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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCleared SSB Interview In 1st Attempt To Join Indian Army OTA Chennai

Cleared SSB Interview In 1st Attempt To Join Indian Army OTA Chennai

Good evening I am Mayur Kamat from Mumbai and I would like to share my experience of  CDSE & SSB in the first attempt. My family background is totally civilian and experiencing harsh childhood. My parents divorced when I was in the 2nd standard and my father has single handed brought me up and made me into what I am today. My father is a mechanic by profession with a mere salary of Rs18,500 I am writing this to motivate the youth to never give up on your dreams no matter how hard it gets.


I never thought I could clear my CDSE exams I had scored very little marks in my 12th standard but I studied with the help of my teachers in college and gave the CDSE exam by god’s grace cleared it in the 1st attempt for SSC NT 106 course OTA. For SSB my commanding officers of NCC CDR Dutta and Capt Saniyal with the blogs and videos of SSBCrack played a crucial role to understand the procedure and what to do during SSB

Day 1 :- Reporting

We were told to report on the 8th of April at 2 pm at Bangalore station. There an army bus took us towards the testing centre and we were made to fill up our PIQ and various forms. After dinner, we were sent into our lines and instructions were given for the schedule mod the screening test. As it was my first attempt and having a basic idea about the tests I called for in our room of our group and asked them to kindly co operate and not make a fish market during the discussion we had mock GDs that night before and helped one another to understand and make a good GD.


Day 2:- Screening Test

After having breakfast at 0530 am we proceeded towards the screening tests which constituted of OIR test and PPDT after tea break we were called in for the discussion where our papers were given to us after narrating our individual story the discussion started thanks for the conference we had a day before our discussion went very peacefully and everybody got a chance to speak, I was unanimously chosen by the group to conclude the story. After lunch, we were all gathered in the hall and the chest number of screened in candidates were announced and I was happy enough that I had got screened in.


Day 3:- Psychology tests

On the 3rd day our psychology tests started we had WAT, SRT, PPDT and Self Description

I solved 60 WATS and 56 SRTs I would advise candidates, not to feet and make big sentences keep the simple and to the point, similarly, there is very little time to solve SRTs and PPDT too so be very focused while solving these tests.ssb candidate 3

DAY 4:- GTO Tasks

We started the GTO Tasks with GD the topics given to us were Demonetisation GST and ISIS. Our group spoke on Demonetisation and it is very important to give points and sensible points during the GD donor shout, loose your temper or try to be dominant during the GD. We had GPE which went perfectly as I managed to convince the group about my plan which was infused by ideas from throughout the group.ssb candidate 1

We were then taken out for our PGT & HGT after this we had our snake race which was very enjoyable as the josh amongst all was very high and my NCC training came in handy. It is important to give ideas and keep trying even if you are stuck on a specific obstacle then we had our Command task I was called 8 times by by my team members. Look at the command task properly as there might be some hidden clues which can easily get you across after which was Individual obstacle I completed.9 out of 10 obstacles.  I had my interview on the same day so I rushed into the lines changed into formals and went for my interview. The interviewing Officer was the Dy President of the board my interview lasted for around 2 hours where I was asked about my family, my NCC life, why I plan to join the forces my racing as I was a racer for Sahara Force India I was extensively grilled on GK and chemistry as it was the subject I graduated in. So I would request you to kindly be aware of all the news and also the burning topics. Keep a calm and smiling face throughout the interview and be honest don’t ever lie in an interview.ssb candidate 2

Day 5:- Conference

The day we .were dreading had finally arrived the 5 days had passed in a jiffy. My conference lasted for 3 minutes where the technical officer had some questions  about my racing and family and I Answered them with a cheerful smile, I was also asked if there are any improvement required in the way the SSB is conducted and I replied that I was completely satisfied with the way it was conducted, he wished me the best and my conference ended. After an agonizing wait of 2 hours after having lunch we were again called into the briefing hall where the DY president gave a little speech as to how if we fail we shouldn’t give up and motivated us after which he started taking the numbers of the recommended candidates. My joy knew no bounds when I found out that I had finally cracked SSB in the 1st attempt. I immediately called my father who was extremely happy. My advice for all out there is never look upon yourself as if you are inferior we all have capabilities that only have sky as the limit and that no matter where you come from if you are a mechanic’s son like me or an officer’s son/daughter if you give your 100% victory is definitely yours just never stop trying.

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