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PsychologySelf Description8 Tips To Write A Better Self Description

8 Tips To Write A Better Self Description

Hello, Warriors! Self Description Test is conducted on day 2 and Stage II of the selection procedure. It is one among the four psychological tests among TAT, WAT and SRT. Candidate is asked to write five separate paragraphs on each context above the opinion of his parents/guardian, friends, teachers/superiors.

Some of the sample questions in Self Description Test include:

  • What your parents think of you?
  • What your friends think of you?
  • What your teachers think of you?
  • What do you think of yourself?
  • What sort of person you want to become in life?

In Self Description Test, candidates are given 15 minutes time and are asked to write 5 different paragraphs regarding the above-said points. Candidates may take it easy and write everything  that comes to mind, but it should be kept in mind that it is an opportunity to project yourself  and qualities. Points should be honest.


Here are some tips to help cracking the Self-Description Test:

  1. Be Attentive to what assessor instructs.
  1. Emphasis should be laid on points that reveal your OLQs.
  1. Don’t back off to write points that criticize yourself. This will indicate that you have a better knowledge of yourself.
  1. Be alert about your self description and write everything being attentive.ssb self description
  1. Maintain good handwriting and wind up everything in time.
  1. Do not write memorized self-description from anywhere. Be yourself and be spontaneous.
  1. Do not write strong negative thoughts about yourself – Maintain limits to whatever you write. Too much exaggeration should also be avoided.
  1. Be honest, real and spontaneous about yourself and do not bluff about any of your qualities.

Finally, believe in yourself and have a positive mindset. Good luck!


SSBCrackExams is a comprehensive online platform dedicated to assisting candidates in preparing for the Services Selection Board (SSB) interviews and various other defense-related examinations in India.

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