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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended In 4th Attempt For Indian Army (TGC-125)

Recommended In 4th Attempt For Indian Army (TGC-125)

NDA 2012 Conference Out
NDA 2013 Conference Out
UES NAVY 2017  Screened Out
TGC(125) ARMY 2017 Recommended

Hello friends, my name is Soham and I am from West Bengal. Being an army brat and studying in Sainik School the craze for the forces have always fascinated me since my childhood. So I have kept on trying since my NDA entries and got “IT” in my 4th attempt.


Friends since my failure in my NDA attempt I have been trying to improve myself, In the past few years I have been following and reading success stories on SSBCrack and today I feel delighted to share mine with you all.

I have been following SSBCrack for the past few years and that is where I came to know about Dr. Cdr. Natarajan Sir. And I have followed his blogs quite regularly. Being a repeater the process was very much known to me but I was unable to make it through. As I went for the UES entry of Indian Navy I got screened out from Coimbatore.

I felt very bad and at that time after returning home I contacted Natarajan Sir. I ordered the video course. I had a time gap of around 10-12 days for my TGC-125 entry in Bangalore on 17th March. Frankly speaking, the tutorial really helped me a lot. It is like I know things but small corrections were very necessary for my preparation.

Friends here are my experience of my wonderful journey.



A total of 291 candidates reported on 17th of March at Bangalore around 2 pm at the railway station. Then on that day, we had our documentation and on 18th our screening test began. Firstly the verbal and non-verbal tests were there. I did a fair amount of them in the given time as it is an easy test. Next, the PPDT happened. As in our batch, all were repeater candidates so the GD was very intense and I spoke 2-3 times in the GD as per the strategy explained in the video course. Finally, the results came in the afternoon and a total of 35 candidates were screened in.



It started as usual with the TAT and then WAT and SRT and finally the SD. Here what I learned is that quality depends more than quantity. For psychology practice really helps. I did very hard practice at home. In SRT I did only 40 situations but did the SRT’s complete. I had already prepared my 12th story at home and the SD at home and there it helped in managing time. I would say you to prepare these in advance. I was quite happy with my performance in the test.


3rd Day (GTO 1)

We were a group of 9 candidates and the GT started with the GD. Being repeater group competition is really tough as everyone steps in at once and getting a chance to speak becomes very difficult.

I grabbed the chances and made valid points in both of them and same in the GPE though our group never came to a common conclusion but speaking matters. Giving sensible points is very important than repeating the same point again and again as the GTO see all whether the group listens to it or not. And time and distance assumption is also important here. Next, we had the PGT and HGT. I kept calm. Initially, the group started and my idea was not heard. I followed the group and when the group got stuck, I jumped in and gave my idea and it went well. Our group did well in GT. Then we had the GOR. It is always a fun doing that thing. Next, we had the Lecturete, I took a simple topic “Right To Education” and spoke of it. I would say grab a topic which you are comfortable with and speak well. Our first day ended with that.


4th Day (GTO 2)

This day started with the IO, I did all the ten of them in the given time. I started off from the area which contained more points and then went sequentially from there. Next, there was the command task, my task was good the GTO reduced the solution as I went forward but I did it. Then lastly the FGT here also I gave an idea when required and rest time helped the group in completing the task. Then our GTO ended.



tgc recommended
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My interview was scheduled just after the 2nd day GTO. I was given 10-15 min to change into formals and report to the waiting room. My interview was taken by the president of our board. He started off with my home place than with my journey and next to all the topics. He did not ask me any technical questions. All questions were from my family, friends, education and hobbies. He asked me of my previous attempts and I answered them well. The interview went around 45 min and this was the best interview in all my attempts. Then in the afternoon we all groupmates made an outing to the city.



In conference, I was only asked the basic question of my stay and new things that I learned here. I said them that I made new friends and went new places in Bangalore. My conference did not go long though few were give situations. After my conference, I was not so confident about my recommendation as the same situation I had faced earlier. The result came after lunch, 06 of us got recommended. It was really a different moment when my chest no. was called, I was completely in tears not able to talk that time as I finally achieved it.

My medical went for 5 days and I am declared as fit and now waiting for the merits.

Friends, I would just like to say that never get disheartened of your failures and never give up!!

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