Hello Friends I am LOVE SHARMA from Tundla which is a small town in district Firozabad of Uttar Pradesh and I recently got recommended from 33 SSB BHOPAL in my 7 SSB attempt in UNIVERSTY ENTRY SCHEME, PERMANENT COMMISSION. Fist of all I would like to thank the almighty God for giving me enough strength and courage and patience to withstand all the failures that I had till now and believing in my ability that yes I can do it, next I would like to thank my mentor MR RAJPAL SINGH RATHORE who runs a SSB workshop in Gurgaon and you can get in touch with him on targetssbinterview and then my parents who have always helped me morally and showing their ample amount of trust on me so that I am able to pursue my dreams till the end.
Now moving to my SSB experiences so far I began my long journey way back in January 2012.My attempts are listed below:
T he failures did not let me down and I knew that I would do one day and during my last SSB attempt at 10 +2 level that was for navy TES I was a border line case and I just missed it due to my negligence as I answered a situation asked to me by the president of the board in a very wrong manner and after coming our from the conference room I knew that I have done a very big mistake of my life and I even regret it today but never the less all is well that ends well.
Then when I first time got screened in during my graduate entries at AFSB Mysore I was quite happy but luck always seemed to be a step ahead and then one of the JCO s came and told me that although u have got screned in but in your form you have filled only FLYING BRANCH as your option so if you do not clear PABT tomorrow you will be routed back .it was like a do or die situation for me even after getting screened in and unfortunately I could not clear PABT and then I was routed back to home . I was very disappointed and while I was coming from mysore I read an email regarding UES NAVY SSB interview at Bhopal and it was from that moment I thought that what so ever the situation may demand I would do it this time and then I began my preparations for the ssb with the help of my mentor and during this time I got adequate support from sir do groom me better for ssb and since the time was limited I had to make day and night efforts for the SSB but during this time I got a realistic approach with the help of Rajpal sir that what I actually needs to do during the whole journey of 5 days and it was during this time that I realized what all mistakes I have committed so far during my attempts which all resulted in failures.
Now began my journey and I reported at MCO BHOPAL on 7 February 2017 and since I have been to Bhopal in 2013 it was quite a fresh feeling once again to be there after 4 years. I met one of the guys named ANIKET CHKRAPANI and it was quite good to talk to him as he was a very chill person and we both made each other laughed and talked about our previous SSB attempts. On the reporting day our documents were checked and we were allotted chest numbers and the temporary accommodation for the night and I was allotted chest number 07 for my screening test and ANIKET was allotted chest number 08 there was a call up of 300 candidates but only 202 reported and I was quite confident as I knew that I was well prepared this time and I interacted with people and made good friends out of few who were there in my room.
The first test was intelligence test and the in the first test of intelligence test I attempted all the questions and almost all were right and I did them before the time but the second booklet of verbal was a bit different than what I had got so far in my previous attempts and I face difficulty in some of the questions so without wasting time I attempted all what I knew and tried to solve the remaining ones later and at last I left around 6 to 7 questions attempted but did not made wrong guesses although there was no negative marking and then after having lunch our results were announced and finally again I got screened in and this time my chest number was 02 and Aniket got chest number 03 and again we both were together (never knew what destiny was getting formed )
Then we all 48 candidates who got screened in we were told to deposit our mobile phones and we filled up the PIQ form by the evening and after filling PIQ when I came back to the lines I just thought that there was no place for hobbies to write up and when I asked others they said man u have forgotten to write your hobbies and interests and then I immediately rushed towards the board and requested JCO sir to let me write m hobbies in my PIQ form ,he refused at first and then I requested after all have gone and finally he agreed and I still rember he told me “ASE HI REPEATER BANTA RAHEGA TUU …..I TOLD SORRY SIR AND THANKED HIM FOR HIS HELP “
Current Affairs March 2017 eBook [800+ Questions Included]
Current Affairs Feb 2017 eBook [600+ Questions Included]
Current Affairs Jan 2017 eBook [300+ Questions Included]
Then we all had psychology test as per the schedule and the psychologist sir who came to brief us was very energetic and his body language was so that he filled us with motivation everytime whenever he talked and the whole atmosphere created on account of his words was very positive and we actually got a feel that yes we are now in a military area .
The first test was TAT and I made sure that I did not turned with any pre planned stories this time as I had done previously and just gave my random response on whatever I saw and my suggestion for all of you is that never come with pre determined thoughts as such things are easily caught by the officer concerned and then it all ends up in failure
The second test was WAT and again my approach was very simple to write as whatever came in my mind and the good things was that I did not practiced much WAT this time as it tends to change your thoughts and such things are not at all acceptable
Then the third test was SRT and I completed about 45 situations and gave normal responses and I would advise all of you to try to do as many SRT as you can do .I could complete only 45 as my handwriting was very slow and read the situations carefully and the write your responses and the responses should be a bit elaborative so that the situation is solved completely .
