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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended For The Indian Army NCC Special Entry

Recommended For The Indian Army NCC Special Entry

Hi, future officers I am Charan Chinnappa, I had to report to the SSB centre 17 SSB Bangalore by 2 PM on the 27th of Nov, I reached there by 3 and the documentation process started, we were made to sit in a room and were asked to fill the PIQ.

   *Make sure you fill in the PIQ properly and with legible handwriting as the IO will form his questions looking at it.* After filling in the PIQ,  I got 191 as my chest no and I was happy with my number 😉

DAY 1 ( Screening )

Two sets of OIR tests were done, followed by the PP&DT.

I Wrote a Positive story.
Now came the description part, I gave out my story confidently and had finished narrating it within the time that was given to me.

*No Matter how bad your story is, just make sure you narrate it confidently, the major thing the accessors look for is your confidence and the way you convey your thoughts to others.*

The discussion started,because of the chaos the assessors split the group , 7 and 8 people in each group. Mine was the first group, I gave out one point and there goes the fish market, I did not utter even a single word after that. The 2nd group was done and we were asked to leave.

*Do what you want to do in the discussion but do not be a part of the fish market, as it will put in a negative impression about you to the assessor.*

We were asked to assemble by 2PM for results, the TO started calling out the chest numbers in descending order, I was damn nervous at that point of time and then I heard my chest number ‘191’
Bang on…. I made it for the second stage and my new chest number was ‘ 5’ !!!!!
There were 34 candidates who had made it, amongst which there were only 8 repeaters.
In these 8 repeaters, 5 of us were from the same group.

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DAY 2 ( Psychology )

We had to report at 7AM for the psych test, I had made some introspections when I had got conference out from 11SSB Allahabad, one amongst them was handwriting, I had a very bad handwriting, but I improved it by writing when ever I was free, at work and even at home.

*Dear aspirants please make sure that you have a legible handwriting.*

The psychologist’s clock started ticking and our tests stated

TAT: I wrote all 11 stories within the given time and my 12th story was about the ride to a place     called Sakleshpur along with my friends, we rode about 800KM on our Bullets.
*Try making a story with your real life incidents, bring out the qualities in you in the story.*

WAT: I wrote only 58. I had practiced using an application called SSB PSYCH, a few videos on youtube and few articles on SSBCRACK.
*It is always better to practice for WAT before SSB as you will have just 15 sec to think and write a sentence.*
There were words such as Friends, Movie, love and Watch. For all these words i wrote just one sentence ‘ I love watching movies with friends ‘
*Make sure you maintain the consistency, try writing the same sentence for a few words.*

SRT: I wrote only 36 SRTs, write what ever strikes to your mind, and never scratch a single word.
*Always remember that quantity does not matter, its the quality that matters.*

SD: I wrote what i was, be honest when you write you SDs.
*Never fake anything.*

Recommended For The Indian Army NCC Special Entry

DAY 2 ( Interview )

I had to report at 3PM post lunch for the interview.

I walked in confidently, and with a smile on my face, I greeted the IO and he extended his hand and greeted me back. He then asked me to be seated.

He asked me how i was doing and he asked me what my friends call me, he asked if he can call me the same.
He asked me how my psychology test was, told him about it.
He asked me why I did not get recommended last time, I told him that I did not perform well.
He asked me how have I prepared for this SSB, I said I have introspected.
He asked me what I was doing now, I told him that I am a network engineer at IBM.
He asked me about my parents, Told him about my parents and since my father was in the Army, he asked me each and every facet about him, his core, achievements. I told him each and everything.
He asked me where all I had travelled with him during his service, gave him the answer.
He asked me where I belonged in Coorg.

Rapid Fire Questions:
I Have quoted how exactly I tackled these questions below.

IO: How do your parents keep themselves busy?
Who are you close with, Mother or Father?
Who is your best friend, why and what do you hate in him?
How do you manage and spend your salary?
What do you do on your weekends?
Me: My father goes to work and my mother will be busy with the household works, watching TV     serials and meeting her friends. I am close with my father.
IO: why not mother?
Me: Sir  she is a little emotional and I cant tell her everything straight, i will have to tell things differently.
IO: Ok
Me: Told him about my friend and i said There is nothing that i do not like in him sir.
IO: There should be something, tell me.
Me: There is nothing sir.
IO: Are you going to tell me or not. ( with a serious face)
Me: Sir he asks me to quit the job that i am doing rite now and prepare only for the Army as i am crazy about it. But this job is my bread and butter sir I can’t quit.
IO: It is actually a good thing, why do you hate it?
Me: I told you there is nothing that i do not like in him sir.
The IO laughed
Me: About my sal I had saved some money and from that money I got a bullet bike and got a 42″ Sony TV for my house and every month I save 10k and rest I spend for myself.
IO: Which model you got?
Me: Electra 350CC, red color sir.
IO: When did you buy it?
Me: October 1st sir.
IO: Go on.
Me: I wake up and go to gym on Saturday,meet my friends, and if I would have got my salary that week I take my parents out for dinner. I get only 2 days to rest and i wake up late on Sunday and go out meet my friends and I don’t go to the gym sir.
IO: Ok, but why don’t you go to the gym on Sunday?
Me: Gym will be closed on Sunday sir.

