Longewala battle 1971 that was famous for the exceptional victory of Indian soldiers over Pakistani forces, where solders showed their bold bravery to deter the Pakistani force about 15 times larger than Indian Company. Indian army is celebrating 45 years of the battle and remembering the night of victory. “Border” movie was pictured on the incident and is still remembered as a motivational movie. The entire incident was about a battle of a night, when the Indian soldiers showed an exemplary performance of their courage and faced Pakistani soldiers without reinforcement and air support. Some facts about Laungewla battle are:-

- Lack of Weapons- Indian soldiers had limited weapons as compared to the Pakistani army. Pakistani forces came with about 2000 soldiers, 1 mobile Infantry Brigade and 45 tanks. While just 120 Indian soldiers with a jeep mounted with M40 rifle, were standing in front of them. The air support provided to the Indian army was restricted for the night of the attack and the Indian soldiers were all alone at their post.
- Captain Kuldip Singh Chandpuri, the dynamic Leader – The leader of the battle, Captain Kuldip Singh Chandpuri, was the pivotal part of the entire incident. He was the one who drove the josh in the veins of the Indian soldiers and led them to do, what earlier seems to be impossible.
- Bulk of Problems, Yet Deterred All – After getting the information of the huge Pakistani military armed with tanks approaching the Longewala post, Captain Kuldip Singh contacted battalion headquarters and asked for immediate reinforcement. But headquarter informed him that the reinforcement will reach to them by the dawn.
- Unexpected Attack Averted – The Longewala post was pointed as a less important post by the top officials. That’s why, only one company was deployed at the post. But the company showed its best in averting the odds and securing the post from the mammoth Pakistani force that entire night.
- The Ultimate Show Of Courage And Bravery – The bravery and courage of Indian soldiers to keep their post safe and secure was unmatched. The decision to stay on the post was a hard step, even after being aware of the tank regiments approaching them. 120 Indian soldiers were nothing in front of the 2000 Pakistani soldiers. This was a lesson for the upcoming officers and will always be remembered.
- Actual Target Was Not Longewala – The actual target of the Pakistani soldiers was not the Longewala, but they were aiming Jaisalmer. After observing one company at the Longewala post, they changed the route and headed to the Longewala post.
- Tactics Used In The Battle – Pakistani Army reached the post and found a fencing, which they perceived it to be made for mines. Pakistani army wasted its 4 hours scanning for the Mines, Indian forces did not fire a single bullet in the four hours, as the darkness made it hard for Pakistani forces to track Indian troops.
- Indian Air Force Was At Its Peak – The next morning, when Indian hunters reached the battle spot, they bombarded the Pakistani tanks and that was the moment, when Pakistani forces ran to save their life.
- The Counter Attack By Indian – After Longewala post was secured by the Indian troops, Kumaon regiment approached the Pakistani ranger posts opposite to the Longewala post and captured 3 posts there and there was no loss of life in counter attack.
Conclusion – The Longewala battle is still remembered for the bold actions and sacrifice of the Indian soldiers. The soldiers showed their best in deterring the Pakistani soldiers. The battle is still remembered as an outstanding achievement of the Indian army. 45 years have passed and still the battle is remembered and the victory is celebrated to revive the josh in the people.