
Read To Know About The Nuclear Supplier Group and Where India Stand In It!

By Vignesh Krishnan

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Recently there was much noise in the media about the NSG and Chinese opposition to India’s place in it. The NSG is ideally an international organisation that controls trade and supply of the nuclear area. Read on to know details about the issue and why India is looking to be a part of it.


What is Nuclear Suppliers Group or NSG?

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a multinational body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing materials.

Why was it formed and what was it objective ?

The NSG was founded in response to the Indian nuclear test in May 1974 and first met in November 1975. The test demonstrated that certain non-weapons specific nuclear technology could be readily turned to weapons development. Nations already signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) saw the need to further limit the export of nuclear equipment, materials or technology

Initially the NSG had seven participating governments: Canada, West Germany, France, Japan, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The main objective of the group was to bring the everything under the nuclear trade into control and make sure it has a peaceful usage and not into weapon making.


Where does India stand in the NSG?

India a no signatory of the NPT was not allowed to be a part of the NSG initially. But in July 2006, the United States Congress amended U.S. law to accommodate civilian nuclear trade with India.

In 2008, the NSG participating governments agreed to grant India a “clean waiver” from its existing rules, which forbid nuclear trade with a country which has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The NSG’s decision came after three days of intense U.S. diplomacy.The approval was based on a formal pledge by India stating that it would not share sensitive nuclear technology or material with others and would uphold its voluntary moratorium on testing nuclear weapons.

What was the recent development in this regard?

Recently when most of the superpowers of the world agreed to bring in India into the NSG, China openly opposed this move. This confirms two things, first India cannot expect support from china in the world forum. Two, China though stating it is not hindering India’s growth wants itself to b the only powerhouse in the Asian continent

What are the Main reasons China is opposing the NSG’s move toward India?

Many reasons but mainly it is the common enemy both China and Pakistan see in India. Advantages of joining the 48 members powerful group are immense especially bringing India to nuclear mainstream & acceptance of India’s nuclear status.India would become the first country outside Non-Proliferation Treaty to become a member.

China is worried Pakistan will be left out.Once India enters the NSG, it will have the power to thwart Pakistan’s inclusion. China wants Pakistans inclusion along with India so that the parity of India-Pak is seen to the world and not India-China.

Vignesh Krishnan

A Happy go lucky engineering grad currently working as a freelancer and preparing for defense exams. Apart from that am an avid trekker, marathon runner and a patriot.

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