Then self description was again what I wrote on the spot and most of the guys were planning their self description the previous night but me and ANIKET were both chilling each other beside our bed and I just wrote whatever came to my mind at that point of time and my advice for you all will also be the same that do no plan out much just keep anticipating the things and keep doing as to what you are told to do .
I was told that soon after my psychology test I will have my interview and hence I even did not got time to change up for the interview and straight away went to the waiting room and waited for my turn while chest number 01 was being interviewed .I just chilled up myself while I was waiting and my interview was taken by the deputy president of the board and then became the most interesting conversation while my turn came up .
Before the ssb interview I had taken head shave of my hairs and the hairs were quite pricky as they were still in growing phase and as soon as I entered the interview room sir stood up and we both had a handshake and then came the first question of the most interesting conversation
IO: Why did you took such a haircut which is so small
ME : Sir I did not took hair cut but I took a head shave few days back
IO: why u did so ?
Me: sir I was having dandruff in my hairs due to cold season ….(and he could nt stop laughing )
IO : Do you have this problem frequently or this time only
ME: Sir if I put on more cap during winters I will have it
IO: But you could have used Patanjali products or any other remedy
ME: Sir I felt this was more of a permanent solution and cheaper too so I just went for it out of all the available alternatives (and he was busy in laughing …..)
Later during the interview sir asked me everything related to my college life and what all the activities I had done during my college days ,about my friends ,my schedule for the day,the project which I have undertaken ,difficulties that I faced during the project work,how I help my family at this age and it was quite an interesting conversation with sir and finally after 1 hr 10 minutes of the interview he told me to go and take rest and I was quite confident from here as I knew that I just spoke what I really do and my tips for all other people is that never try to bluff in interview and speak as the things are as it will help the IO in understanding you much better and forming a clue about your personality and moreover do not fear anything as everything is confidential and confined between you and interviewing officer so just speak out as to what you actually are as the liars are easily caught.
It was a chilled out morning and we all went to the gto ground in our gto dresses and I still rember how we all were just trying to warm up our bodies and yet again the hot tea served as just a catalyst.
Our GTO sir was a chill person and the cap of INS MUMBAI that he wore just gave me a feel that I have be one like him one day .first we started with GROUP DISCUSSION and our first topic was why engineering degree has lost its value and I picked up one of the hints and gave all the valuable points which I could give from my side and the best thing that I came to know through this GD was that my group was so supportive that everyone of us got chance to speak out and no one ever interrupted anyone and we had a very healthy discussion ,even sir came and praised all of us that u guys did a very patient discussion which now a days we don’t see in engineers. Then in the same way we had our GD on the second topic which was given to us by the sir and then we moved on to GROUP PLANNING EXCERCISE and again in this task our group contributed well and I spoke wherever I felt to give useful suggestions and the useful thing was that everyone was contributing instead of opposing anyone and I guess this really helped us as a group and finally one of us concluded the GPE and all those who wanted to give useful suggestions again gave it on their own part.
Then the next task was PGT and HGT and our group crossed all the obstacles assigned to us and everyone got the chance to implement their ideas and all those who had few other alternatives also were allowed to implement their ideas and I guess in such what is more important is how you tackle them as a group and not as an individual and so everything went good as a group I would say.
Then the same day we had SNAKE RACE and INDIVIDUAL OBSTACLES too and during snake race our group went off with the planned war cry and I was the one who made sure that everyone went all along and the weaker ones were pulled so that our group stood first .then during individual obstacles I had already planned my way during the time while I was waiting for my turn and since I was chest number 02 it was me and Aniket whose chance always came first in every task and then countering all the obstacles I ended up in doing 12 obstacles and I was happy with my efforts as this was first time when I went past 10 IOs and then we were informed that same day we will have lecturette also and then everyone of us chose our topic and spoke for 3 minutes on the topic and while one was speaking the other guy got the time to prepare for the topic and the topic which I chose out of the 4 marked on a slip was AGRICULTURAL REFORMS as I was more comfortable with it and I spoke for 3 minutes on the topic and ended up as soon as the bell was struck.
Finally after a tiring day we all went towards our lines and we were a bit more relaxed as we were left only with command task and final group task we knew that it would be completed very soon the other day .
