Hello, my name is Ajay Sureka. Previously I have shared my SSB experience (Recommended For Indian Coast Guard (Pilot) In My 3rd Attempt) . Today, I am going to share my CPSS/PABT and medical experience with u. For all those pilot aspirant who are waiting for there AFSB this might help u out. I received an email stating to report for CPSS/PABT on 1 March 2016 (0645 hrs) at AFSB Mysore. Accordingly, I started preparing. Firstly, I tried to figure out the difference between CPSS/PABT but could not figure out exactly. Then I started reading about basic fight instruments and referred Youtube to check out the graphical description of every instrument. There are basically 6 instruments that one needs to look at 1)Air Speed indicator 2) Attitude Indicator 3) Altimeter 4) Turn Indicator 5) Heading Indicator 6) Vertical Speed Indicator you can go through the link to check out how exactly it looks. It’s better if u go through this before so that when u are actually attending it’s more like a revision for u.
CPSS is the computerized part of PABT and each one of u will be provided a system where initially there will be a video explaining all the basics about aircraft, then the instruments and then different positions of the aircraft. It’s very important that u remain fresh in orders to grasp and kindly listen attentively. Once the explanation part is over there will be officers who will be there to clarify ur doubts (plz ask any doubts if u have any but make sure that the concepts are clearly understood). Once this part is over there will be 5-6 tests. The first one will be questions related to the flight instruments (if u have clearly understood the instruments part u will easily be able to attend the questions, (plz do make sure that the attitude indicator is clearly understood as it is a bit confusing)). Once this is over the next test will be related to various position of the flight and u have to answer whether it’s diving, ascending, turning left or right.
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Once this is over the next 3-4 test will be related to aptitude, reasoning (verbal and non verbal) people who qualify this will only be allowed for the simulation part. Unfortunately, due to misinterpretation I could not qualify this and was not allowed for the simulation part.
Once CPSS was over we felt that we would be send back home but then they said that u will also be subjected to PABT which is similar to CPSS except that u don’t have the aptitude but the first 2 test that is Instrument and position part will be there and there will also be simulation part which all will be allowed to take whether u clear the written part or not. It’s easy and even the simulation part was also quite easy. After that the results were announced and people who went through both the CPSS and PABT were selected, Unfortunately for us who could not clear the CPSS were not selected. It was quite disappointing that now u are not fit for flying branch but it was important to remain positive.
To crack SSB interview, recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.
After that one of my friend who also did not clear the CPSS and was not fit for flying branch were in dilemma whether to attend the medicals or not which was to be at AFCME (Delhi). We, were told that u have to undergo medicals in spite of whether u qualify the CPSS/PABT or not because there is always a chance that u might be transferred to ground duty branch . So accordingly we already had our flights booked from Bangalore to New Delhi.
Day 1: We reported at AFCME, New Delhi on 2 march 2016 and requested them to start our medicals. Now we were a group of 5, (including me and my friend who didn’t qualify for the flying branch, the other two were the next batch recommended candidates for the flying branch and one was the AFCAT entry for ground duty). Although we didn’t qualify for the flying branch we were told to undergo the flying medicals (there is a difference in the flying and the ground duty medicals).
Day 1 we had our dental check up, height, weight, chest measurement.
Day 2: ON day 2 we had blood, urine test, ultrasound test, x-ray test (We were asked to stand, sit, and lie down in different positions to check for any broken or abnormality in the bone structure of the body. (In this case there were few candidates who had a problem with the elbow angle), and then there were several X-rays taken for the chest spine and the upper part of the body.
ECG: Sitting length and thigh length (for flying branch only ) and it gets completed within 15-20 mints
After that we had few eye test.
- Color Combination: We were asked to stand in a dark room and there was a lantern with a hole in it. Colors were flashed through the hole and we were asked to identify the color. There were three colors: Red, green and white. This test is to check for the color blindness.
- Distant Vision: This one is a routine test and we were made to read letters which were placed at a distance of 20 meters.
- Pupil Dilation: We were given an eye drop and asked to put them in our eyes thrice at an interval of 15 minutes so that our pupil gets dilated to the fullest. After an hour we were called one by one and our eyes were tested with an instrument they had. PS: After putting the eye drops you wouldn’t be able to see clearly for the next 2 hours or so.
Day 3:
ENT: There were another few eye test that we were subjected through (for flying branch) and after that NT part started (often there is a confusion to get your ears cleaned for wax but it’s also necessary that there should be minimum wax). So, one day before I went and consulted an ear doctor and he said your ears are already cleaned and there is no need for wax removal.
Day 4:
This was the most funniest day as each and everyone of us asked were asked to remove our clothes and to stand wearing only the innerwear. It was to check for elbow, flat foot, knock knees, sweaty palms. After that one by one was called inside a room and was asked to remove our inner wears to get our private parts tested.
Finally out of 5 only 2 were declared medically fit including me ( out of three 2 had eyes problems and 1 has spine problem and were given TR).
Happy, that at least I was fit and didn’t had any disability but was disappointed that I was not eligible for flying branch. Nevertheless, u have to look at the positive side and being more an Army fan I aspire to join the elite “ PARATROPPERS” .
I would be really very happy if I could help someone.
My Contact no (Whatsapp)-9348033370 or u can drop me a message on facebook @ ([email protected]).
To crack SSB interview, recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.
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