
11 Facts About NSG That Will Make You Proud

By Ravinder Tanwar

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Facts About NGS

NSG, the special force of India, is always named first in counter terrorist operations. NSG was also in the news a few days ago, as it is going to march on the Republic Day, 2017 for the first time. This will be a milestone in the history of the Defence Forces.

NSG has successfully conducted many operations and still capable enough to deter any kind of situation. The soldiers are trained to the limit that makes them unbreakable. Several soldiers apply for getting into the group, but fail to join due to hard training and qualifying phase. Some key facts about NSG that will raise the moral of aspirants are as follows.

  1. It is based on GSG 9 of Germany “Grenzschutzgruppe”.
  2. It was set up after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
  3. NSG is divided further into 2 subgroups, “Special Action Group” and second is “Special Ranger Group”.
  4. There are 14,500 personals in NSG. They are selected from Central Police Force and the Indian Army. Half of them are selected from the Indian Army, while the others are selected from the Central Police Forces.
  5. They are equipped with some of the deadliest weapons like Koch PSG1 sniper rifles, Austrian Glock-17 pistols and German Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns.
  6. NSGs are Nick named as “Black Cats” because of their appearance (black uniform).
  7. Some top NSG personals are sent to Israel for further training.
  8. The targeting rate of the personals of NSG should be above 85% to take precise shots in one turn.
  9. They are trained to get a precise head shot and take down 2 at one time.
  10. The soldiers have to pass radiometry training of 90 days. Selected are sent for further 9 months training.
  11. The training of the soldiers is proceeded to the probationary period, where about 70% of the soldiers are dropped out.
Facts About NGS
National Security Guard


National Security Guard is the first priority of the government in the case of acute internal operations. NSG has given their best in the 26/11 incident which is still named in remarkable operations. The soldiers are trained to complete the task at any cost and in any condition or circumstances. Their sacrifice keeps the citizens safe and secure and these above facts will make every Indian proud of the group.

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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