank, rope and bamboo stick. One carrying box is there which must not be kept on the ground. Our team couldn’t complete those 4 obstacles within time but we were given chance to find out path. I did participate very well including sharing ideas as well as finding out the minimum path to cross those obstacles. Later on, we had our half group task that includes half of our team members and there I did perform including sharing ideas.

Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)

After that we had our another group task that is snake race, in that task we had to carry a long sand snake and we had to pass few obstacles. While passing those obstacles at least three of the group member should carry the snake and we had to shout our war cry. In that task I was standing in front and each and every obstacle I did cross very clearly. I helped my team members to climb on the wall. As I had done one climbing course before that basic mountaineering course it helped me to pull up my members and also it helped me a lot in all kind of physical task that includes jumping climbing waking on Burma bridge etc. our team couldn’t finish the first but I took care of one thing that none of the team members were left at any obstacles or they got hurt by any means.

On that day we had our Lecturette. In that I chose Indian company vs MNC Company among four options of topics. I told several issues the positive and negative impact as well the solutions and the example, being a student of CSE department I did bring out the MNC company jobs and all, several start up projects and start up companies that are Indian and their market values. We had our Individual Obstacles then. In that, I did almost all of them and repeated four of them. I did those double ditch, Burma bridge, Tarzan swing etc. As I am already in different sports fields, so it helped me a lot to do all those things. I found them not that much tough.

Thus another day ends. The next day we had our GTO 2. In that day few of my team members had their interview. I had my interview before. In GTO 2 command task was there. Two of my team members called me as subordinates. At the time of my command task, I did not only one task but eventually four tasks. Among them, two tasks were done by me with my subordinates rest two I had to do alone. The concept was I was standing on a sinking ship I had to find out a path to reach the shore. After finding out the first path the GTO Sir told me it was destroyed find another one. Thus I had to find out four paths. And rest two were done by me alone.

female ssb candidate
Me after recommendation

Well, thus the final day came the conference day. It was one of the breath taking experience that I have ever had. Sitting in front of more than 10 Naval Officers and answering simple questions like how was your stay, what you found here, what is the difference between working with friends in a group and in SSB group etc. I think I have given satisfactory answers. Later on, we were called in Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan Hall. Then one of the eminent naval officer had given the closing speech. Later on, we were moved to another hall where we were given our phones back. There another officer announced the final result. Only 6 girls were recommended and there I chest no 24 got the place. Usually, in those 5 days, we used to get liberty time of 4 hours to go out and to roam around the Bangalore in the group. Finally after recommendations we 6 girls were given the medical chest nos and I got chest no +2.each and every day new had our proper time of dinner, lunch, and breakfast. I made friends there and we went out to see the city also. Overall the experience was awesome.

As I was the pilot entry I had to wait for four days and had to go to Mysore for PABT. Later on, my medical examinations had started and it took 4 to 5 days to complete.

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Best Book To Crack SSB
Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

To crack SSB and AFSB Interview get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” Book from Flipkart. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants

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