List of Selected Candidates for various courses commencing in Jul 17 is placed at Annexure ‘A’. To meet vacancies in various branches, allotment has been made taking into consideration Eligibility, Merit Position, Medical Fitness and choices given by the candidates.
Please note that the selection is subject to Medical Fitness as given by the competent Armed Forces Medical Authorities and on Submission of Requisite Documents as proof of having achieved the minimum educational qualifications for the course, besides other qualifications.
Candidates whose medical fitness is subject to Appeal / Review will be issued Call letters only if found fit by the competent Armed Forces Medical Authorities and admission to Air Force Academy (AFA) will be subject to achieving medical fitness specified for the Branch. Relevant annotations have been made against their names.
All courses would commence on 03 Jul 17 at AFA, Dundigal, Hyderabad. Those Candidates whose name figures in the Selection List, who have cleared Medical Examination and whose Documents have been verified, would be issued Call Letters. Call Letters would be dispatched by Speed Post / Scanned copy through E-Mail to the address/E-mail ID available on record. Instruction Booklet with format of various forms is available for download at the Air Force career website. (Airmen candidates will be issued Call Letters through Unit Adjutant).

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