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Written ExamsCDS ExamCDS 2 2016 Analysis

CDS 2 2016 Analysis

CDS exam had just been conducted all over the India, on 23rd October, 2016. The strength of candidates appearing in the exam was good and the loose pattern of English paper made students to attempt the further papers confidently. Many dedicated candidates aimed the exam to get into the Armed Forces and gave their best in the exam. Most of the candidates found difficulty in attempting G.K paper and did great in English and Maths according to their aptitude. Now, analyzing the entire exam, following inferences has come above.


English – English was the simple, but the tricky part of the Exam. This paper raised the confidence of the candidates as the paper was simple and most of the candidates have made their best score in English out of the three papers. The paper had only 6 types of question.

  • No synonyms and antonyms were included in the paper, which became a plus point for candidates.
  • Sentence and word rearrangement were highly complex.
  • Error spotting was of medium difficulty.
  • Sentence improvement also had optimum difficulty level.
  • Passage was also the scoring part of the paper.

General Knowledge – G.K was the judging part of the exam. The competition of the exam actually resides over the GK performance of the candidates. The paper had a large part of thickly framed questions, but several lengthy questions were found familiar to the candidates. Going deep into the paper, following inferences came to the sight.

  • Diversely framed with different kind of question.
  • Significant part of questions related to defense.
  • Science was above average level of difficulty for non -science students and average for those belonging to science stream.
  • Current affairs had a low count.
  • Geography, economics and history were more than average.

Maths – Maths, as always, had a lengthy and complex pattern. All that is needed to cover this paper was the speed in calculation with accuracy. For those who had prepared for it, had made score in it to get over the cut-off for IMA, INA and AFA. But the freshers need to work hard and score more in it to reach above the level.

  • Arithmetic was a bit lengthy.
  • Trigonometry had a significant part in maths paper.
  • Geometry was average with the deep requirement of precise calculation to get the accurate outcome.
  • Number system had simple but tricky questions.

Conclusion – The exam was a bit tricky and efforts are required in G.K to crack the competition. English was easy, while maths was average, G.K. was a bit above average level and it will be the base of the selection of candidates. Comparing it with last CDS, it had a bit different pattern and variation in difficulty level. The expected cut-off for the exam will be released after accessing the average marks scored by the candidates and the results will be announced in February 2017. All the best to all the aspirants for the results.

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Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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