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Indian ArmyHow To Join Indian Army Sniper Team

How To Join Indian Army Sniper Team

Being a part of Indian army sniper team is no joke, it takes unique talent to join the Indian army sniper team. To become a successful sniper of Indian army you must have knowledge of land reconnaissance, camouflage and observation. To become a successful sniper and attain excellent marksmanship skills, you have to gain the required skills through the training provided by the Indian army at Army ranges in Bengaluru, Secunderabad, and Infantry School Mhow.


1. Meet Minimum Qualifications: First of all, you need to have the minimum educational qualification to join the Indian army at any rank. This is the basic requirement to become a soldier in the Indian army.

2. Become an infantryman first: Once you join the Indian army, you need to be in the infantry to get trained at infantry school Mhow under Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU).

3. Reach sufficient rank: Also, it is very important for you to attain a certain rank before you could join the Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU)

4. Get good training scores: Perform better in your training and shooting in the army, having a good shooting capability would automatically help you to go for a marksman role in the Indian army.

5. Have Good eyesight:  This looks silly but a good sniper must have a good vision. In order to begin Sniper training, your vision must either be 20/20, or correctable to 20/20.You must also be able to accurately distinguish color.

Also Read: 8 Pictures Of Indian Army Sniper Team Will Give You Goosebumps

6. Excellent rifle skills: Having expertise and knowledge about rifle is must for a sniper, you must know your rifle in and out. One should also have excellent rifle skills.

7. Perfect physical shape: A sniper must be fit and fine physically and mentally, one must avoid smoking and drinking to become a perfect sniper because it takes lot of focus and concentration to be a part of the Indian army sniper team.How To Join Indian Army Sniper Team

8. Volunteer To Attend Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU): Having all these skills, you must volunteer to join the Indian army sniper team. IF you meet all these skills, there won’t be any problem for you to get selected in Indian army shooting team which also take part in the Olympics.

9. Complete the course: Complete the training under Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU) to become a good sniper.

To crack Army, Airforce, Navy SSB interview, we recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

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  1. Hi there really proud of our true heros wish them good luck for upcoming days.I too am a CONSTABLE serving in Indian Reserve Batallion and I am willing to join the sniper squad.Any ideas or any help to help me achieve this goal.


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