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Personal InterviewGeneral Knowledge50 GK Questions For AFCAT 2019

50 GK Questions For AFCAT 2019

AFCAT 1 2019 has arrived and we are here with some important GK questions that are crucial for the exam. General Awareness paper is the biggest hurdle for the aspirants and all aspirants work hard to clear the paper. Don’t try to score more in the paper. Rather try to get passing marks in the paper and score more in English or Maths as per your preference and aptitude. Some of the important G.K. questions are given below that will help the aspirant to get the idea of what kind of questions will be asked in the exam.



50 GK Questions For AFCAT 2019

  1. Gautam Budha was born at – Lumbini
  2. What is the name of Jain literature – Anga
  3. During Maurya’s period, which place was famous for education – Taxila
  4. Who was the writer of Vikramdevcharit – Bilhad
  5. Who is the god of Konark temple – Sun
  6. Kutubminar’s construction was completed by which famous ruler – Iltutmish
  7. Which Sikh guru started Gurumukhi script – Guru Angad
  8. Who was the founder of Sayyid dynasty – Khizr Khan
  9. Most important feature of Government of India act 1919 was – Introduction of Diarchy
  10. Who decides whether a particular bill is money bill or not – Speaker of Lok Sabha
  11. Who started civil services in India – Lord Cornwallis
  12. Jawahar Lal Nehru port is located in – Mumbai
  13. Which is the biggest tribe of India- Gond
  14. Tunami is created by which natural phenomenon – Earthquake
  15. The largest ecosystem on earth is – Hydrosphere
  16. The biggest gulf in the world is – Bay of Bengal
  17. Khetri Rajasthan is famous for the mining of – Copper
  18. Annaimudi is the famous peak located in – Sahayadri
  19. Which instrument can generate waves of constant amplitude – Oscillator
  20. Quantum theory was first enunciated by – Max Plank
  21. The instrument used to check the velocity of the air is – Anemometer
  22. Which element is used in storage batteries – Lead
  23. The main ingredient of cement is – limestone
  24. Which type of wave has lease penetrating power – Alpha particles
  25. The process of production of fruit without fertilisation is – Parthenocarpy
  26. Constituents of stainless steel are – Iron, Chromium and Nickel
  27. The metal having maximum electrical conductivity – Silver
  28. Cooking gas constitutes which hydrocarbons – Butane and Propane
  29. Bagasse is used for the manufacturing of – Paper
  30. Solid form of CO2 is called – Dry Ice
  31. What kind of economy does India have – Mixed economy
  32. Whose signature is there on one rupee note – Finance secretory
  33. The purpose of SEZ is – to raise FDI
  34. The formula of calculating national income is – NNP – Indirect Tax + Subsidy
  35. Kisan credit card Yojna was started in – 1998
  36. VAT was firstly implemented in which country – France
  37. The language used in the literature of Sangam period – Tamil
  38. Photometer is used for – Measuring the rate of Transpiration
  39. The Uruguay round led to the establishment of – WTO
  40. Kamarupa is the old name of which state – Assam
  41. Delhi became the capital of India is -1911
  42. Number of slabs in Vat are – 4 slabs
  43. Indica was written by – Magasthenes
  44. Who is the first chief of air force to receive the honour of Marshal – Arjan Singh
  45. The cell theory was propounded by – Schleiden and Schwann
  46. The International court of justice is situated in – Hague
  47. First general election was held in India is -1951
  48. The minimum age returned to become president of India is – 35 years
  49. The chairman of public accounts committee is appointed by – Speaker
  50. Chairman of UPSC and State PSC is appointed by – President

Conclusion – These G.K questions can be asked in the upcoming CDS exam. The questions can either be asked directly or in the statement form. Candidates need to stay clear and precise in attempting statement type questions. Candidates are advised to prepare their basic graduation subject better in order to score more in the General Awareness paper of CDS. So aspirants prepare hard and get your seat reserved in your dream academy.

All The Best

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book –> Let’s Crack EKT


Read More –

6 Ways To Improve GK For NDA, CDS, AFCAT and TA

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Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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