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Psychology7 Tips To Improve Creativity

7 Tips To Improve Creativity

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s upcoming attractions.”

  •  Albert Einstein

Creativity and imagination play a crucial role in SSB. From the very first day of your personality analysis, i.e. screening, PPDT accesses a candidate’s creativity and imagination and then TAT in psychology tests completely depends on the imagination and creative power of a candidate. It is always said that a creative mind can track different ways to solve a single problem. The Armed Forces have to encounter problems daily and tackle and a creative mind is required for that. To improve your creativity and imagination power, below are some points that will help you to build a creative mind.

  1. Read More – It is always said that reading habit nourishes a mentally fit person. Reading books has got many pros like improvement in communication skill, lustres imagination and creativity, gives knowledge, teaches an effective way of how to pen down your ideas and thoughts in an effective way etc. Reading books and imagining the scenario bolsters your imagination and creativity power.
  2. Give Some Time To Think Creatively – Give some time to think creatively and focus on your imagination. Regular practice will improve your thinking and imagination power. It will take some time to show improvement, but will give you favourable results.
  3. Ignite Curiosity – Your curiosity on every step of life escalates your knowledge and enhances your focus on hidden sources and ways to handle situations. The more you inquire, the more will be your thinking span. Never burry any question in the depth of your mind. Don’t leave any stone unturned. Make it your habit and find sources to clarify your doubts.
  4. Expand Your Interests And Talents – Your interests and talents are the areas where you go deep following your curious attitude. Personal interview of SSB has a significant part of questioning from hobbies and interests. Your attitude of getting more and more knowledge related to your interests constructs a creative mind.
  5. Relax Your Mind – Always manage some time for relaxing your mind. Listen to music, meditate and try cool down your mind from all kinds of thoughts. Rest and breaks are made to improve the performance of everything.
  6. Spend Time With Creative Person And Try New Things – Everybody has creative person around them. Like any good writer, painter or any other knowledge full person. Try to spend time with them to absorb such traits. Try to get into new things and get new experience regardless of its future use.
  7. Keep Your Mind On Active Mode – Observe the day to day tasks and always keep your mind active in causal time. Your observation will influence your mind and will expand your thinking area.

Conclusion – Bringing out new ways of solving a situation depend on the ability of the mind and an officer in the armed forces has to be able enough to handle problems simultaneously. That’s what they need is a creative mind to solve the problems that are beyond causal schedule. So, to give a good performance in psychology tests, just make your mind more creative.

Read More

•    7 Psychological Tips To Improve Your Creative Thinking
•    How To Project Your Mind And Write Better TAT And PPDT Stories
•    How To Prepare For SSB Psychological Tests | TAT | WAT | SRT | SD |

Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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