
13 Ways To Join Army Airforce Navy After 10+2

By Ravinder Tanwar

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13 Ways To Join Army Airforce Navy After 10+2

Army navy and air force, the forces that share the burden of national security are the backbone of India. With an increase in range, diversity and strength of Indian armed forces, the need of soldiers and officers to operate then has been increased. So, these armed forces have provided entries to select suitable officers and induct them on the basis of their qualification.

So here is a summary of all the opportunities, a defence aspirant gets to join army, navy and air force after 10+2 and graduation

NDA (National Defence Academy) – NDA, an opportunity for young aspirants to joining Indian armed force. Well, it seems to be the golden chance for the defence aspirants. The age limit for this entry is 16 ½ -19 years. As per the mentioned criteria, minimum qualification is 10+2 and for army and air force you need to have physics and maths in 10+2.

TES (Technical Entry Scheme) – This entry is also an opportunity for 12th pass outs but has some more conditions. The age limit is 16 ½ – 19 ½  years and candidates having minimum 70 % aggregate marks  in physics, chemistry and maths are eligible for it. Initial selection is based on the aggregate percentage in PCM and further shortlisted students are called for interview at SSB.

CDS (Combined Defence Service) – CDS is the entry that is provided by army and conducted by UPSC for the selection of officers after graduation. This opportunity provides way to join air force academy, naval academy, Indian military academy and officers training academy. Candidates in final year or who have completed graduation are eligible to apply for IMA and OTA. Candidates are advised to go through the qualification criteria before applying for air force and navy.

AFCAT (Airforce Common Admission Test) – Air force aspirants have got the golden opportunity after graduation as AFCAT. It has vacancies for various posts like GDOC, tech entry, pilot entry. Most of the entries require candidate, having maths and physics as their subjects in 10+2. And Tech entry is mainly for engineering degree holders.

UES (University Entry Scheme) – Indian army and navy provides vacancies to the engineering students of final and pre-final year. The selection is done by the crew of respective force on the selected campus and selected candidates are later provided dates for their interview in SSB.

TGC (Technical Graduate Course) –A course for engineering students in final year or pass out falling in the age range of 20-27 years. The entry is especially for the Indian army aspirants. The selection procedure of this entry is based over the percentage of the candidate in engineering degree. A cut-off is marked and candidates having percentage over it are shortlisted for further interviews.

SSC Tech Entry – This entry is for both men and women and is limited to the engineering students. The training of this entry takes place at OTA Chennai. The procedure of initial selection of candidates is done over the percentage made in engineering (same as TGC entry). Age range for this entry is 20-27.

SSC NAVY (Pilot/Observer) – Indian Navy releases some entries for Pilot and observer. The age limit required for applying for this post is 19-24 years and CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) holders can apply till 25 years. B.Tech candidates with more the 60% aggregate are eligible for it. Eligible candidates have to submit their applications and candidates having marks above the marked cut-off decided by selection panel will be called for SSB interview.

Territorial Army – Territorial Army is the opportunity for those who are working and want to join Indian Army. The officers of TA will have to serve for a given time in Army and it can be extended depending on situations. A candidate must have a degree form recognized university and fall between the age range of 18-42 years having any government or private employment. The forms are applied in offline mode.

JAG (Judge Advocate General Department) – JAG, the entry which is open for both unmarried men and women has an age range of 21-27. LLB degree holders with minimum percentage of 55 % are eligible for this entry. The training to the candidates who finally makes it merit lit is conducted in OTA Chennai.


AEC Education Officer Entry – This entry invites candidates for education officer’s post in Army Education Corps. As per the eligibility criteria, the age of candidate must fall between 23-27 years and one must have post graduate degree in some selected streams and the training takes place at IMA Dehradun.

NCC Entry – This entry is especially for NCC cadets to get into army navy or air force. Age range for army is 19-25 years, for air force it is 19-23 and for navy it is 19-22. NCC entry required a Certificate in the force you are applying for. For army you need minimum B grade in C certificate with minimum 50% marks in graduation. In air force candidates need must have physic and maths in 10+2 or BE along with NCC Air wing’s C certificate. For navy, candidate must have NCC “C” certificate with BSc (maths and physics) or BE.13 Ways To Join Army Airforce Navy After 10+2

Women Special Entry Scheme – This entry is especially for women aging between 19-27 years having qualification as graduate, post-graduation, LLB or engineering graduate. Selection is done over the cut-off and direct shortlisting is done.

Also Read (Especially for SSB Preparation):


Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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