
7 Tips To Perform Better In WAT

By Ravinder Tanwar

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word association test tips

Psychology is the technique to read the mind by accessing your thoughts without asking you. This technique is called “MANSA” which means what is in your mind. Now we have 4 techniques in this section which are TAT, WAT, SRT and self-description. Here we will make a short summary of tips and tricks to make the WAT simple and easily coverable. WAT is always seen as a most confusing test due to less time to write your responses. The time is given less to reduce the time of thinking and making a candidate to write what is in his mind. The techniques have several aspects and rules to follow. But we are here with some tips and tricks which can improve your performance, keeping your performance and level maintained.


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  1. Short Response – WAT is a race against time that actually need to manage the responses in a better and planned way. The response you write must be short and meaningful. Writing a full length sentence wastes time and also disturbs the timing. Short response here indicates that you have to use the word in a meaning-full way rather than any irrelevant one.
  2. Readable Language – Your language must be readable. Make it a bit clear and avoid design penetration while writing. Many candidates have a problem of bad handwriting which is hard to recognize the words. It needs a bit practice. Firstly, practice overruled pages and then try to get the speed over plain pages to get perfect writing skills.
  3. Concentrate on Sequence – This is a common experience that most of the experienced aspirants have got. 15 seconds for reading a word, gathering idea and writing it over sheet is a tough task and skipping or incompletion of sentences is a common thing. The basic way to tackle or overcome this problem is to focus on the beep that rings after change of every word. And if you skip any word, then memorize it and write its response by adjusting your time. In case you lose your sequence, then correct it where ever you recognize your sequence.
  4. OLQ is the Soul of the Sentence – The best way to write A SUITABLE sentence is to keep the OLQs in mind and every sentence must have the shadow of any OLQ rather than a bookish phrase. As told earlier, psychology is not an English test or grammar vocabulary test. It is the test of your mind. Focus on the sentence rather than grammar and vocabulary.word association test tips
  5. Clever Steps – Attempt some WATs that were skipped by you at the time given for Turing and adjusting the page. Turing the page don’t it much time. So use that time to complete or write any response. But try to execute this cleverly and in a non-expressive manner.
  6. Avoid Cuttings – Cutting in psychology is a drawback. Cuttings show your conflicting moods. Now the question is what if you wrote something wrong or want to write something more impressive or improve something. Keep your mind calm and focused and stop improving your sentences grammatically and consume your time fully to write the response. If you want to overwrite then try to make it neat and clean.
  7. Being Positive is all they want – SSB crew wants a mind that always delivers positive response in all situations. Construct your mind in such a way that even negative words will also leave from your mind in a positive way. To practice this, go through a batch of some WAT having negative words like death, accident, disease etc.

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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