Ancient History
- Which animal is found in maximum number in seals of Indus civilization – Rhinoceros
- Harrapan people had trade relations with which nation – Sumer
- Purushasukta is related to – Caste System
- The most important and ancient source of Indian philosophy is – Vedas
- Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, belongs to which royal family – Jantrika
- The famous scholar, Hemachandra was patronized by – Chandragupta Maurya
- According to the Buddhist philosophy, the theory of cause and effect is known as – Trishna
- “Sita” lands in Arthasastra are – Lands cultivated by The Tribes
- The script in which Kashmiri language was originally written was – Kharoshti
- Who were the first kings to issue gold coins in India – Kushanas
Medieval History
- Ibn Batutah visited India during the reign of – Muhammad bin Tughlaq
- Jeetal and Tanka are made of – Copper And Silver
- Who was the king of India during the Timur invasion – Sultan Muhammad
- The aim of establishing Vijaynagar kingdom was to – Safeguard Hindu Interest
- Social result of Bhakti movement was – Rise Of Status Of Women
- Babur came to India from – Ferghana
- Din Panah was established by –Humayun
- What was the duty of Mir- Bakshi under the Mughal administration – Keeping Accounts
- The basis of Mughal administration was – Military
- The Mughal emperor, who gave Surat to The East India Company was – Jahangir
Modern History
- The first peasant movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi was in – Champaran
- Who was regarded by Mahatma Gandhi as his ‘Political Guru’ – Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Who led salt Satyagraha movement with Mahatma Gandhi – Sarojini Naidu
- Which European nationals came to India first – The Portuguese
- The Indian Independence League was set up by – Rash Behari Bose
- Who was the only Governor- General/ Viceroy to be assassinated in India – Lord Mayo
- The creation of Pakistan was first advocated by – Ali Brothers
- Ganapati festival in Maharashtra was started by – Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Who was the leader of Assam revolt of 1857 – Diwan Mani Ram Dutta
- The proposal of partition of India and Pakistan was contained in – Mountbatten Plan Of 3rd June, 1947

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