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Personal InterviewGeneral Knowledge50 Latest Politics GK Questions For SSB AFCAT NDA CDS Exam

50 Latest Politics GK Questions For SSB AFCAT NDA CDS Exam

The defense qualifying exam (CDS, NDA, AFCAT and Territorial Army) have a wide scheme of topics in the General Ability section. And polity questions are prominently asked in the exams. The type of questions asked is different; like NDA and CDS papers have statement type questions while AFCAT and TA paper have direct questions. To give a hint about the type of politics questions asked in these exams, here are some Sample Questions with their answer.


Current Affairs questions will be from last 5 months

  1. The Permanent Chairman of Constituent Assembly elected on 11.12.1946 was – Rajendra Prasad
  2. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly was – B. R. Ambedkar
  3. According to the Article 355, it is the duty of the Union to protect States against – External Aggression, Constitutional Breakdown, Internal Disturbance
  4. The term ‘Fourth Estate’ refers to – Press
  5. The first general elections were held in India in – 1951-52
  6. The Election Commission is responsible for the conduct of elections to – (i) Parliament, (ii) Offices of President and Vice President & (iii) State Legislatures
  7. To be recognized as a regional party, a party must secure – at least 4% of the valid votes in State
  8. The Panchsheel agreement between India and China was signed in – 1954
  9. In which year and place did Subhash Chandra Bose re-organized the Azad Hind Fauz/INA? – 1943, Singapore
  10. Where Mahatma Gandhiji did first tried ‘Satyagraha’? – South Africa
  11. What has been described as the ‘Indian Political Horoscope? -Preamble
  12. Shimla Agreement between India and Pakistan was signed in -1972
  13. Indian Constitution is called ‘Quasi-Federal’ because it has – Single Judiciary
  14. India borrowed the idea of incorporating Fundamental Rights in the Constitution from which nation? – USA
  15. The case in which Supreme Court restrict the authority of Parliament to amend Fundamental Rights and declared these rights to be absolute, permanent and unalterable? – Golak Nath Case
  16. The Dual Government in Bengal was started by – Robert Clive
  17. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is – The Vice President
  18. President of India is elected by – By Electoral College
  19. Delhi got the status of a State in – 1993
  20. How the Constitution of India has distributed the powers to different levels? – Concurrent List, Central List & State List
  21. The maximum number of representatives are sent to the Rajya Sabha by which state – Uttar Pradesh
  22. A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha can be delayed by the Rajya Sabha for a maximum period of -14 days
  23. Who is considered as the Custodian of the Parliament? – Speaker
  24. Who has the power to constitute a High Court to the Union Territory – Parliament
  25. Who is authorized to appoint the Chief Minister of Delhi? – Lieutenant Governor
  26. President declares emergencies – On the advice of the Council of Ministers
  27. To whom does the Public Accounts Committee submits its report? – Speaker of Lok Sabha
  28. The resolution for removing the Vice President of India can be moved in the – Rajya Sabha alone
  29. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly shall be elected by – Members of Legislative Assembly
  30. The Mandal Commission for backward classes was set up in – 1978
  31. Who is empowered to nominate Anglo-Indian Community to Lok Sabha / Legislative Assembly? – President / Governor
  32. The first Governor General of Bengal was – Warren Hastings
  33. The Act that made the beginning of Electoral System in India was – Government of India Act, 1858
  34. Right to Property was excluded from the Fundamental Rights during the tenure of the Government headed by – Morarji Desai
  35. The aim of the Directive Principles of State Policy is to establish – Welfare State in the country
  36. The Article that provides the separation of Judiciary from the Executive – 50
  37. ‘Jana gana mana’ was adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on 24th January 1950 and was first sung on – 27th December, 1911
  38. The Supreme Court propounded ‘The Theory of Basic Structure of the Constitution’ in – Keshavananda Bharti case
  39. Who appoints Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court – President
  40. India opted for a Federal form of government on the ground of – Linguistic and Regional diversity
  41. Sarkaria Commission was appointed by the Government to submit report on – Center-State Relations
  42. The ground for the Impeachment of President is – violation of the Constitution
  43. The article that empowers the President to grant pardon is -72
  44. Where are disputes regarding election of President and Vice President filed and settled? – Supreme Court
  45. The first Deputy Prime Minister of India was – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  46. The Rajya Sabha can be dissolved by – Rajya Sabha Can’t be dissolved
  47. The members of Rajya Sabha shall be elected by – MLAs
  48. Who decides whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not – Speaker
  49. The first Chief Justice of India was – Harlal J. Kania
  50. Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India is related to – Disputes between Union and States

The above questions will give you the idea of the questions asked in General ability section of defense exams. The candidate must have precise knowledge of the details of the events to come to the right answer. The qualifying exams are the best way to enter the services as it clears most of the competition in screening and gives a comfortable merit option. So, prepare hard, target your exam and get through it in this attempt.

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Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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