The defense qualifying exams are the best way to begin your journey for the defense career. The exam contains few sections with G.K as a mandatory section. The questions in this section are related to diverse fields from dead GK to the current affairs. The students having good knowledge of their graduation or 10+2 subjects can handle it well. For aspirants, below are some questions from science GK that will give a hint about the type of questions that appear in these exams.
Current Affairs questions will be from last 5-7 months (for AFCAT, NDA, CDS, TA)
- Current Affairs March 2017 eBook [800+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs Feb 2017 eBook [600+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs Jan 2017 eBook [300+ Questions Included]
- Current Affairs April 2017 eBook
- Current Affairs May 2017 eBook
50 Science GK Questions For AFCAT, CDS, NDA, T.A. Exam
- The power of a lens is measured in – Dioptre
- ’Anemophily’ pollination is done by – Wind
- ’Penicillin’ antibiotic is obtained from – Fungi
- ’Amalgam’ is a term used for an alloy of a metal with –Mercury
- Sphygmomanometer is used for measuring – Blood pressure
- Decibel is the unit of measuring – Sound
- Which bacteria is helpful in making curd from milk – Lactobacillus
- the largest flightless bird is – Ostrich
- Metal tea pots have wooden handles because – Insulation from heat
- Bile is produced in – Liver
- elements containing same number of electrons are called – Isoelectronic
- Baby Blue Syndrome is caused due to – Nitrate
- Richter scale is used for measuring – Seismic waves
- Non-stick cooking utensils are coated with – Taflon
- Silver gets corroded due to presence of which compound in air– Hydrogen Sulphide
- The strongest known natural fibre is – Silk
- Silkworm feeds on – Mulberry leaves
- Which metal is used in storage batteries – Lead
- Which vitamin acts like hormone – vitamin D
- Swimming pool seems to be shallower due to the phenomenon of – Refraction of light
- Number of bones in a new-born baby is – 300 Bones
- Which blood group Is known as universal donor blood group – O blood group
- Which of the following caused radioactive pollution along Kerala coast – Thorium
- Which lobe of human brain operates hearing process – Temporal
- Which of the following disease is caused by Vitamin B3 – Pellagra
- Which element gives hardness to stainless steel – Carbon
- Addition of suitable impurities into semiconductor elements is called – Doping
- ORS is given in – Diarrhoea
- Which hormone is secreted by Pancreas – Insulin
- The layer of atmosphere closest to the earth crust is – Troposphere
- When a sound wave goes from one medium to another, what remains unchanged – Frequency
- Plants which grow in saline soil are – Halophytes
- Which organ involved in the process of ingestion in the case of Amoeba – Pseudopodia
- Bell metal is an alloy of – Tin and Copper
- CT scan is done using – X rays
- The sea horse belongs to – fishs
- Following the sign conventions, the focal length of a concave mirror is – Negative
- Alum purifies muddy water by the process of – Coagulation
- In vascular plant, water is conducted by – Xylem
- Goitre is caused by the deficiency of – Iodine
- Beaufort scale is used to measure – Wind speed
- The vertical lines of elements in the modern periodic table are called – Groups
- The bone of the which organ is the longest in the human body – Thigh
- Accumulation of which one of the following in the muscles leads to fatigue – Lactic acid
- ‘Yellow Cake’ a costly compound, contains – Uranium oxide
- Solar energy is produced by – Fusion reaction
- Which hormones regulates blood calcium and phosphate? – Parathyroid hormone
- Electron was discovered by – J. J. Thomson
- Blood and lymph are types of – Connective tissue
- The average life span of Human R.B.C is– 120 days
Conclusion – The questions are not only for science students but for all aspirants. What all it required is preparation and practice. The above questions are directly asked and belong to the basics of the science which can be covered easily. Get the conceptual and basic knowledge and go up step by step.

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