
7 Tips To Handle SSB Conference

By Ravinder Tanwar

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SSB Conference

SSB is a set of tests that takes 5 days to access the candidates and decides whether the candidate is suitable for the job or not. During preparation, candidates prepare for personal interview, GTO and psychology tests. But Conference is also a part of SSB and the stamping of final selection depends over the conference. In short, candidates should also prepare for conference. For this, we are here with some tips that can ease you in your preparation.


  1. Smiling Face – Keep a smile over your face during your conference. Don’t get into any kind of stress. All the assessors are there to conduct a short questioning drill. You just have to answer those in a simple and mannered way.
  2. Be Clear In What You Are Answering – During the conference, a candidate can be asked questions by any of the assessors. Stay alert and direct the correct answer to the correct person. Don’t get confused in the questions. The questions asked are casual.
  3. Don’t Criticize The SSB – Normally, the candidates are asked for any suggestion for changing the SSB testing criteria. You have to stay away from showing smartness by pointing mistakes or suggesting any change. The SSB testing is framed perfectly by highly experienced and qualified people. You can’t point error in testing pattern. Your criticism shows your non-adjustability.
  4. Avoid Asking Any Question Or Giving Suggestions – If you want to conclude your conference in a polite and stable manner, then avoid asking any question and suggesting anything. Your suggestion or your question will successively raise more questions and cross questioning can take you down.
  5. Maintain Posture – Maintain your posture and keep your body relaxed. But don’t lose your posture. Avoid shaking legs or shivering, walk in a gentle way and sit straight on the chair. While leaving the room, wish them “Good Day” and walk out of the door gently.
  6. Prepare The Questions That Were Asked in Interview, but not answered by you – Many times, it is observed that the questions that were asked by IO in the interview and not replied by the candidates, were asked again in the conference. It is a general way to check, how you are dedicated toward overcoming your failures.
  7. Follow the instructions given by CHM – Before commencement of the conference, CHM instructs all the candidates about where to wait before the conference, where to sit in the conference room, how to enter, how to leave etc… stick to those instructions and follow them.

To crack SSB interview, we recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

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Conclusion – SSB conference is also a crucial step that finalises the selection of the candidate. Be calm, act gently and face correct person while answering the question. Remember, all assessors will check your stress on your face. So keep calm and answer the questions in a relaxed manner. Practicing can make the task easy and can make it smooth.

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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