Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala organised two concurrent training camps named ‘Samudra-Manthan’ and ‘Varuna’ for fourth and sixth term cadets of the Academy from 07 to 10 September 2016. A total of 295 cadets participated in these camps spread over four days. The camps are aimed to develop esprit-de-corps, sense of camaraderie, leadership qualities, physical endurance as well as mental strength in cadets under a stressful environment.
The camps are aimed to develop esprit-de-corps, sense of camaraderie, leadership qualities, physical endurance as well as mental strength in cadets under a stressful environment.
The cadets participated in endurance runs, obstacle courses, whaler pulling and sailing in backwaters and on the high seas. The combination of physical training, field exercises, and academic instructions makes an individual a strong and capable leader. It is a tough, but, at the same time a rewarding experience that every trainee would value and cherish for life.
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