CDS 1 2017 Answer Keys | CDS 1 Answer Keys 2017 [All Sets] -Updated
CDS 2 2016 Answer Keys All Sets [ Kalshi]
- CDS 2 2016 Set A All Keys – Updated
- CDS 2 2016 Set B All Keys – Updated
- CDS 2 2016 Set C All Keys – Updated
- CDS 2 2016 Set D All Keys – Updated
CDS 2 2016 Answer Key [ by Baalnoi]
- CDS 2 2016 Maths Answer Keys
- CDS 2 2016 English Answer Keys
- CDS 2 2016 GK Answer Keys
Written exam of CDS-1-2016 was conducted by UPSC on 14th Feb 2016. Candidates who gave written CDSE 1 2016 must be waiting for CDS 1 2016 answer keys and cut off marks. Through CDS 1 2016 candidates will join the course commencing in July 2017 for admission to the Army, Air Force wings and Navy. Courses like IMA 142th Course, SSC 105th, 17th OTA,201th Flying Course and Naval Academy. Candidates looking for CDS 1 2016 Key and cut off marks, Paper solution sheet, CDS key 2016, CDS 1 2016 Cut Off Marks / answer sheet of CDS-1 2016 can check it on SSBCrack. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their CDS written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d.
CDSE 1 2016 includes three different papers i.e English, Maths and General Knowledge for IMA, AFA and NA. For OTA candidates, there were only two papers i.e. English and General Knowledge. CDSE is conducted by UPSC twice every year. When comparing CDS 1 2016 from last CDS 2 2015, it was comparatively easy.
CDS 1 2016 Cutoff Marks CDS 1 Answer Key 2016 Paper 1st, 2nd and 3rd Solution
- English: This time English was little different with less questions from synonyms and antonyms. Though English papers was the easiest of all and aspirants could have scored more marks in English papers. Comprehension passage, sentence formation, vocabulary etc were easy this time. Overall, English paper was little difficult this time and we wish candidates will score well in it.
- GK: General Knowledge was tough as usual and not many candidates will score more marks in this paper. Though few questions from current affairs were easy and scoring. Overall GK question paper was not easy.
- Maths: Maths question paper with lengthy questions, but one could have scored maximum marks from it. Questions were easy and mix of different topics. Again a good chances for scoring high marks for the candidates applying for AFA and IMA.
CDS 1 2016 Answer Keys All Sets [ Khalsi Classes]
CDS 1 2016 Answer Key [ by NCA]
CDS 1 2016 Mathematics Answer Keys – Set A
Sr. No. | Answer | Sr. No. | Answer | Sr. No. | Answer | Sr. No. | Answer |
1. | A | 26. | B | 51. | B | 76. | C |
2. | D | 27. | A | 52. | C | 77. | C |
3. | C | 28. | D | 53. | B | 78. | A |
4. | C | 29. | D | 54. | B | 79. | A |
5. | D | 30. | B | 55. | C | 80. | D |
6. | A | 31. | C | 56. | B | 81. | A |
7. | B | 32. | B | 57. | C | 82. | B |
8. | B | 33. | D | 58. | D | 83. | C |
9. | C | 34. | B | 59. | A | 84. | B |
10. | B | 35. | D | 60. | C | 85. | D |
11. | A | 36. | D | 61. | C | 86. | C |
12. | B | 37. | D | 62. | D | 87. | B |
13. | A | 38. | C | 63. | C | 88. | C |
14. | A | 39. | D | 64. | B | 89. | D |
15. | A | 40. | C | 65. | C | 90. | A |
16. | A | 41. | D | 66. | B | 91. | B |
17. | C | 42. | B | 67. | D | 92. | A |
18. | A | 43. | A | 68. | C | 93. | B |
19. | A | 44. | A | 69. | C | 94. | C |
20. | D | 45. | C | 70. | A | 95. | D |
21. | C | 46. | A | 71. | D | 96. | B |
22. | C | 47. | A | 72. | C | 97. | C |
23. | C | 48. | C | 73. | B | 98. | C |
24. | C | 49. | C | 74. | B | 99. | D |
25. | C | 50. | C | 75. | B | 100. | C |
So how was your CDSE 1 2016 written experience? Aspirants, post your review and expected marks in the comment section below. Also, few good warriors are requested to send their scanned questions papers at [email protected]