This might be a little lengthy but do read on. I filled the application for 10+2 Btech Navy in Jan 2017 when I was in the NCC Republic day camp New Delhi. After not getting the call-up letter until march I decided to go for Basic Mountaineering course at NIMAS Dirang. When I was going to Dirang, I get a call from my father saying you need to come back, SSB call up has come. I asked him to get the date changed. (Request accepted by SSB )
JOURNEY TO NSB VIZAG (NSB: Navy Selection Board)
My SSB was on the 7th of April. Took a flight from Bangalore on 6th morning. Stayed at the railway station dormitory for the day.
We were taken to NSB Vizag. A total of 136 candidates had reported. Fresher, screen out and conference out candidates were separated and supplied with chest numbers. I was 15. Document checking and breakfast went on simultaneously.
We were made to sit chest number wise in 2 rooms. 1st in line was the OIR.
17mins 40 questions. Twice. 1st round I finished 28(17mins went like a flash). In the 2nd round, I finished all 40 with a change of strategy.
Next in line was the PP&DT. An extremely(not kidding) blur picture was shown for 30secs. And we were required to write the action and probable story on the picture. And after lunch, in batches of 13 called in and were asked to narrate our stories one by one and finally discuss and conclude by giving one story. My story was short hence my narration was short as well. After everyone had finished the discussion started. Everyone revolved around the point made by the initiator. I put forward my opinion which differed and within 3-4 mins the discussion was done and we were asked to leave.
At 3 pm we were asked to deposit our chest numbers and sit in the order of our chest numbers. At 3.30 an officer walked in and gave a motivational speech and declared in. 18 chest numbers were called out including mine, supplied with new chest numbers(I got 03) and asked to get our luggage. Others were asked to pick their luggage and board the bus immediately. Screened in candidates were made to fill a lot of forms and were told the dos and don’ts of the campus and were shown our accommodation (which was good). After dinner in a roll call, we were told about the next day’s schedule (psych tests and interview for few candidates).
At 8.30 am our testing started with the 1st test being the TAT. 12 pictures were shown one after the other with a gap of 5 mins each. 30 secs to observe the picture and 4.5 mins to write our story. The last picture is always blank and we can write the story we want. Compared to PP&DT the pictures were so clear that a movie could be made around the picture(not literally). I kept all my stories short. The 12th story plays great significance hence I had prepared it.
Next was the WAT.
60 words. 15 secs each. 15 mins and the test got over just like that. I managed to write 56 out of 60.
Next was SRT’s.
60 situations. Our reaction in 30 mins. I wrote 48.
Next was the SDT’s(Self description test)
Where we are required to write 5 paragraphs in 15 mins. About
- what our teachers think about us.
- what our parents think about us.
- what our friends think about us.
- our opinion about ourselves.
- What kind of a person we would like to become.
Friends I suggest you prepare these beforehand. And make the last paragraph ambitious while being practical. And when the psychologist says stop please stop. There is no chance that you are the smartest person in the room. Its always the psychologist. You cannot cheat him.
And the tests finished.
After lunch, I was called for interview. My interview went on for a good 70 mins + – 5 mins.
Covered my entire life in those mins. The interviewer is interested in knowing about us. No point in being nervous or tensed. Answer what you know. Try and answer relevant things for the questions you do not know. Talk about concepts only if you havin-depthth knowledge. The IO can easily identify show offs.
DAY 3 <GTO tasks day 1>
It started with group discussion. The topics given were wonderful and thought provoking. As expected it became a fish market. I put my point forward and again it became a fish market. LOL. The gto stopped the GD within time. Do not wait for the intensity of the discussion to pacify. Two GD’s were conducted.
Next was GPE.
A board on which a map was drawn was kept in front of us. A narrative which consisted of 4 problems were given. We had to provide an individual and a group solution in writing and verbally respectively. Again I had a different opinion as to what has to given the first priority. I put forward my opinion but couldn’t convince my group(because they ganged up :p). The group solution was given. Did not speak after the conclusion was given.
4 topics were given, we had to choose and prepare on one topic. I chose communalism(avg level topic) and spoke about it in a mix of English and Hindi.
Next was PGT and Followed by HGT.
Workable ideas were to be given to practical and not-previously-known problems. We are given few helping materials and a few rules are told which we are to strictly adhere to.
In half group task group reduces to half. And another task is given.
I took active part in it and put forward ideas which I thought was workable and my group accepted them. We need to keep in mind that though there are many workable ideas we need to stick to one of them.
Next Group Obstacle Race(GOR)
We were given a snake like thing which we had to carry during the obstacles. Unlike the individual obstacle, we need to work as a group here and follow rules. The groups reach more or less at the same time.
Day 3 testing got over. After lunch we went out to explore vizag. (VERY Beautiful)
Day 4(GTO Tasks day 2)
Started with individual obstacles. We were briefed as to how each obstacle has to be performed. Rules were explained. And GTO gave few hints(TRUST HIM).
When my chance came I was ready and confident. I performed a total of 13 obstacles. (Number of obstacles totally immaterial).
After breakfast command task was next.
2 subordinates were to be called and our commanding skills would be checked after a small conversation with the GTO. 6 out of 9 people of my group called me as their subordinates.
And the last task was Final group task. This got over in 10 mins.
Again Explore Vizag V2.
Day 5 Conference. Everyone wore their best clothes. We were asked to sit in a hall. The Deputy president of the board walked in wearing crisp and shiny white uniform. (He was my IO)
Gave a motivating speech covering what is expected in SSB, what OLQ’s are, how the procedure has been evolved etc. Conference started. When my chance came they made me wait for 25mins(either they discussed about me or had their tea break because it was tea break time :p ).
When my number was flashed I went in with a smile. Questions were asked. I answered confidently. Quickly gazed at the officers. I must say the aura of the room was really great. I did not feel nervous or scared because the assessment had already been done. The president of the board asked me “ How confident Rakshith are you of getting recommended”. I smiled and replied “pretty sure sir”. I was then asked to leave. I thanked him and all the officers there and left.
After all the candidates had finished their conference, Bada khana was served was exceedingly delicious.
We were made to assemble in the hall again. After an hour of chit chat and selfie/photo session we were asked be seated. An officer came in gave a very motivational speech and announced the results. The heart beats were audible to the next next person.
2 numbers were called out. Chest number 2 and 3(me). The feeling was mixed. Extremely happy and sad because your friends would be leaving you in some time. We said good bye and they left soon. We were asked to fill lots n lots of forms again.
- All friends I made there were awesome and unique. I miss ’em all.
- We had a really great recreational hall. With HD channels and a TT table.
- It was a no phone area.
- I did not take any coaching and was my 1st attempt.
- Being around officers and behaving like an officer helps.
- NCC and Republic day camp-2017 motivated me to the core.
- I am an average student(Academically)
- Most importantly SSBCrack rocks.
Rakshith Pai, NSB vizag 2017

Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
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