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SSB InterviewPersonality DevelopmentArt Of Positivity, Essence Of An Officer

Art Of Positivity, Essence Of An Officer

Being positive is a way of life, it is a trait essential for leading a successful one and officer master this art of being positive with ease. In the forces, the basic trait and is instilled into you is to look at things in a positive way no matter how bad the situation is or how untameable problem it is. But how do they do it with ease? What makes these officer and soldiers be so positive and full of energy every time!


We analyse some key traits that are to be present to master the art of positivity. Here are a few:

  1. The “ Never Give up Attitude”: The will to hold on no matter what is the bedrock to achieve what you want and this is visible in all personnel of the forces. This trait is essential to avoid negativity in the task we do.
  1. The “self-Belief”: I can. I will. In order to have a positive outlook, one should have belief in himself. The confidence to do things by self-motivation leads to a lot of positive energy!
  1. Learn, be Prepared: Knowledge can impart confidence in you, in return this confidence can help you maintain the positive air in the situation. Thus, if you are prepared and have the stuff in you to confront the situation you are automatically in a positive mind!
  1. “ This too shall pass”: Every person in the forces have been through rough days in his academy or during his tenure, he has only one thing  in his mind that even this will come to an end. The will to hold on plays the key here thus letting him to stay in the positive zone. No matter what, when you fail, remember that there is always tomorrow to fight, come back harder!
  1. Keep calm and remember you goal: Focus is a key ingredient to maintain a positive attitude. They are coupled if you are focused you are full of positive energy and when you are full of energy then you are focused on your goal to hit the bulls eye.

To crack  SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

Thus, it is clear from the above that staying positive is not a one day trick, it is a conscious decision every day, which in return becomes a trait. Once it is gained can never be lost folks so stay positive and keep winning.

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Vignesh Krishnan
Vignesh Krishnan
A Happy go lucky engineering grad currently working as a freelancer and preparing for defense exams. Apart from that am an avid trekker, marathon runner and a patriot.

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