IO: Tell me the different cores in the Army,weapons used in infantry and artillery, about the missiles, deference between Ballistic and Cruise missiles.
Gave him the answers.

He asked if the ballistic missiles can be guided,I said I don’t know, he asked me to find out.

He asked me about my scores and he even asked me the reason for scoring such low marks, I told him that I hadn’t put in that much of effort that I had to.

IO: Why dint you try NDA?
Me: My marks were bad and i thought it was not a wise choice, I thought  If i would do engineering I can apply through UES, TGC, CDSE and NCC SPL entry.

IO: Then how did you get an engineering seat with such low marks?
Me: CET sir, I got it through the NCC quota, that was the time i realized ‘ If you want to get something great you should lose something’ here i lost my marks but i got the seat in the collage that i needed.

IO: But even in engineering you have got less marks.
Me: I liked problematic subjects and i used to score well in it, I hated theory and i used to score the least, but i worked hard and I managed getting a distinction in the final semester.

IO: You could have prepared for NDA after joining engineering, why dint you gave it?
Me: Told him the same thing and added that I wanted to do engineering and I wanted to concentrate only on engineering.

IO: Ok, do you know what is super heterodyne receiver?
I said I don’t know, he asked me to find out.

He asked me about the tanks in India, I told him.
He asked me about the indigenously made tank, I said I don’t know, he asked me to find out.

IO: When was the last time your parents scolded you?
Me: When i went for a ride to shakleshpur with my friends and that day was our festival and I could not stay at home because I had promised my friends that i will join them.

The IO asked me every single thing about the ride, how much you rode, which route did you take, were all you stopped, how many of you were there, you all went in which bikes, what places you visited, how many days was the ride and stuff like that.
He knew each and everything about that place and he even asked me if we had visited few places there.

IO: You are a network engineer rite, tell me what is CSR ratio.
I did not know, he asked me to find out.

IO: You are getting paid very well and it is a nice job, why do you want to join the Army?
Me: It is not at all about the money sir, I joined NCC to get to know the Army life, and I want to join the Army because I want to serve my nation.
IO: Even in IBM you are serving your nation, why Army?
Me: I want to serve my nation directly sir, I want to protect and guard  my nation.
IO: Ok Chinna ( With a smile )

IO: Tell me what kind of a person you are and what you want to improve in yourself.
Me: I am a person who is positive and I remain open to all kinds of challenges sir. I have noting to improve but I want to learn swimming.

IO: That is all from my side Chinna, all the best for your SSB you may leave now.
Me: Thank you sir, Good day.

*Never ever lie in the interview and even if you do make sure you do not get caught.
Make sure that you have a valid reason for what ever you say.
Do not contradict yourself.
Be confident always and remember one thing, every answer you give leads you to an other question, Answer wisely.*

I had a nice time with the IO for more than an hour.

Day 3 ( GTO )

GTO is the best part of SSB, we were asked to report at the usual time at around 7AM.
The GTO came in and with a smile he greeted us and explained us about the process.

GD: The topics were given to us and our GD went on very well and my teammates were all gentlemen, when one was speaking rest were listening. Each and everyone gave out at least 3 points. It was a healthy discussion. I was way too happy with the way our team did the GD.

GPE: We wrote the solution, I wrote it in an organized manner. Aim, resources,time, how our team would be split and so on.
Like I said my group had all gentlemen, and we had a healthy discussion.

PGT: We were all repeaters and knew how to tackle the obstacles, but there was a point were we dint know what to do and we got struck. I had an idea, I asked the team if I could give it, I gave an idea which worked and we were done with the PGT.

Snake Race: We took it all easy, we were made to run for warming up, we saw the freshers running like there were dogs chasing them, few tripped and fell. Then the race started, we helped each other, I was motivating the team. We were made to repeat the last obstacle thrice only because we reached first and we were all repeaters, we enjoyed it.

Lecturate: I chose the topic social media, I had chosen the same topic in my previous attempt. But this time I wanted it to be well organized. I started “ Im sure everyone here uses Facebook and yes the topic that i have chosen is social media, I will tell you what is social media, then the advantages , then disadvantages and finally I will conclude” I went on.

Individual obstacle: I did not care about the points, I followed a pattern, in a circular manner. I did all the 10 and repeated 2, which became 12 in total.

Day 4 ( GTO)

We were all chilled out as we had just 2 tests left in GTO, we all reported at around 7.30AM.

