Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala organised two concurrent training camps named ‘Samudra-Manthan’ and ‘Varuna’ for Fourth and Sixth term cadets respectively from 08 to 11 March 2017. 195 cadets participated in these camps which were aimed at developing esprit-de-corps, sense of camaraderie, leadership qualities, physical endurance as well as mental strength in cadets, under conditions of stress.
As part of the exercise, the cadets undertook endurance runs, obstacle courses, whaler pulling and sailing in Kavvayi backwaters and high seas. On the concluding day of the camp, cadets participated in a triathlon where they had to go through a difficult multi-terrain run of over 20 kilometers in full battle gear, followed by long-distance swimming and an obstacle course run. The camp culminated with a campfire at INA.
Cheetah Squadron won the Camp Banner for Camp ‘Samudra-Manthan’ and Eagle Squadron won the Camp Banner for Camp ‘Varuna’ as the ultimate Champion in Camps. Vice Admiral SV Bhokare, AVSM, YSM, NM, Commandant, INA awarded the camp banners to the winning squadron and congratulated all participating cadets.
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