Air force aspirants are eagerly waiting for AFCAT exam to move up to their aim and reach the skies. Well, the first step of this journey is to clear the exam with good marks. Most of the people find the exam simple as its pattern is much simple as compared to NDA and CDS. But even small battles can devastate if did not fought with strategy. AFCAT exam’s cut-off for written exam lies between 120-140 marks (as per previous year data analysis). And the question paper is simple enough to attempt about 150 questions, which will easily cross the cut-off marks. For those who are newbie in this field or those who are working hard to crack this exam need to go to the root of the exam and remedies for them. To get over the upcoming examination of AFCAT, candidates are advised to go through following tips for sure shot selection in AFCAT exams.
Swift Calculation in Maths – Calculative section of AFCAT is not too hard. You need time management and hold over formulas and short tricks. The level of maths that you will face in AFCAT is up to 10th class. For that, you need to get thought some basic and obvious question types. Like simple and compound interest, allegations, age problems, rations etc. Maths is all about speed and accuracy. Short tricks are the best way to attempt maths.
G.K. and Current Affairs – AFCAT’s GK questions are far different than other defence exams like CDS and NDA. The questions asked are direct and with one-word answer. So, whatever you read in GK and current affair. You need not to go so deep. The current affairs asked is mostly from last 4-5 months topics ranging from national, international, sports, etc. SSBcrack has released e-books for current affairs which will help AFCAT aspirants to clear exam. Keep in touch with SSBcrack to get more e-books for upcoming months.
Shop Now: Buy Current Affair Booklet
Hold on English – English section is not so hard. What most of the candidates face is the problem regarding antonyms and synonyms. What all you need is to go through the newspaper. Newspaper is the best dose to improve your vocabulary and also makes to identify correct use of words which will help in editing and omission. While practicing English from previous years question papers of AFCAT or NDA and CDS can help aspirants to crack English section.
Basic in Reasoning- When it comes to reasoning, you need to have open minds as solving reasoning is all about observation. Verbal reasoning is based on English knowledge while nonverbal questions are based on observations only. It is the simplest part of exam which can easily be attempted with a little preparation.
Don’t stuck on Questions – The questions are firstly asked without any confusion. Sometimes candidates find questions confused. Don’t struck on any question. Go to next question and try to go through all questions. As the time for it is sufficient for attempting the exam. So, go ahead without bothering about the questions that creates problem or takes time. As it has the negative marking of 1/3, candidates are advised to not to tick wrong answers.
How To Prepare for EKT Exam: Candidate who are applying for IAF flying branch should prepare for EKT exam, if you fail in EKT exam you won’t be eligible for IAF technical branch. Download the following ebooks.
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Also Read:
- AFCAT Exam Pattern
- Most Common AFCAT Exam Mistakes to Avoid
- Clearing Confusion Related to AFCAT Exam