We were informed that the first task that we would have for the day will be COMMAND TASK and I was happy as my chance won’t come first as sir told that he would adopt random order for calling the candidates and during this task each of us is made a commander and the commander has to call 2 helpers as subordinates to assist him in doing the work and then came the first call from sir and it was chest number 10 and I felt great as it was not me to do the task again but then came number 02 and yet again it was me who was called to do the work in just the beginning itself and while sir called me he had a brief conversation with me particularly about the place from where I belong ,speciality of that place and then her asked me about each one of my attempts and possible reasons why I failed so many times and how I managed up with the preparations this time .I told what I thought the best and then he showed me my task and it was quite difficult one and had a number of moving structures and then I called two of my friends for helping me and then while I was doing task there were many a times where my approach did not worked and I had to apply the alternative way of solving the task and finally I ended up in doing my task easily and within the given time and in the same manner we all ended up and the good things was that I was called by 3 of group friends and then in the similar manner as PGT our group collaborated well to complete the FINAL GROUP TASK well within the time and during this task we gave more chances to those who by now felt that they were not able to do good and then sir had few talks with us that what actually they look into SSB and how then he told us that how some great people have not been able to clear SSB because it is just a matter of time that a particular individual is not suitable for the armed forces and how we can excel ourselves in other careers too and finally we all were relaxed that we have successfully completed all the tasks and all were excited about the result.

The conference day began with the closing address by the deputy president sir and he came and had brief talks with the all 48 of us and told us about the design of the entire ssb procedure and how it has produced some of the finest people for our nation so there was no question on the credibility of the entire procedure and then he probably told us that how we can still go back and introspect ourselves and come out with further improvements and wished us all the best for the results.
Now began the conference after the arrival of the president of the board and again it was me whose turn would come up early while the chest number 01 went I was waiting outside the room and just chilling myself as I knew results have already been prepared and it wont affect my results in any way and then when chest number 01 came out I waited for the bell to ring to indicate that it was my turn to get into the conference room and then it was a long wait and my other friends behind in the room were noting the time after which I was called and then I was called after about 8 minutes and one things was sure that this time I have hit the nail on the head and while in entered room everyone was smiling including the lady officers and I gave s mile back too and then my IO asked me few questions beginning with my name “LOVE” and I could hear other officers asking “ LOVE OH MY GOD “ and moreover it was a valentine weak too so everyone started laughing after hearing my name and then I got a sense of feeling that everything is positive and then my IO asked me as to what I have learnt during this attempt ?
IO :What I will tell to my younger brother when I go back home ?
ME :I told sir I would tell him what was the feeling to face SSB again after a long gap of 4 years and who all are the friends I made and how I did during my tasks and then I added that sir in case I got recommended I would tell him about the medical procedure too .
IO: That means you are you sure you would get recommended ?
ME: I just told that I have given my best in every task and considering my performance this time I am hopeful that I would get tough this time
Then he asked me probably which places we visited during our stay at Bhopal and what all I did when I was free and then he asked for some valuable suggestions and that’s how my conference ended.
Then I came out and again it was ANIKET s chance and as usual even his conference discussion lasted for more than 10 minutes and then we both were confident about each others chances and in the same manner the entire conference ended up and then we were told to have lunch and our chest numbers were taken back and then came the greatest moment when our psychologist sir came to announce our results.
Again as he entered room he filled the room with the energy and all were so energetic by the way he spoke and lifted everyone os us and then he began with his first note that how many of you think would get recommended and to no others surprise everyones of us raised our hands except a few 2 or 3 and then he asked them reasons as to why they think so and then he said that you all should also be honest like them and even all those whou would not be able to make it this time should go back and analyse your failures before cming back again and then he said as all of you have raised your hands but your results does not say that and then he told only 3 out of 48 have been recommended and then he said now I will begin with the announcement of the chest numbers who have been recommended and during this time I was just smiling and keeping my nerves under control and then he began with ….the first chest number is ….is …. 02 and yes it was me and I was dumb struck for few seconds before I got up with pride and spoke out my name and date of birth and then sir told me to go out of the room and then it was chest no 21 and my friend aniket was still waiting and then it was chest number 03 and aniket too came out of room rushing and we both just hugged each other tightly and me and aniket were literally in tears as we both had made it finally after getting out number of times and we both began right back from NDA
Then I shook hand with all the members of the batch and finally we were givem our recommendation letters by the deputy president of the board and then we procceded for our medicals and it was an honour to be in the selected candidates lines of ssb Bhopal and during my medicals I was given TEMPORARY REJECTION for a bit higher angle in my left arm but due to regular treatment I managed to clear my TR and now I am medically fit for joining the Indian naval academy and will be proceeding to the academy on 8 july 2017 for a new phase of my life and I hope everything goes well .
Now few lines foe the ANIKET CHAKPRAPANI …he is all india meri list number 02 for cds entry for IMA and rank 01 for the Indian naval academy and finally both of us would be again together in the academy too and I wish all the best for the ssb aspirants and you have any queries to ask kindly contact me on 8901038488 before I leave for INA .
I would just say never give up and keep chasing your dreams and they do come true.

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