I am Sai Bhargav from Hyderabad and got recommended for Indian Army through CDS Direct Entry from 17 SSB Bangalore. Whenever I read a success story I always wanted to write my story and today the time has come. Reading success stories motivated me to never give up. SSBCrack gave me a fair opportunity to understand the SSB process. I had read the articles on SSB crack to motivate myself. This is my 2nd attempt and in my first attempt, I got screened out in 33 SSB BHOPAL. After that, I really worked hard. My dream was never to get screened in but to get recommended in the next attempt itself.
I understood that my communication was not good. For 1 month I read the Hindu newspaper editorial aloud and noted down all the words which I was not familiar with. I started studying GK topics and practiced SRT and WAT many times to improve my speed. I started introspecting myself, asked my friends about my positives and negatives. I always noted down everything in a notebook about my mistakes and tried to improve them.
I reported on July 21 to center and had PPDT the next day. I wrote a story on a village reporting the problems of their village to their MLA. My story was completely different from all other stories in our group. But I narrated my story with full confidence, in the discussion I completely agreed to my group story based on problems of fisherman and I added my points to the discussion. It was a very healthy discussion and I enjoyed being a part of it. I was very confident about screening and six out of eleven from our group got screened in. It was my first step towards my dream.
Next day we had psych test. In TAT I wrote very simple and practical stories with clear details. For the 12th picture, I wrote how I worked hard to get an admission in NIT Calicut. In WAT I wrote all 60 sentences which relate me. In SRT I wrote 45 with detailed solutions. In SD I wrote the same things which my friends told me. After psych test, I was very confident that I did well. After that, we had a lunch.
Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)
- Current Affairs Jan 2017 eBook [300+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs Feb 2017 eBook [600+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs March 2017 eBook [800+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs April 2017 eBook [750+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs May 2017 eBook [900+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs June 2017 eBook [1100+ Questions Included]
I was not prepared for my interview but I got a call on the same day that I had the interview. IO asked my name as it was very long. I told TIPRISHETTI SAI BHARGAV VARMA. He asked me many questions about myself and I answered all of them. As I am a mechanical engineer he asked me few technical questions, among I answered only one and said I was not good in technical. I told my favorite subject as mathematics, he asked me many questions in Mathematics like what was the formula of compound interest and what if it was compounded Quarterly. I answered all mathematics questions. In GK he asked me about north eastern states, Issues between India and China, Kaveri water issue and South China sea dispute. I answered all those. In the interview, I said some wrong answers for army day, where did Naxalism start. He asked me to answer in two sentences why I would like to join the army. I said I want to live after my death. He asked me to elaborate then I said if I die in an accident or some other way my family would cry for me for 1 or 2 years later forget me but if I die in a war my whole region remember me for a long time. My second reason was I want to inspire people around me to take up this profession as there were no people serving in the army in our region. He asked me many personal questions and I answered them all. He asked me alternate career options I said that I had been preparing for SSC CGL and attempted SSC CPO.I was not comfortable with rapid fire questions but somehow answered them. Before leaving he asked me who was the financial, defense and home ministers. I answered them with a smile on my face. He wished me all the best and left the hall. I was shattered after the interview as I had a mixed feeling about the interview. But I motivated me to perform to my best in GTO.
The best part of SSB was GTO I really enjoyed it. On GTO 1 we had two group discussions which went well. All of us spoke well and had a healthy discussion. I initiated one of the GD’s. After that, we had GPE, in which I did a blunder mistake. I mistook 15 cm as 1.5 km when the scale was 1 cm =1 km and wrote my story according to it. In the discussion, we were contradicting on group plan GTO said last one min. I asked chest no 1 to give the plan and told others to add points to that. I nominated him to tell the plan to GTO. The best part in my SSB was Snake race, I really enjoyed it. In between, I climbed both the walls of my own and helped my group to climb. At last, we were winners of snake race. In PGT we did 3 obstacles I gave good suggestions and whenever there was some risk I went there and did it. Our HGT and FGT were easy. I went to visit HAL Museum in Bengaluru after my GTO.
I did 11 individual obstacles, I was unhappy about it. I fell down 2 times in between from balancing beam, because of that I couldn’t do more. I spoke very confidently for 3 min on sustainable development in LECURETTE. In command task, I got a bit tricky obstacle but I completed it in 5 min.GTO asked me why I would like to join forces. I said the same thing that I want to live after my death. He said it was a noble reason to join forces. After all, GTO gave a wonderful lecture about life for 40 min and wished us all the very best. After GTO, I went to the library to find out answers for which I couldn’t answer in the interview. I prepared my things for around 3 hours for my conference.
In my conference, they asked me four questions-what is your name, what all places I have visited in Banglore, what I have learned here in 5 days, Is there any suggestions for them. I answered all of them. Vice president said that’s it Sai Bhargav. I said thank you, sir and left the conference hall.
I was eagerly waiting for the result. Many things were running in my brain. While announcing results I closed my eyes for few seconds and said to God “If I am fit for this profession to give me this.” Second chest number 07 called was mine. I didn’t know what was happening there. I couldn’t see who were the others for some time. I got emotional and tears rolled down my eyes. I felt very bad for my friends who were not recommended. For 15 min I couldn’t understand what was happening there and everything got changed. I wish all the best for all aspirants.

Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
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