India’s LCA Tejas and Airborne Early Warning & Control System (AEW&C) will fly-past for the first time during the RD Parade 2017. This year, we also anticipate watching the 155 mm/52 Calibre Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) and Arudhra- the Medium Power Radar, representing India’s stride in indigenous Defence Technologies
About Tejas:
Tejas is a lightweight, smallest, supersonic, multirole aircraft. Currently, Tejas is 65% indigenous and developers are thinking to increase it to 75%. Tejas has been inducted into 45th Squadron of Indian Air Force. It is a move towards self-reliance in ‘Air Power’ requirement of the nation. Tejas is the pride of the country and a step towards “Make in India” initiative.
About AEW&CS:
The Airborne Early Warning & Control System (AEW&C) is an ‘Eye in the Sky’. AEW&C is another indigenous aircraft manufactured to check the air activities in critical areas nearing the Indian borders, specifically along Pakistan and China borders.
It is a force multiplier, developed by DRDO for IAF with Centre for Air Borne Systems (CABS) as the nodal agency. It helps in Air Defence operations and is capable of communicating using VHF, UHF, C-Band and SATCOM links for Network Centric Operations. Induction of AEW&C into services will make the country self-reliant and position India in top five countries having this capability.
About ATAGS:
The Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) is an indigenous weapon system. ATAGS has excellent accuracy, consistency, mobility, reliability and automation and is capable of achieving 47 plus km range. The armament system of the ATAGS which comprises 52 calibre Gun Barrel with Breech Mechanism, Muzzle Brake and Recoil System has been designed and developed to fire the 155 mm calibre ammunitions held by Army with enhanced range, accuracy and precision as well as greater fire power. The system is configured with All Electric Drive technology for the first time in the world that will ensure maintenance free and reliable operation over longer periods of time.
About Arudhra:
Medium Power Radar – Arudhra is the first indigenous rotating active phased array multi-function radar with Digital Beam-forming technology. The radar covers 360 degrees in azimuth and is capable of performing volumetric surveillance to detect and track aerial targets up to 400 km in range and 30 km altitude. This radar can survive intense ECM environment and electromagnetic interference. It is integrated with a modern identification of Friend or Foe system to recognise enemy targets and is transportable by road, rail and Air.
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