I was able to complete all stories in TAT and attempted all words in WAT, 42 SRT’s and completed my SD, so i was satisfied with my psyc test.
Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT
We had a healthy GD the fish market thing was still there but not that much and it was ok. Next we had GPE and i was able to finish my individual plan and we our successfully gave our group plan. My lecturette did not go well and i spoke for only 2 minutes. Rest everything i performed good in my GTO series.
My interview was held on 4th day after GTO and it was good except the part he embarrassed me when he asked me about my favourite subj i said CS and Physics. His first ques was what is bubblesort and i was like what just happened because i was not expecting that but i answered somehow about sorting but he said bhushan this is sorting just tell me what is bubble sort that time i said i don’t know sir then he was smiling and i was also smiling on my foolishness but i prepared ques related to myself so i was confident when he was asking those questions.
Now we went on with a horrible closing address but during conference i was asked how was my stay, then i was asked that which technique i think that i need to improve on ? So i said Sir, Interview. So he asked me why ? so i said that there were some questions i was not able to answer so he asked me to pick one ques and answer it so i did it. The last question was any suggestions to improve the facilities here. I said no and my conference was over.
As i heard that the one whose conference is not long he is either recommended or not recommended so i thought i will not make it and when during the result the officer asked that who thinks they will make it raise their hand everybody raised their hands except me.
But when i he announced the result chest no. 23. I stood up called my roll no and name and was very happy.
Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT
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