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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended For Indian Army In My 6th Attempt

Recommended For Indian Army In My 6th Attempt

Hello friends and my dear SSB aspirants. I have been recommended from 31 Ssb Kapurthala in my 6th attempt and I am going to join Officer’s Training Academy in the first week of April for the SSC-Tech-48 course. I am going to share some valuable points and my SSB interview experience which intend to help all the SSB aspirants out here. Unlike all others when I got my first call letter for ssb , I went to the one of the best coaching academies for the SSB coaching. Though there were certain things and the motivation being provided by the teacher’s out there but after attending 6 SSBs and being conference out 5 consecutive times I realised that SSB is all about your qualities and not the one which are being forcefully inculcated within you in a span of 10-15 Days. Inculcating Officer like qualities (OLQs) in you certainly need some time and cannot be done by attending any class or coaching. SSB is all about the personality and qualities you possess and not the one which are being forcefully inculcated within you. I have been conferenced out 5 times and the most important and difficult part for any repeater is the self introspection and improving the things.


This takes a plenty of time and one can’t change themselves Just by thinking and it’s very necessary to change certain small habits in your daily routine which could lead to a big difference in the future. The most important thing I learned during my entire journey of SSB and being recommended is to be fearless and facing all the situations with confidence and being true to yourself. My 6th SSB interview started at Kapurthala where I reported at morning on 25th of November 2016. There was an OIR test which was quite tough as compared to other SSB boards. There were more than 200 candidates on the first day. The PPDT image was something related to a car which was covered by People around it. My story revolved around a politician visiting his constituency after the elections and was being welcomed by the people. The narration was good by me but just got very few chances to speak during the group discussion being a repeaters group. Though I was pretty confident because I had never been screened out ever and as usual I made it. I was screened in among the 20 candidates and this was the lowest number of screened in candidates I had  ever experienced. This was indeed a very happy moment but the main task was ahead. The second day started with the psychological tests and the most important part of psychology is being spontaneous with your answers which shows your actual qualities you possess. I attempted Almost word in WAT and stories in TAT were spontaneous based on the image.

I attempted Almost 45 SRTs and there always said that quality of Answers matters not the quantity. I was soon interviewed by the president and commandant of the board just after my psychological tests. The interview was very much based on my current job and situations based on that. There were plenty of organising tasks were given to me during the interview which I did it perfectly and apart from that situations were put after me which I reacted very sensibly. The major difference in this interview as compared to my other previous attempts was actually the boldness and confidence by which I have given answers. There were certain questions which I didn’t know and I admitted that. One more thing being judged in the SSB interview is being true to yourself and admitting the mistakes you have made in your previous life and attempts you have made to improve that. Finally the interview was over on a good note and I was pretty confident with my performance and there was just one step ahead that was GTO. There were 2 groups of 10 each and tasks were completed in a Single day for each group respectively. We were there on the GTO ground on the 4th day.

The basic thing in GTO is being simple, gentle and sensible. The day started with the group discussion which were based on indo China relations and women empowerment followed by other tasks and got an opportunity to speak on the co education topic during my lecturrete. The group planning exercise involved Very sensible points regarding the time and distance and I attempted 11 obstacles in the individual obstacles. All the other tasks were good , good generally means being satisfactory not being dominant on the group. How gently you behave in the GTO makes a reflection in your performance as well as the result. The day concluded with all the tasks in a single day. Finally the conference day , though I was Very much confident with my performance and after being conferenced out 5 times consecutively, you really don’t care about the result. I was made to wait for 5-10 mins before my turn and when I went inside, there was  a blast of technical questions , being an aeronautical engineer there were plenty of questions related to the fighter planes. There were questions of points of improvement and ways to do it and certain questions related to the group. It took me about 10 mins in the conference hall which was the longest as compared to my previous attempts. The results were announced and my chest number was 18.recommended candidate

They were announcing in sequence. After announcing 5,9 and 15 , I was waiting to announce one more recommendation. The officer gently said there’s one more recommendation and he announced number 18. That was the most happiest moment of my life and I was totally numb and tears of joy came into my eyes. I removed my old chest no. And got a new one with a plus sign over it. The hardwork, dedication and patience was paid off after so many failures and years. It’s true that failures are the pillars to the success until you give up and keep on improving your mistakes. Medicals were over at MH Jalandhar Cantt. I am declared fit and got an AIR 2 in merit list of SSC Tech under aeronautical engineering and ready to join OTA chennai on first week of April.

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

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