
How To Prepare For AFSB Interview In 30 Days

By Ravinder Tanwar

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How To Prepare For AFSB Interview In 30 Days

AFCAT aspirants are eagerly waiting for their SSBs. The time is short and the zenith is far away. But your willpower to achieve is all you need. Now, as a lot of candidates want a pattern for maximum preparation in minimum time. So we are here with some tips and plans that will help the candidates to get ready for their upcoming SSB.
Prepare for your AFSB Interview with best books


  1. Communication Skill Is Must – The most important thing that you must focus on is to improve your communication skill. Now, what are those things that you need to overcome in communication skill. Well, language is a part of communication skill. But it is not a substitute for communication skill. Avoid use of words like ‘I mean’, ‘it is like’ etc., measure and answer what is being asked. Many more things that you must learn before appearing in a personal interview, can be learnt from SSB Interview eBook.
  2. Current Affairs, A Way To Judge Your basic Updatedness – Make sure, you inculcate the habit of reading newspaper regularly, especially the editorial section. Give some time to news channels also. You need to focus on technical areas also if you are going for technical entry. Now, what is the need of staying up to date in SSB? Your GD points, some interview questions. Lecturette and some WAT sentences might need the help of current affairs and related knowledge.
  3. Basic Physical Fitness – Making a good daily routine and including a habit of doing basic physical exercise or running will enhance your physical stamina. This will add to your performance in GTO tasks and will keep your body and mind fit and active. You can also play some team sports like volleyball, football, cricket etc., which will keep you fit and will bring out your cooperation and team spirit. Some beneficial articles that will help you are given below.
  4. Bring Out A Deep Sketch Of Your Personality – The one who knows himself can change himself and can adapt anything easily. You just have a short time of one month to analyse yourself. The things that you have to cover are, get the opinion of your family, teachers, colleges, and what you have analysed about yourself. Apart from your SD, your self-analysis is seen in psychology tests, your personal opinion matters a lot in your interview. IO checks your genuineness and your perception and your self-realisation. You have to be completely aware of your good and bad qualities. Remember, nobody is perfect. But you should give your best in overcoming your shortcomings.
  5. Practice For Psychology – Psychology is a thing that needs practice. TAT need your creative ideas while WAT is to draw your ideas from the subconscious mind. SRT is the basic way to get your response on some casually faced situations. Self-description is a way to know, how good you know about yourself and others opinion about you. SSBcrack has something special for all AFCAT aspirants. Check the psychology stuff in SSB Interview.
  6. Make A Schedule For All These – Having just one month to do all these, need perfect scheduling and your will to follow it. Manage time for all the practice and also start getting involved in friends group and society. Your daily schedule is a necessary part to think over. Just follow it punctually and dedicatedly.

Conclusion – AFCAT SSBs are just a few weeks away. Start preparing at this moment. Firstly, your retrospection and introspection are necessary. Make a routine and include all required action in it. Don’t bluff yourself. A complete one month of full and dedicated preparation will take you to the next level.

Stay updated and ensure your success with SSBCrack

To crack  SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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