A 35-year-old Group Captain of the Indian Air Force (IAF) was killed in an accident on the Yamuna Expressway near Jewar toll Sunday night after the taxi he was in hit another vehicle. Nageshwar Rao, posted as an IAF Group Captain in Agra, had boarded a taxi the Indira Gandhi International Airport Sunday night.
“He came to Delhi from Pune and took a taxi from the airport. The taxi had been sent from Agra to fetch him,” said B R Zaidi, station house officer, Jewar.
At 12.30 pm, the taxi, an Etios sedan, hit a Mahindra pick-up truck at the Yamuna Expressway. “The pick-up truck was traveling towards Agra. It was taking a turn on the Expressway, from a loop connecting a side road, when the collision took place. Rao was sitting in the front seat, next to the driver. Both air bags deployed but the front portion of the car was badly damaged. Both the driver and Rao sustained severe injuries, especially on the head,” said Zaidi.
source: indianexpress
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