
Uttarakhand Produces Most Number Of Officers For Indian Army, No. 1 Since 10 Years

By SSBCrack

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Uttarakhand Produces Most Number Of Officers For Indian Army

Many people will be in shock after reading this title, but yes Uttarakhand is the top most state which gives officers to Indian armed forces since 10 years it is giving many officers to Indian army and keeping the position under top 3. This calculation is based on the population which Uttarakhand has and the number of people joining armed forces from Uttarakhand is just mind blowing.

In terms of population, giving so many officers to Indian army in every passing out our parade is just amazing, being a small state, it is considered as the most efficient state which produces good officers for our armed forces. In the latest passing out parade at Indian Military Academy, there were 52 young officers from Uttarakhand itself, at it was the  4th most state giving more number of officers in this passing out parade. Uttar Pradesh being a highly populated state only gave 98 officers. Population of Uttarakhand is 10 Million and Population of Uttar Pradesh is 204 Million. From this, you can assume the efficiency of this small state Uttarakhand.

Not only this, many cadets from Uttarakhand won sword of honour and gold medal ample times. This time also, Sword of honour was given to Academy Cadet Adjutant Rajendra Singh Bisht,  who is just 21 year-old from Uttarakhand. Also, Ravindra Singh Rawat got COAS gold medal in IMA passing out parade of 11 June 2016.

We salute all the brave officers produced by this small state.

Also Read: Top 10 States Gave Officers In Indian Military Academy POP June 2016

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