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Written ExamsAFCAT6 Last Minute Preparation Tips For AFCAT 2 2019 Exam

6 Last Minute Preparation Tips For AFCAT 2 2019 Exam

AFCAT 2 2018 is scheduled to be conducted in Aug 2019. The candidates, who are targeting it, would have covered almost entire syllabus. But revising the entire syllabus at the last moment is not a wise act. Rather going through a crisp segment of the syllabus can ease the last moment preparations. So, here are some last moment preparation tips for the AFCAT aspirants to score well in the Exam.


6 Last Minute Preparation Tips For AFCAT 2 2019 Exam

  1. Current affairs – Current affairs need to be covered compulsorily. This part is easy to cover and GK section has significant part composed of it. The awards and honors, books and authors, new appointment, national and international affairs etc can be easily covered.
  2. The reasoning is the scoring part – The reasoning part of the AFCAT is the easiest and scoring part of the exam. The candidates must give their best in it, especially in non-verbal reasoning, which needs a bit practice and some close observations.
  3. Practice for antonyms and synonyms – Just try to commemorate them in an easy and casual way. When you prepare for them, you will find it easy to attempt this section of English.
  4. Formulas in maths – Go through all the maths formulas that are the part of the syllabus of the exam. The maths section of AFCAT is the scoring part. But to do more in less time, the candidates must commemorate the formulas of the topics covered in the syllabus. The syllabus of maths in AFCAT is not too complex or lengthy as compared to the other defense exams like NDA and CDS. So going through these formulas will make the score go high.
  5. Practice papers – Practice papers, previous papers, sample papers etc. Makes the candidates prepared for the exam. It is to check the time management, strategy making, and to check the level of the exam. Attempt as many as you can in this gap till your exam.
  6. GK one liners – The questions in GK part of the AFCAT are asked directly. The candidates might be having a perfect knowledge of their basic subjects. But having the basic knowledge of the other subject can bring your marks up. Science students must go through the overview of the history, polity, geography and similarly, art students must have the basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, and biology to a requisite level.
    Some other tips that will help the aspirants in scoring more are
    – Make a plan of attempting the sections as per your aptitude.
    – Attempt only those questions which are in the circle of your knowledge.
    – Don’t stick to tough questions. Move to next and check the left problems if you get time after attempting the paper.

Conclusion – The last moment preparation steps always brings the best part of the exam. But keeping the last moment preparation organized and simple can only bring the expected results. Moreover, managing the preparation steps according to your aptitude will make the work effect more. So follow the above points and bring your best in the upcoming exam.
All the best.


Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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