Command task: Two of them had called me as their subordinate, and finally i was called. I was called last, I had an informal conversation with the GTO and the task given to me was quit simple but tricky, I had set my mind that no matter what I will not lose my cool, I will remain calm and composed.
My task started I called my subordinates chest no 1 Dheeraj and chest no 6 Akhil.
I crossed the first obstacle and i had to bring out the last man out and I was stuck there as there were two ways to get through it.
GTO: Gentleman do you want to go back and come the other way?
Me: No sir I will move from here only, I will get chest no 1 here, I just need some time.
GTO: But you hardly have an other 5min, how will you?
Me: No problem sir, I will get him.
I was sure that the GTO was trying to put me in pressure as I still had more than 10min left, I had set my mind that no matter what i should not show the tension on my face.
GTO: You just have 2 min gentlemen, Do you want to ask your subordinates for the idea?
Me: No problem sir, I will handle it.
I looked at the finish line and there was a resource that i could use, I got him.
We sailed to the finish line with no flaws.
GTO: Good, you may go now.
Me: Thank you sir.

*First thing that you need to keep in mind is never loose your cool, stay calm and even though if you are tensed do not show it on ur face. Look confident.
Motivate and appreciate your teammates.
Be a good listener during the discussions and make sure you stand by what you say. Try supporting an other person’s view.
Follow a circular pattern in the individual obstacle task.*

Our GTO addressed us and each and every thing that he spoke was motivating, he was an amazing officer, one thing that I still remember what he said “ Do not worry if you don’t make it this time, there is always an other chance. Just make sure that you learn from your mistakes, introspect and get to know who you are. You have done everything that you could, now leave everything to God”

GTO was done and the whole SSB was done. I and my friends went out and we enjoyed having some good food.

Day 5 ( Conference )

I woke up early and took out my best clothes, knotted my tie, I was all set and I wore my chest no. We were asked to keep our bags outside and report by8AM. We were all seated and a Colonel ranked officer came for the closing address, I got goosebumps looking at him in the olive green with those brass shining. He literally motivated us and inspired us.

The conference started, they started calling from chest no 18. Chest no 34 went in and he came out, they immediately called out chest no 1. I could literally feel my heart beat.
Chest no 4 waited for 15 min and he was called, his conference took little long and he left.
I was starring at the wall and all of a sudden the buzzer rang, I jolted it was my turn now.

I walked in confidently though I was nervous, I gave a smile and wished the Deputy president of the board, he asked me sit down. All i could see was olive green everywhere, My IO was the Deputy president, he started talking to me.

Dy president: How are you doing Chinna?
Me: I am doing good sir.

Dy president: How is your bike?
Me: I don’t know sir, but I am missing him.

Dy president: So when have you planned to ride it?
Me: Only after 5 days sir.

Dy president: So you will enjoy riding in the rain, How was your stay?
Me: Good sir.

Dy president: How was the food?
Me: It was amazing sir.

Dy president: What about the bed bugs?
Me: They were there sir,but only on the first day.

Dy president: How did you manage with the bed bugs then?
Me: I made friends with them sir.

Everyone in the conference hall started laughing 😀

Dy president: Thats all from my side Chinna, do you have any suggestions for us?
Me: No sir.

Dy president: You may leave now and all the best for your results.
Me: Thank you sir, Good day.

Done……My conference was done. I never expected that it would get over so soon, I was inside  only for about 3min.

We were asked to report at 2PM post lunch for the results.


We were waiting for the results and Sabki Phatti Padi thi.
The Technical officer who was a Lieutenant Colonel came with the results and he said “ we have three people who have made it” I was expecting more.
He asked who is confident that they have made it, everyone raised their hand and so did I.
He said “ let me break the ice now, I will call out the numbers in random, the first one to get recommended is chest no 10”  one down, two more to go. It was Akarsh, he became my best buddy after this.
“ the next one is chest no 6” I was happy for him, he deserved it and he was already recommended for Air force Pilot and my best buddy. There was just one more left, for a second I lost all hopes. The TO asked “ who thinks that he is the last one” Most of them lifted their hand, I did not even look at him.
TO: “ the last one to get recommended is chest no 5”

Did I hear it rite, it was me, I became numb, I was speechless, I could not control  my emotions and tears of joy started rolling down. I can never forget that moment in my entire life. December 2nd 2015 changed my life.
I had always dreamt of this moment.

It took me two years and two attempts to get what I wanted, I just got the merit list on 19th Feb and will be joining the OTA in the month of April.


For best SSB Interview Preparation, get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” from Amazon.

My dear friends I know how passionate you all are about your dreams. Do not worry if you have failed, there is always an other chance, just make sure that you work hard and introspect, and never loose the zeal. Never give up on your dreams.You will live your dream for sure. All the very best my future officers.
I would like to thank SSBCRACK for coming up with amazing articles which has motivated many and it has become an eye opener to many, keep doing the good job that you guys are doing.

Thanks and regards,



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