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Indian Army12 Signs That You Grew Up In A Military Background

12 Signs That You Grew Up In A Military Background

Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which a complete stranger or a friend of a friend has asked if you belonged to a military background?  If yes, then there must be something about you and your personality that made them say so. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out if a person is a military brat or not! The personality, the aura, the behaviours and mannerisms speak for themselves.

Every military kid has some qualities and peculiar behaviour habits that make them stand apart from the crowd.
Following are some of the signs that make it easy to say that one is a military brat! :

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  1. Immense respect for men in uniform. Every military kid has an ever growing respect for men in uniforms. Be it their father or any other Armed Forces personnel, the military families strongly encouraged their children to have respect for them particularly because they can relate to them rather than relating their personal experiences to civilians.
  2. You stand up for national anthem in movie halls. You respect your country’s national anthem and you are proud to show it! You stand up and pay your respects to the national anthem when they play it at the movies and you most probably might find yourself in an awkward situation for being the only one to stand.
  3. You are punctual. Growing up in a military family teaches you many lessons for life, one of them is punctuality. You are likely to arrive 10 minutes early at an event but never 10 minutes late.
  4. You call others (of your age group or younger) by their last name. This is something that you’ve picked up from your father as the soldiers generally call their mates by each other’s last names, a practice which starts from their training. Calling elders as ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’ is another natural mannerism of military kids.
  5. You are a perfectionist, especially about your appearance. You dress for the occasion. Never underdressed or overdressed. Self -appearance shows self- disciple which is a major quality of the Armed Forces personnel so their children too imbibe this quality and always look their best.12 Signs That You Grew Up In A Military Background
  6. You have a lot of stories to tell! With every station your parents are posted to, comes a new story. You hear about the valour of heroic soldiers and you share their stories with your friends and family which shows us how far the soldiers are willing to go to protect their nation.
  7. The dependant card! Along with a school ID card and other ‘normal’ identification cards, you also possess a military dependant card of which we are really proud! I bet, you must have flashed it around in front of your civilian friends’ faces at least once!
  8. Your kitchen is always stacked with rations! Jams, Corn flakes, Custards, Bournvita, Cheese, Breads, Vegetables and Fruits, you name it and we have it! All of these were a vital part of your tiffin during school days!
  9. You easily get along with others, especially with other military brats. Life in the military makes an individual very social and confident and this shows in your personality. You can easily make friends with others and you click instantly with another military kid.
  10. You value diversity. With the Armed Forces being so diverse in nature, it’s no surprise that you have come to value it. The very essence of our country is diversity and you embrace it. You value and respect people from different cultures and ethnicities.
  11. It takes a while for you to answer the ‘where are you from’ question. This is a tricky question for us military brats. It takes us a while to figure out what exactly to say. For the military brats home is more of a feeling than a place.
  12. You are highly responsible. Every military family is highly organized when it comes to doing the daily home chores and tasks. I’m sure you must have been assigned tasks in your childhood that you HAD to do. Not only this, your upbringing has cultivated a sense of social responsibility too in you. You take initiative and show concern for the society as well.

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Simran Singh
Simran Singh
I've spent most of my life in Delhi though I belong to Punjab. Currently, I'm pursuing my Masters in Organisational Behaviour (Psychology). I'm an army brat and aspire to be an Army Officer myself.

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